Sunday 24 April 2016

Still not dead

 And I have a small flicker of motivation I'm currently trying to blow into to turn it into a fire like my life depends on it*.

 Long story short, I'm browsing some website when I stumble upon a writing-related thread (I wasn't going out of my way to find one), and some guy said that after he tried checking out a few popular webcomics, he thought that he could write something better than fanservice and cheap storytelling. As bitter and petty as I sound by writing this, but writing what that guy said made me share the sentiment - I can write something better than trashy romances or stories built upon the works of other authors that are so plentiful around the internet. I can make engaging settings and living worlds for my stories to take place in. Being antisocial, I assume I'll have trouble writing characters, but looking at the things written by those that share my age it's safe to say I'm in the upper percentiles even there; Even if I'm not, practice makes perfect, doesn't it?

 I guess that' everything personal I wanted to write about this post. When I was busy not writing anything here I made a DeviantArt account which I copied half of my (incomplete) Wattpad story to and then suddenly stopped posting there (Reason why being stated in my account's journal).

I named the account after an excessively minimalistic art-style I'm trying to develop and failing terribly. I'd have posted a picture of what it's supposed to be like, but I'm absolutely terrible at drawing with a mouse and I can't get a drawing table because none are probably sold in the city and due to current circumstances.

 Oh, yeah, remember that spark of motivation I mentioned earlier?

 It got snuffed out.


 * - Maybe it does. Each day I'm not writing is missing the chance to push the domino that could make me a professional writer in the future.

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