Friday 18 March 2016

First Complete EUIV Ironman Run

 What you're seeing here is the result of almost 30 hours of (poor) empire-management. (The game is Europa Universalis 4)

 I have no idea what to add tbh. The entire game was a slow grind consisting of slowly eating up the Maghreb, from Morocco to the south in Sus, then going west in Tunis. The conquest of the latter was assured when I managed to wrest one of their three highest developed regions away from their grasp. The other two followed, and two wars later all that's left of Tunis is one region in Egypt that proceeds to get annexed by the Ottomans, formerly Tunis' allies (Pretty tragic, I know).

 My Sub-Saharan territories were gained in a war declared by Kanem Bornu (The blue nation that's almost completely offscreen) in 1819, one year before the game ends. By taking a ****ton of loans and turning up just at the moment my enemy was to have a few revolts going on, I managed to form the blob(s) that you're looking at right now.

 Off-Screen I had about half of Indonesia under my control. My American colonies, on the other hand, revolted and I had no choice but to offer them independence.

 Overall it's been a pretty poor game going by average EUIV player standards, but at I least I didn't royally **** up as I did in other playthroughs. Baby steps, eh?

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