Thursday 15 December 2016


 Chiefly, neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays me from grinding that mfing
πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― prayer πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ this holiday season.

  Levelling that ranged is a plus. I'll get to 80 in no time, then try to get my defence to that same level which should allow me to grind the God Wars Dungeon efficiently and finally conclude my Quest for the Set after... half a year (pause included).

  Two days my mom aggressively insisted that I stop staying on the computer and study for my Geography final, until the situation descended into shouting (She kept tirading, I loudly inform her that I've just lifted my books to study, she commands me not to yell at her). To her credit I did actually sit down and study for it when otherwise I probably wouldn't have, but it only resulted in a 8,35/10 on the final because I overlooked one (1) country I thought I'd written the name of down on my paper (It was Portugal, not even that obscure) and I was much too vague in completing another question. Nevertheless I managed to sneak on the computer while both parents were downstairs and sacrificed my daily quota of bones in a 30-minute window of time.

 Yesterday I was "invited" to one of my classmate's place to cook something with them for a school-organized Christmas marketplace and I planned on just making a run to the bus stop before they could catch me to grind my daily XP but with some aid from my weaboo friend I just lied I had important affairs to deal with and left them to their business. Not that I had ingredients or cooking expertise.

 Today I persistently asked my English teacher what my Olympiad results were until she disclosed them and I managed to advance with the bare minimum of an 8/10. Caused by some negligent mistakes on the first few test items and me absolutely butchering the application letter. My suspicions that there probably was more to writing an informal letter than "Being fawning and flatulent" were correct. I was excessively fawning according to the teacher that had corrected my test (She substituted our main teacher because the original was busy with overseeing the market), while my main teacher (she was able to host our second class, which was more laid-back) warned me that it was outright demanding at points. Reality check: I've no clue to communicate.

 Normally I don't care about grades, but this is the English Olympiad and my only chance at proving myself in the only thing I'm talented at. Getting an 8/10 set off a mood swing, and, among other thoughts, I was dead set on slitting my wrists once I got home. That determination fizzled out after I waited twenty minutes for a bus or taxi to appear in the area close to my school and slipping on sleet on the way home from the bus station.

 Concerning self harm, I decided it'd be a pretty funny prank if I decided to ask a select few teachers (those teaching classes I managed to somewhat distinguish myself at) if they'd miss me if I killed myself, the last class before the holiday repsectively.

Just the regular tricks the well-adjusted teenager comes up with, innit?

  I'm still going to do it, and I'm grateful for not slitting my wrists because timing self-harm with that question will scare - not startle - them.

 I'm really doing my best to set off alarms intetionally or not because when I was handed a list which demanded among other things my religious denomination (so that I would be exempt from confessing at an Orthodox church during an upcoming semi-holiday) I wrote in "Acolyte of Kek".

 Well, no point in calling yourself a Christian if you're going to be a part-time believer or flout the faith's precepts alltogether. It's one of those jobs that can't be haphazard.

 My closing note will be that I've finally set on writing a story which I hope to finish at least two chapters of. It's a... Runescape fanfic. But it's showing promise, partly because unlike this blog where I'm typing as pretentiously as possible because I want to cling onto this vocabulary like dear life, my prose is much more relaxed and accesible.

 Basic principles I follow are:

 1) Use as few adverbs as possible (Ty Steven King I'll commune with Kek and pray he lets your criticism of Trump fly)
 2) (Disregarded this blog) Always avoid neologisms unless there is no germanic/very vaguely french/english-ish alternative or are present in the common vernacular of the English-speaking population.
 3) Repetition is haram

 It's really been shaping up nicely so far and my only difficulty should be actually writing it as in, typing it, not concieving the prose itself.

Symptoms for Histrionic personality disorder. Yellow highlights I could possibly suffer from, green highlights are confident symptoms. Unlike with autism or psychosis I think I got the issue right this time.

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