Tuesday 5 April 2016


Life is still garbage.

I had to get up earlier today because this being a religion-focused school and all we have a 30-min mini-mass taking place before classes, which start at 8:00.

Getting up earlier must have made me slightly more retarded today due to what I did in English class today, but first some backstory and justification for what I've done before I even recount it:

There's this kid in my class that's almost a textbook gopnik - Unintelligent (not exaggerating), unnecessarily violent (not exaggerating), resorts to violence when confronted verbally because he's unable to come up with an intelligent response (not exaggerating) and most likely smokes cigars/does drugs. Let's call him subhuman #01, because, let's be fair, this isn't as hyperbolic as it might seem.

So one recess last week subhuman #01 gets out of his school desk, and for no apparent reason goes to a girl that's browsing her phone and grabs her by her vagina. No reason. No personal vendetta against the girl. No signs of intent. Just straight-up sexual assault.

I didn't have any personal relationships with that girl either, but I was still absolutely disgusted (it sounds like I obviously should be, but society's different here). Maybe I subconsciously feel more protective of her because she's smart and talented, unlike some other facebook-browsing machines in my class, but that's it.

I really regret not telling about this event to our form teacher. I actually planned to talk to this with my psychologist, but that's for later in this post. In my defense, there's probably no proof of this event happening and it's already been a while after it happened. Don't get me wrong, I do want subhuman #01 to answer for literally committing sexual assault, but I let this occasion sour. Next time something like this happens it's off to the first teacher I can find.

Now that that's over, let's get back to what happened today:
Subhuman #01 comes in a few minutes after English class starts. Forgetting for a second that this isn't the internet and that our form teacher is in the room I tell him that "the gas-chamber's there" pointing in some random direction. Teacher hears this and cringe ensues*.

In the following English class, we do an exercise in  where we have to discuss 4 types of food presented to us in pictures. One of those pictures happens to have two people cooking it, and I decide I can redeem myself of the previous cringe by joking about how the people are actually one of the foods we're supposed to talk about. Teacher didn't enjoy it and more cringe ensued.

 Then English is finally over and we have IT class. We have some sort of test-thing in which kids gather around the teacher's PC so she can put every kid to do various things in Word and Powerpoint and grade them accordingly.

 I just happened to change my computer's background to this wonderful pic:

 This was part of a sort of mini-war between me and some other guy that keeps changing my Trump backgrounds. I can see how I'm obnoxious by changing it back to Trump-related stuff, but I couldn't turn down the trolling opportunity. Seeing how I had to move my chair near some other computers for when it's my turn to do some assignments, I decided to double down on my background changes and actually began to change as many backgrounds to that picture as I could.

 I eventually got noticed by my classmates, which was basically the point of what I was doing. They were most likely laughing at me, not with, but I got the kick I wanted out of this, so I'm fine.

 I also got a 10/10 grade that class but that's irrelevant when I can just brag about being an immature and cancerous prick.

 Everything calms down after that, except for one last and most important thing regarding my psychologist. Turns out that today she had some career-related things to do and couldn't do more than a 30-minute session with either me or some other girl. I decide not to be a jerk and let the girl have it (Seeing how high the chances of her having already been assaulted subhuman #01's long-lost brethren she probably needs those consultations more than me).

 I'm pretty sad about this because I had a lot of things to talk about - Including that sexual assault incident. She's basically the closest thing I have to a friend and out of all the ~130 something hours I spend awake in the week we only meet for one.

 I come home and waste about 40 minutes failing as Poland in EU4 and continually restarting as Milan to get Austria and Hungary to rival Venice so I can get a good early start in forming Italy. In the only good start I got for the latter Venice ended up destroying my army as Austria and Hungary were busy with Savoy.

 This made me angry, as one can imagine, until my head started to hurt. Enough was enough and I wasn't not going to let a game damage my health, so I gave up for today.

 Now my parents want to force me to go to some stupid presentation held by some Orthodox fanatic** concerning depression. Not only isn't it going to help me with my depression (if I even have it), but my mom wants to come with me which will only make me look like a total retard in public too.

 All I want is just to stay on my computer all day and fantasize about playing Stellaris because I'll never really get that game anytime soon.


 * - I am NOT making this up.
 ** - Only slightly exaggerating

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