Thursday 28 July 2016

On my "effort" to lose weight + Future blog posts

 Well, so far my plan was to eat under 2000 calories a day as various websites that calculate one's recommended caloric intake said when inserting my weight and height*. Usually when I feel hungry** I try to take a glass of water to wash the feeling away; This will be relevant shortly on.

 Except that about two days ago I played myself like a damn fiddle. My mom, whom, while being a good gynecologist, is a horrible nutritionist and even went as far to say I'm skinny (Hint: I'm not). Her buying me not exactly the most calorie-free foods and pressure to eat what I'm given lest I get scolded probably played a part in me gaining weight in the first place.

 One day, afraid that maybe I'm exceeding my daily two liters, I ask her if it's possible to "drink too much water". To brief what she said as long as I don't go over 6L I should be fine (But I still gravitate around the 2L mark).

 Then she asked me why I asked this. Being retarded at that particular point in time, instead of coming up with a lie I reveal my masterplan to her.

  She got angry at me but soon left to deal with more urgent matters. I guess she got over what happened and I could resume my trials in peace - With the occasional lie that I've eaten more than I did here and there.

 She's threatened that if I lose even more weight she'll take my computer away - But I'm confident now that she knows I intend to lose weight she'll think I'm skinnier even when I'm not and she has some degree of eyesight problems that wouldn't help her discern what my size would be compared to what it was. Whether she'll take my memes and Runescape away remains to be seen.

 Moving over to other stuff, I've had some blog posts in mind that would help with the content drought that's come with summer. I already have in mind a post on what games I'm thinking about picking up this remaining half of summer, a post on the Trumperor's policies and why I support*** him as a presidential candidate, another on what I'm worried about with my mental health, and an even bigger project:

 Recently I got the idea that I still want to practice my English but I'm too lazy to write something original. So instead I might just prop up a blog where I translate Romanian works (Specifically fairy tales) into English. In a way that would actually be more productive than simple fiction writing because it would help the research of any English-speaking person that somehow has drawn an interest in the Carpathian cavemen's myths. Expect to see it created today or a few days from now on.

 Guess that's it for now.

 * - Well, my weight and height since I was 13 (183cm and 92 kilos respectively). I've not had the chance to measure or weigh myself since. I assume I've gotten taller and not that much heavier, so I can still go by the recommendations I've been given.
 ** - It's more of a carving, that could be related to my possible depression. Consultations with the school psychologist were inconclusive.
 *** - I think at this point it's more sympathizing with than supporting him. He's done an amount of gaffes that got me off the Trump Train for a while.

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