Monday 28 March 2016


 Today marked the day in which I resume my regular school schedule. It was pretty bad tbh.

 During the first class - Chemistry -  standard stuff happens. From my Romanian/Literature class, onward things started deteriorating. Only when I reached school did I find out we were taking a lecture test on a book we were assigned to read for Romanian. The good news is that I've read the book a month in advance. The bad news is that I read the book a month in advance.
 The questions in the quiz were the most pedantic **** imaginable, and I suspect I'm going to get at most a 4/10 this test; Which is great considering the fact that due to all my olympiad training I missed enough hours to fall behind in grades. This will make Romanian the second subject I risk failing at, which could theoretically make me take a test in summer to see if I repeat the year or not.

 But I'm not really anxious about this. What ruined the deal for me was when I phoned my English teacher to ask for my exact olympiad results and position. Turns out my total grade was 9.58/10 and I was on the tenth place - That's right, not even in the 5th place to get a mention.

 At first I was like:

And then I was like:

But then I was like:

 My teacher and parents congratulated me, and while I don't doubt that they're genuine, I'm still disappointed with myself. English is the best thing I'm at in life and these results proved me that I'm not a special snowflake. This might seem like a life lesson to help on my way to maturity, but I was confiding in a prodigious talent in English for my future and it crumbled down like a house of cards. I swear I'll be flipping burgers at 30 if I keep going on like this.
 All this self-deprecation seems redundant to me, when I can just slap an emo song in this post and call it a day.

 I'm actually going to do just that.


 On a side-note: I tried self-harming today by slitting my left-hand wrist with a kitchen knife - cleaned it up and all - but was too scared of accidentally making a gash too deep and killing myself. So there's that for being emo, momentarily.

 Moving on to other things, I did have a bunch of resolutions for today, and went through with only one of it: Make an askreddit thread about depression that I'd have expected not only to give me some good advice on how to deal with my current emotions but also let me rake in some sweet karma. Literally nobody upvoted it. No idea why, though; It wasn't formulated any differently from the stuff you see hit the front page.

 Neverminding that, the unfulfilled resolutions were as follows:

 - Write on a piece of paper what makes me believe I could have Asperger's, early psychosis or depression and discuss it with my psychologist tomorrow.
 - Start watching some anime* a school friend/acquaintance recommended me
 - Start hobby-writing again (more of a general objective rather than one specific to this day)

 There's not been any real reason for me not doing these. Just feeling unmotivated as usual.

 It's late at night here at the time of writing this post; I guess that's it for now.


 * - My autism is reaching critical mass. It was bound to happen at some point.

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