Friday 25 March 2016








 Just a heads up, If you're expecting some top-cringe you might probably be disappointed, but you will feel like cringing.

 Some detail and backstory are in order, obviously: Some university fair/event was happening in town and my mother decided that it would be a great idea to go there to see what sort of requirements I have to fulfill to get into uni. I would have rather broken a leg than go to that even before I went there from the beginning, but it only got worse.

 She puts me to sign up for the thing online, which I do, using my 100%-legit-I-will-not-make-troll-accounts-with-this email. Once I insert all necessary personal information and my interests I enter a "sign up for x stands" page. I tell my mother this, and she some-****ing-how understands this as getting redirected to a page where you have to rent a stand, which will be important for later down the story. Anyways, signing up for a stand signaled not only that I would have to talk with some stranger that could also be from a completely different country but actually having me presented whatever thing and implicitly having to talk with him. Call it Asperger's Syndrome, call it social anxiety, but I cannot stand places full of people or talking with total strangers, this fair having plenty of both.

 You may begin listening to the atmospheric music now.

 The morning next day my mom insisted that I was going to the fair, but since it was early morning and my eyes felt like falling out like they usually do I did not happen to give a damn. When school finished, my mom was waiting outside the gate, which, aside from making me look like a clinical retard for having my mom come after me at school despite being able to go home alone, meant that I really have to go to that fair. She also brought a chocolate which I never asked for, and I had to eat that ****er up otherwise she gets paranoid and asks me if I've read something on the internet that wants to make me diet, and threatens to take away my computer if I have indeed done so***.

 Disregarding that, we reach the building it was hosted in and I'm already anxious about the whole ordeal because it's full of people. Some staff welcome and prompt us to register on some computers nearby the entrance. I guess I wanted to tell them I already signed up online, but my mother tells them I did for me and also that after signing up I was redirected to a page where I could rent stands. The staff realized this made no sense and I was wordless to fix my mother's ****-up, so I silently walk to a computer and sign up again. Except that this time, I had to use a different email.

 I had no choice but to associate my real-life name with an e-mail I used to sign up for DeviantArt when I was 12. The problem is that when I was 12 I happened to be just discovering /pol/, and because 12-year-old me didn't yet get the concept of sarcasm I went on the most offensive rants and insulting every ethnicity that lies under the sun, even getting genocidal at points. Clearly, I no longer believe in what I've written there, but from now on I literally have my name stapled to those posts.
 I need to stretch how mad I'm about this. Now, even if I actually somehow become a successful writer or anything, someone will find those messages and show everyone what I said. My life is over at just 14, just because my psychotic-spectrum mom wanted me to go to some retarded convention. I'm physically anxious even when writing this, and I could say angry, but there's nobody to be angry at. It's been too long to confront my mom about this, but confrontation is useless - She's too detached from reality to understand why what happened bothers me and she'd just say that I'm getting negative influences from the internet and take my computer away****.

 Once we're in I'm not only anxious but pissed. I wander around pointlessly and wait for the right moment to leave the building when my mom's not looking. I decide that simply sitting on one of the benches in the nearest bus station playing snake on my cellphone***** was the best course of action.

 The story would be over if it was.

 The first people that come in the station are some students from the fair that literally stink - The stink of not having washed in a while. Or, at least, they smelled slightly like the homeless around here do. But, who knows, maybe their showers broke or something. I wasn't that bothered by them. I would be bothered by what came next.

 A wild horde of gopnik normies wandering from the fair appear in the station, and the alpha gopnitsa starts laughing; Right then I wasn't sure if she was laughing at me or at something else, but later events imply that she was laughing at me. To her credit, I was wearing glasses, playing snake on a cellphone and wearing a jacket that made me look like a blue version pink guy. I'd generally pity (in a non-patronizing way) a person that was dressed as stupidly as me, but normies seem to be oblivious to the concept of empathy here.
 To help you picture the group better: Imagine a bunch of guys and girls in their 20s - The guys are football hooligans that beat eachother up over whichever team wins and the girls, while pretty, have probably already went through with their second abortion. Even better - These were probably the kind of people that convinced Hitler that slavs are subhuman; But in the end all ethnic groups are subhuman if you look only at their genetic detritus. Just accept that these people exist and employ them in a factory somewhere in the mountains, no need for genociding entire peoples for their worst******.

 Uncomfortable, I leave and pick another bench to sit on reasonably far away. The normies have actually been following me, but gave themselves away when who I presume was the alpha gopnik called me out. I leave again, and nimbly navigate my way around the building in which the fair is hosted. I completely leave the vicinity when I see the horde (in reality it was more like 8 people tbh) of normies going after me.

 Once I'm fed up with playing snake I call mom and tell here I want to leave. She allows me to get a taxi and I royally **** off away from that place hopefully forever.

 I was angry when I came home and I got angry just typing this.

 Now, if you don't mind me, I could really use some memesulin*******.


 * - Play on words for Asperger it's really funny xDDdDd 
 ** - People out there identify as attack helicopters. It's only right we are inclusive to them - It's 2016 for crying out loud!
 *** - She does this for every. Single. Fat food item she buys out of nowhere. I'm not fat, barely even plump (Have a BMI of 27.5 going by the data I had last time I measured my height and weight. It was one year ago, though.), and have started to cut down on garbage foods and even standing up to being force fed. I've felt queasy from all the food I was put to ingest sometimes but never puked - so far. I'll draw the line when that happens.
 You might either be thinking that I'm bull****ing or that this is child abuse. For the former: you've gotta listen and believe. For the latter: It probably is, but if I were to choose between continuing to suffer through this or getting the opportunity to call child services I'd still stay with my family. Not because of any emotional ties, mind you, it's just that my PC and the internet iare the only things I have in my life right now.
 **** - You people underestimate how important the internet is to me as a person.
 ***** - I have a cellphone because my parents are afraid I'll break a smartphone. Don't ask; Listen and believe.
 ****** - If I sound butthurt it's because I am, the edginess is one of the end results of this. I don't actually endorse Hitler's ideology or genocide. 
 ******* - It's funny because it's a play on words between meme and insulin X^DDD  because I take memes to control my sad levels just like a diabetic would take insulin to control his glucose

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