Monday 11 April 2016

Pretty much dead in my tracks

 It's been fun being a global superpower and all, but the end date of 1821 is pretty close and at this point any territory worth getting is guarded by some annoying turboalliances - France is allied with Scandinavia and the Ottomans, who are allied with Venice, and everybody in the HRE bordering me is allied with one of the formerly mentioned superstates.

 I did conquer Constantinople and successfully culture-converted it to Polish, and even got a lucky personal union with Genoa - Yes, I did get loans totalling about ~13k ducats to get as many mercenaries as possible, but I defeated the frogs* and secured that sweet spot in Italy; They can only be integrated after 1822, which is after the game ends. Talk about a pyrrhic victory.

 My final goals are to conquer the Balkan parts of Venice and maybe try and get the rest of Greece to fulfill the fantasy of a beautiful big red blob splattered over half of Europe.

 With EU4 out of the way, I can say that not much happened IRL since yesterday. That's all.


 * - No discriminatory connnotations intended.

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