Tuesday 29 March 2016


 Just when I thought things were bad with my current conduct grade being a 9.50/10, today our form teacher decided that it would be a wonderful idea to lower it by another .50 under the pretext of us not taking good care of our class appliances.

 This might not sound as terrible as it is, but having a conduct grade of 9/10 means that I'm basically not going to get into any decent university once I finish high-school, and it's also busted any hopes of moving to a different school.

 My future is literally destroyed if she doesn't raise it at some point; And I trust that this blog is reason enough for anybody to believe that I'm not a man of hyperbola.


 I happened to have my weekly appointment with my psychologist* today, and broke into tears when I told her this. She comforted me that the form teacher will raise my grade at the end of the semester anyways, and is doing this only to force the class to behave. While this calmed me at the time of her telling me this, I'm already returning to being disillusioned.

 That aside, I actually cried in front of the psychologist for the first (and in no way least) time. We've not even gotten to the juicy stuff.


 * - She's actually the school psychologist, if this is the first post you're reading in this blog. I'm reffering her as my psychologist for convenience purposes.

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