Saturday 2 April 2016

Not Dead


 Last three days were pretty eventful but I'm only bringing myself to write about them now.

 Thursday went sour quickly. Two classes in and we take another Romanian test which was completely not about what I was told it'd be - My classmates told me that it would be about "Eminescu* and Romanticism", so I guessed that I was going to have to explain why his work can be considered part of the artistic movement. When I took the test itself it turned out I actually had to know a poem written by him and explain how that poem is related to romanticism.

 Needless to say, I will be getting a 2/10 for that empty paper, which combined with the 4/10 from the lecture test forces me to get at least an 8/10 in the near future to stop failing at Romanian. Gr8.

 Afterwards, we were supposed to have Latin but our teacher was missing that day so our form teacher supplanted her. We held a lesson whose name I won't bother to translate in which basically the form teacher of a class teaches his/her students to behave and organize their class, etc.

 She dedicates most of the time to talking about how to relocate some overly talkative kids so that they stop chatting when a girl suggests to her to seat her boyfriend/friend/whatever next to her. I tell the teacher that they're going to talk even more than before if they get next to one another because they're in a relationship. The girl replies that they're not - Even though they kiss and hug every. Single. Recess.

 This happened to bring my teacher to tell me that she logged on Facebook a day before the events which I'm describing took place and told me how the first thing she was was an "embarrassing" post made by me. Given the context, I thought she was referencing a comment I made on a facebook post made by the previously mentioned couple. The picture was the two of them laying in bed with the guy sleeping and the girl taking a picture, to which I commented "enjoy getting pregnant lmao** ***" - in English.

 However, later that day it came to me that she might have seen a more recent post of mine, regarding my unjustly lowered conduct grade; The text was something along the lines of "When your conduct grade is below 10" - Again, in English - With this video attached.

 Then the image of a lady in her 30s watching in terror as an Asian man that might blow his brains out any second while edgy audio is heard in the background for extra effect pops up into my head. Cherry on top, since I'm going to an Orthodox Seminary****, so you can imagine how that kind of teacher would feel about this all*****.
 Friday followed, which was remarkable due to the single fact that I actually slipped a pretty ugly swear while talking to some classmates about my Romanian test during religion class (I don't normally talk during classes btw). It happened to be loud enough for the teacher to hear me.
I don't want to go into what happened afterwards******.

 And then school's over and I get to spend a weekend doing absolutely nothing but killing time.

 I'm a really cringy guy, am I not?

 * - Extremely famous national author. Most of his poetry can be summed up as "tfw no gf" so I'm with him in that regard.
 ** - I may sound jealous of them, but I'm not. The girl has baggy eyes and is literally unintelligent - She once asked what "virtue" means in one class. Not in the profound way. We're in 9th grade.
 *** - I may also sound like a prick, but the two really don't strike me as the kind of people to use birth control. I like to think that I stopped someone from being conceived that day.
 **** - I'm in a philology-oriented classroom, though. Guess I'll have to explain how Romanian education works at some point. 
 ***** - I don't deliberately go around traumatizing people if this paragraph seemed to imply otherwise. She didn't seem too shaken up by the video so I don't regret anything tbh.
 ****** -Nothing too bad really. The teacher lightly scolded me and then left me alone. I really hope my form teacher doesn't find out about this on the other hand.

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