Saturday 31 December 2016

 I took my time with making another post.

 I'm going to make another one tomorrow (Today? Definitely only after I make this post and go to sleep) relating how my epic suicide prank spiralled out of control when coupled with my apparent mood disorder and got me in trouble with mother yesterday. But that's besides the point.

 It's 2017 now. To kick off a good year I decided to make a post on my favorite Baltic tailoring chatroom and see if I got some dubs - I landed some quads. For lack of augury I'll let my intuition interpret that as a good sign of what's to come.

 2016 was alright. A lot of celebrities, a better part of whose names didn't ring a bell to me, died, and people mourned them, which is fine, though old people do tend to die and there's little point to making that much of a tragedy out of the year.

 Or in making a tragedy out of it in regard to celebrities, because people had a tad to lament when it came to politics*.

 Drumpf's win being hot on the heels of last but not least, the success of the Brexit referendum.

 Which in turn may or may have not influenced the results of the parliamentary elections in this country, with the main conservative-socialist party and a smaller but similar party having a comfortable majority in the house of commons. Which, if anything, should mean a more authoritarian government to enforce order and more social programs that will be beneficial to me once I exile myself from the parent's basement.

 I've not been to quick to cheer this result because there is some significant corruption in this presiding party. With shifting political climates there might be a solution in end to this, but that's not a given. If things continue as they have I'll be content.

 For the holidays I've imposed myself a routine of listening to at least one youtube-compilation episode of the History of Rome podcast a day and five episodes of an anime of my choice to give some structure for my life at least now. I've succesfully listened the former up until the emperor Antoninus but have flouted the latter twice so far. I thought about giving reading a chance again yesterday (And I've still not finished the entry for Socrates in that encyclopedia), subsequently having my mother offer me another moderate sum of 100 slavbux to buy myself some books in English, even though I already recieved 400 to buy myself video games this Steam sale. Gotta ride the privilege wave while it lasts.

 I eventually bought a compendium of works called "The Dragon Griaule" and Brendan Sanderson's "Elantris". /sffg/ insists that Brendan, the legendary amish of contemporary genre fiction, writes anime in prosaic form, so I'm really excited to get into Cosmere: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Book first and follow it up with the compendium.

 That's all for this post.

 The disquieting news comes next time.


 * - I keep telling myself to stop talking about politics because I'm becoming literally insane and nothing good can come out of this soapboxing, but here we are.

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