Wednesday 23 March 2016


 As promised yesterday, an account of it is due, events of which I'll separate for convenience.

 The Good:

 I was still feeling pretty great about myself, good Olympiad results and all. The best thing to happen that day, though, was that I finally managed to get in touch with the school's psychologist.
 She doesn't think I act like someone with Asperger's or early schizophrenia* , so that's good.

 Oh yeah she also said I talk like a really smart person btw (totally not bragging tho tbqh fampai)

 The Bad:

  In this country - or city, as far as I know - there's this "service kid" tradition in schools; Based on their school catalogue** number, a new kid is cycled through every day and s/he is supposed to fulfill certain responsibilites, one of which is taking out the trash (In my school it's 2 kids/day, but that's irrelevant). For multiple days in a row the trash did not get taken out in my class, and since our form teacher was already pretty fed up with us, she lowered the "conduct grade***" of everybody by half a point.
 Now, what is really ****ty about this is that A - I'm no longer eligible for a free bus subscription, B - I can no longer get a scholarship and, by far the ****tiest of them all, I can't sign up to a law school anymore - Becoming a lawyer wasn't my primary focus, but it's good to keep your options open. No, the teacher's not willing to negotiate unless I (or anybody else, for the matter) get good grades, which won't happen anytime soon, so that's out of the window.
 I've not even told my parents about this and am unsure how they'll react, but I won't risk it****.

 This might signal mental health issues, but I've considered getting into wrist-slitting just to scare her into raising my grade back.

 Anyways next:


 This is actually so bad I'm going to write an entire new post about it. It's just maddening.

 It's so bad I need to take a break and breathe in the memes to be able to talk about it.


 * - We spent an hour discussing what I want to get out of these sessions and about myself. When we were wrapping up she brought up that I switch from topic to topic too quickly, without finishing up on what we were supposed to talk about in the first place. Knowing this, I still have suspicions about belonging on the psychotic spectrum or risking developing a disorder in it.

** - It's a thing where your school attendance and grades are written down for all teachers to see. The picture the words link to is sorta how it looks (I got it off google images don't get me in legal trouble pls).

*** - It starts from a 10. Form teachers lower it as they see fit up until a certain point when a council of teachers decides if the grade should be lowered any further.

**** - As this blog goes on you'll realize these decisions are backed by something more than just teenage edginess.

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