Saturday 10 December 2016

T3h Titel

 I've really been neglecting my responsibilities. And liabilities. (See: This blog.)

 Much has gone down since my last post. Firstly, now I'm also in trouble with my grades at Physics, not just Psychology, because we were handed a paper which was meant to be graded and I was only expressly informed about this twenty minutes into the class. This was the seventh hour into the day and I really didn't feel like doing anything, let alone try to decipher the squibbles in my notebook to complete the blanks on that paper. So at best I'm getting a 2/10 to go with the 5/10 I think I have noted down on me. Good news is that we are supposed to recieve a third grade for a presentation concerning a national inventory and teachers tend to be generous with grading projects. Or at the very least I can make a project that will be graded generously.

 Other priorities was reading two books for the next week, one in Romanian and the other was my elective choice of King Lear. I made that choice not recalling that Shakespeare lived in the era where brits were a bunch of troglodytes (Starting to become a power broker grace of some talented leaders) with a language to match. I can't go half a page without seeing some word I don't understand and I'm already insecure enough about my English*. I can still go ahead and read it but it will prove a difficult task. Having to kill 400 blue dragons a day in Runescape for the bones doesn't help either, but the seasonal bonus experience won't be invested into Prayer by itself.

 I'd have liked to read those school-appointed books and commence work on that project this half of the weekend but I resigned to just killing blue dragons while listening to a reading of Sonichu and Sonic High School and browsing some sites periodically. I've finished the first series and am half into the latter so here's hoping.

 About my English, yesterday I'd participated in the first stage of the yearly Olympiad. Only the writing segment proved to be somewhat of a difficulty but I managed it. I have no knowledge of writing a formal letter beyond "be polite and use pretentious language". The second is default for me and this blog demonstrates that. This is a good transition into the next subject because months ago I joked that this assesment would be scheduled in time for Trump to bless me with High Energy from the White House.

 Well, not doubts in regards to the blessing so far. I've avoided talking politics on here for some time because I've had it with saying objectively incorrect nonsense or go on tirades about subhumans or fascism which I'm going to regret as I grow up. But here goes nothing. Proof of corruption is surfacing. There were hints this would've been the case, but I was optimistic on this account and even then he still should prove to be a better pick than Hillary would've. 

 Perhaps it was the idea of Donald that should've lived on, not his campaign. The memes will get sourer with the knowledge that Trump has not lived up to the hype, IF he doesn't.

  Last time I checked he was losing the popular vote by two million. At this point he's probably losing by four. If the rate remains constant he'll be losing by 384 million votes when I turn 23. This means a very discontented left that is skittish to smash the skull of any person that voices the slightest sympathy to authority against the asphalt. I cautiously have a tab of "Why Socialism?" by Einstein open and might start a folder of zesty memes to identify myself when the revolution comes because my skin really means more to me than my principles.

 Oh also I have two finals next week. Whoops.

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