Friday 15 July 2016

Not dead update: New avatar edizzione

  So I was killing time on the internet as expected and thought to myself: "Been a while since I last wrote something on my blog. Maybe it's about time I make a new post.". But, me being me, I put this off for a considerable amount of time as I surfed my routine sites until I stumbled upon this golden metameme:

  Normally the average person would go "what?" at this image, but anybody that bothered giving this blog a look of the corner of the eye will see that I'm not a normal person. So what do I think?

 "Hmm, could make a meme I how I spend unhealthy spans of time on Runescape ironically - I'd ironically say I'm ironically playing Runescape too much; Layers of irony, ha ha."

 So I check Know Your Meme (Don't judge bls) to see the original, to find out that this is it. Not seeing in this the most tasteful thing to post on my blog in case an old granny stumbles on it and wonders what in goodness gracious' name is going on, but it's here for retelling reasons.

 I see that they have a section on "Exploitables" (Image memes with a blank space in them which the user can put his own input into*) and check to see what other memes there's in stock for me. And, why me, I find this nostalgic meme that was already dying in the year I started browsing 4Wingzhou (2014):

You're supposed to edit it yourself, remember?

 Redditors and 9gaggers are probably consuming its carcass as I type. But regardless,

 This seemed to be it - A meme that I could easily try to edit seeing that you only need to copy it in MSpaint and get drawing. As I couldn't make a meme about ironically killing myself with a video game however, I decided I'd just make a new avatar for my blog account based on my RS character.

 But there were some hindrances and difficulties in the process. 

I ended up having to remove the right eye because I couldn't for the love of me look aesthetic with a beak near it. Also ended up having to crop the arms and move them apart for the thicker look.

 Here is my in-game model for reference:

Kittus for scale
 After finishing this, I realized two things: I bought a model where the male's sides are exposed (no homo) which should serve as a lesson to pay more attention to things in the future.

 And, the second being...

I'm now a furry artist.

Oh, hey, it's this video again. Gets me nostalgic, innit.

 For anybody that is reading this post and that's never been on my blog before it, here was my original avatar:

Worry not, comfyknight will return when summer ends and deppression returns. For the time being we'll give him a break.

 I guess this was it for now.

 * - Must make sure the granny understands everything that I'm talking about here.

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