Tuesday 31 May 2016

More meems

 I've spent more time on these than should be considered acceptable whatsoever by any standard.

 But they're dank.

 I'm starting with the pic I'm proudest of making:

 Here's the rest, in order from most to least funny:

That's all for now. I have some more coming up maybe tomorrow, and with them I'll have exhausted all possible memes I could have made out of these videos.

Bad news

 Turns out that whether I like it or not I will have to participate in the school trip, as teacher says she included me in the contract with the company that's going to take us around the few locations we're headed for and she said it can't be changed - Whether because it can't or teacher just isn't the mood for that is far from me to say.

 I can understand that I have to do this because she either can't change the contract or would look stupid if she did. The fact that my weaboo acquaintance-friend promised me that he's going to bring his laptop and a big battery to force me to watch anime slightly betters the situation; There's no way his tastes could be that bad and I'd rather watch moving mongolian cave paintings than just stare at decrepit Romanian countryside for hours on end. Maybe I might pick up Legend of the Galactic Heroes before the trip begins to get into the mood for hours of chinese cartoons.

 But teacher said that I'm also going on all future class trips. Fortunately, if there's one thing I'm as good at doing as procrastination and memeing, it's passive-aggressiveness and I'm already devising a master plan to make here adamant about never taking me with her anywhere outside of school grounds.

 I'm crashing this trip with no survivors*.

Now is not the time for fear... That comes later.

 We're going to visit some castles among other things, which sounds kind of exciting at first, until you realize that this is something Romanian we're talking about. (I'm pretty sure we're going to the second castle I'm going to post, not the first, but I'm posting the first too for comparison.)

 Here they are:

Look like a respectable medieval building, doesn't it? Too bad this thing was completed in 1914.

This thing, on the other hand, was however built in the more acceptable period of the 14th century. By decree of a foreign king of a state that has occupied the region for well over a few centuries**.

 Understand where I'm trying to geet to? There's nothing that interesting to see in these places. I'd much rather just look at some pictures of Versailles or Charles V's fabulous armor instead of the negligible achievements of a people too stupid to exploit the abundant resources of their area.

That feel when your empire is threatened by protestants, kebab and frenchies on all sides

 * - I'm not actually going to do something that would completely ruin my other collagues' fun. I'm just going to do mildly annoying things at a constant pace until I throw the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes teacher snap, never bringing me on a trip again. Again, nothing too crude, maybe playing this (warning: I mean it when I say really loud) really loud tunak tunak tun video on my friend's laptop video on my friend's laptop or dish out some clever contrarian line from time to time when she's speaking.
 ** - The nation I live in has been split in three different principalities - of which Transilvania was under Hungarian occupation - and some other regions that had sovereignty occasionally and has only been fully unified in 1918. Which was a mistake tbh.

Monday 30 May 2016

Today was a good day

 As the title says, I've had a pretty okay day at school and home. I started getting better health-wise, did decently at a math test that I not only neglected learning for, but didn't even pay attention to most of the classes that would've helped me with it. I also got myself out of the nasty situation I was at Logics class by acing a homework that made us give two arguments in favor and two against for three different statements, instead of the usual "analyze these sentences' structure and see what category they fall into" exercises.

 Even better, it's highly likely that teacher did not, in fact, realize I've left the Friday tour earlier, which crosses out one of the gaffes mentioned in my previous posts.

 I've also made some dank OC instead of idling today, so one could say I was more productive than usual. No progress on writing, though (Yet I did pick up reading again, comparable to the rhythm I read before becoming really apathetic about things. I even began getting interested in classic literature as I started browsing 4chin's /lit/ board).

 Here they are:

 Given, it's nothing but a variation of an existing meme, but I'm still happy with these.

 Maybe I'll do more tomorrow. For now, there's a storm outside and I really hope I don't get struck by lightning. That would give my theme song a whole new meaning.

Sunday 29 May 2016


 In many previous posts I've alluded to the fact that my form (and English) teacher is pretty unhappy with me. If those feelings were baseless before, they sure aren't now, because, to put it bluntly, I went full sperg last Friday.

 The first gaffe was when, during one of my classmates' presentation about Minecraft* mods came up and I felt that the girl presenting was talking about them from an "inside" perspective, and by that I mean in such a way that I'd guess a person my teacher's age won't understand. I tell her to try and maybe define what a mod is for the teacher, saying that, to paraphrase, she is not a "computer pro". She was pretty indignant after that snarky comment and kicked me out of class. Thankfully she let me in the next class**.

In that respective class we also happened to be given formularies that our parents had to sign for the upcoming trip. I was pretty indecisive before that specific class came up so teacher wasn't mistaken in giving me that paper, but eventually decided that I'm really not going to get anything out of this trip - None of my classmates are good friend material and it's pointless to pursue anything further than some amicability with them. I tell teacher that I've made up my mind, but she wanted none of that and told me that I'm going to bring the paper signed by Monday, otherwise "she doesn't know what she will do to me***",**** to which I replied something along the lines of "You can think up of something during the weekend." to add fuel to the fire, I guess. This isn't as much of a gaffe as the first one because it's still in progress - So to speak, because I'll have to wait until Monday to let teacher know I'm not going.

 The third faux pas was when instead of our ordinary "form class" - if I can call it that (It's a class where form teachers are supposed to talk with their class about whatever administrative stuff is going on in the school or keep up with events in the kid's collective) - We visited a school for visually challenged children, where we were supposed to spend (at least) one hour standing up  and listening to two of the staff members tells us about braille - Which I was aware of - and the fact that there actually are braille typewriters out there - Which I wasn't aware of. I learned something and would've learned more, if I didn't feel that the presentation was needlessly stretched. So instead of waiting for the event to end I sneaked out of the building 45 minutes into the thing and ran like my life was depending on it. There's a chance she didn't find out I left, but I also ironically asked her if she would mark us as absent if we were to "disappear mysteriously" and she's clever enough to piece together what really happened.

 On the bright side I'm going to save about 270 slavbucks from option out of the trip, so maybe I can buy myself some more pulp-tier, commercially-purposed fantasy literature. 

 In other news I've also started feeling sick, which I needed as much as a bullet lodged in my skull*****.


 * - We were assigned to do a presentation on anything that we're "passionate" about. Because I'm literally not passionate about anything I didn't do it and earned myself a nice little 4/10 next to my five 10/10s.
 ** - My class' program is organized in such a way that we have two consecutive English classes in two different days. Just to clear things up.
 *** - Common idiom/ erbal cliche here in slavistan. It means that I'll be in trouble.
 **** - This sounds like extortion (we have to pay for the trip), but I can see where teacher's coming from. If I don't go prices will be marginally larger for the rest of the class, but then again, they're going to be marginally larger. There's still time until the trip takes place and I doubt any of my classmates won't be able to get their hands on another 10 slavbucks by then.
 ***** - This sentence is supposed to signify that I didn't need the sickness, but my dependency on the bullet in the head is arguable.

Thursday 26 May 2016

This is why I'm not killing myself just yet







 A channel about alternate history scenarios I follow just released a video debuting a new creative writing challenge in which the participants have to come up with the meaning for four symbols shown in the video. Here is the contest declaration itself.

 Being the wannabe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""writer"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" that I am, I can't help but answer this call and write my own backstory to those things in hopes of getting a spot in the mentioned winner-video and confirmation that I have some creative potential.

 I only have to get motivated. Until then, the entire situation calls for my new theme song which perfectly recreates the struggle I will feel during my writing in sonic form:

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Life update

 Nothing much's happened since my last memepost but for some more grades which I don't think are relevant enough for me to dedicate another paragraph to.

 The weather's been really stormy, especially yesterday when it literally hailed with hailstones/pellets larger than the thumb's nail. This caused a few minor interferences with my daily routine, but I as they happened all I could think of was this song:

 Alternatively, just today I found this very monotone version of the song which is more appropiate to my monotone life situation:

 To update, I've made some negligible progress on my writing - Instead of wasting my school making half-finished doodles I'm going to blacken anyway because I don't want anybody seeing them I decided to start actually writing in English. Nothing specific, but just write something I might finish one day.

 In this case, it's a(nother) fantasy story about a warrior-knight that is part of a scouting expedition sent by the ruler of the human nation (Not even sure if I should make it a republic or kingdom. The names are heavily inspired by French and I'm afraid I'll fall into the same pitfall of historical plagiarism I fell into with my first setting by making it a republic. But then again, a kingdom isn't that good of an alternative either) into the Darklands - Which are, basically, lands corrupted by the presence of multiple portals to hell which corrupt the land, causing it look and act Mordor-y. You may notice that I used this trope in my first setting and think I'm another intellectually bankrupt wannabe writer, but that's actually the point; The two worlds exist in the same universe and this fact will play an important part later down in their story, provided I actually write the damn things.

 Back to the original narrative, the contingent of knights is ambushed by gargoyles, and the protagonist knight is abducted by them. He will eventually end up near one of the gates of hell where he will be dragged in by another demon to be subjected to horrible pains.

 He's tortured for two-three decades on end until at last he's left to starve and have the flesh rot off him once his physical body "dies" - But without actually dying*. He becomes a traumatized skeleton that wanders for another handful of decades through the dimension of hell and sees all its horrors, when at last he gives up for apparently the final time and lays down in some pit for more years in a trance-like state. He is eventually "awoken" by the noises made by warriors from another fantasy trying to counterattack hell, and when he gets up he realizes he's been very close to an exit out of the dimension for the entirety of his trance - Resulting in a nice little commentary encouraging people to keep going on because their goals might just be within reach.

 He stumbles out and wanders the Darklands for another indefinite period of time until he meets a dwarf runer which adopts the skeleton out of both pity and scientific inquisitiveness. The dwarf then brings the skeleton to his (intentionally) grossly overpowered paladin that's known for his short temper, quickness to respond - especially rudely - and utter hate for any form of demon. I might introduce some new characters in this part - This story is a newer and more sensible take on the original, which was more of a self-insert crossover power fantasy fanfiction where I was the skeleton tormented by demons - which were supposed to represent my school teachers***. The point of the skeleton character, "you might have taken everything that makes me human away from me, but that doesn't mean that I will give up or not drag you into my grave", still remains. The only difference is that now I no longer see a reflection of my attitude in that phrase.

 Back then I hadn't given up yet.


 * - This got really dark, really fast
 ** - (A "scientist" of this world. I'm playing with the magic = tech trope with these stories, but the different worlds will rely on different types of magic to get their jobs done. In this world's case runes are used for simple mechanisms such as opening doors or powering carts that transport goods from settlement to settlement.)
 *** - This sounds pretty whiny, but I did have some especially bad teachers in that period.

Thursday 19 May 2016


 I recently got another rush of motivation and actually began writing on a story I've had in the works for a while. I didn't even need to make some stupid post about it then slack a few minutes to do it - I started writing it with some music in the background and eventually got immersed enough to not need it to write.

 I can't remember if I've talked about this, but today another school meeting was planned and I originally thought it'd only be about a class trip our teacher wanted to go on in the summer. My father went to it and it turns out they've also shown him my grades. They weren't that bad, actually/probably saved myself from failing Romanian so only Logics* is the only class I risk failing at, but it still happened to occur when I was just getting ready to continue what I've given up out of apathy. It'll probably be another two weeks until I can get myself to do this again.

That's pretty much all for today. Some other school stuff has happened which I might detail tomorrow, but I'm in a hurry.

 * - Failing at logics might seem stupid, but it's actually an overcomplicated subject. Maybe it's designed to be taught like that, or maybe this is how our teacher is purveying us this, but it boils reasoning down to the most common denominator of mathematical-ish equations involving certain terms. You'd think that would be a wonderful idea, because it teaches high schoolers to think logically, but let me tell you that no stupid kid that will mechanically learn all of what we're taught will actually leave the classroom as a more intelligent or reasonable person. Maybe we're simply not being taught the right essence of logic or trying to teach logics as some sort of grammatical mathematics is a concept failed from the start, but as it stands now in this country it's not a good subject.

Wednesday 18 May 2016


 Today I officially am done with my finals, the last being history (Along with a little geography test for those that did not choose for geography to be their final, which I turned in early and got a 7/10 on).

 I did not actually have a clue on what I was supposed to answer on half the questions, because of all the history classes I missed for the English olympiad, but I knew enough history (and Romanian) to say little to nothing with a lot of words. When it came to describing the fourth crusade all I knew was that the Venetians sacked Constantinople and I ended up writing something that resembled the ramblings of some angry old greek man. Hopefully I'm not getting a grade below 7/10.

 Another noteworthy thing that happened today is that during Romanian class, my teacher called me over to tell me that she was actually impressed with what I've written on my final and appreciated that I've done such a good despite how uninterested I appear in classes. If you're wondering what I could have possibly written that impressed her in such a way, we were given some fragment of a novella by a famous Romanian author which concerned a person philosophizing about how the world is actually an illusion - Or something along those lines. I started describing how his line of thought is analogous to Solipsist thinking, etc. etc.

 We had some homework for today which she didn't check. It was supposed to be an argumentative essay on anything, and I decided to do one arguing how the internet has been by far one of the most important technological milestones of humanity, but the small word limit made me have to butcher the point (Not that I'm complaining about less homework).

 But this essay made me realize something. In one of the points I made - Increased ease of communications - I mentioned how 150 years ago the transatlantic telegraph line took 16 hours to transport Queen Victoria's message to the US. I recalled how I learned this from a documentary, and I used to watch a ton of documentaries as a kid - I ate that all up. And this is the problem - I don't learn anymore*. I've even stopped reading. It's obvious this can't do any longer; So I decided to set myself a resolution that I must watch at least a 1-hour-long documentary a day and at least spend one hour reading something that's not on a computer screen.

 It's time I light up my night.

And light up my night
There's potential that this darkness can't hide
There are the embers of fire that's gone out
But I can still feel the heat on my skin
And this mess I'm in, where I
Maybe I
Can still make it right
Maybe I can bring back my light

 * - Not as much as I feel I should, at least.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Mandatory Update

 A LOT has gone down since my last post. As a direct continuation of it, it turns out that Paradox released Stellaris as a glitchy mess. One of the many glitches was that the Prethoryn Scourge - A swarm of aliens that originates from outside the galaxy coming to consume all biological life in the galaxy, which can infect planets and use them as outposts to generate more of themselves - don't lose their grasp on a planet even after it is bombed to 0 planetary fortifications. This rendered my first game basically unplayable and I had to start a new game which I'm enjoying quite well - This time the late-game catastrophe that popped up wasn't the Scourge, but the Unbidden, which are extradimensional aliens that pop out of another dimension if you use an advanced FTL engine. This time the AI was simply mentally challenged, not bugged to invincibility, so I switch from playing my nation to them from time to time to carry them by the hand in their quest for total galactic genocide.

 Three of my four finals are done - Romanian, Latin and English. I've done pretty well at Romanian but it hasn't been graded as of yet, I got a 9/10 at Latin - Less because I knew the grammar and more due to dumb luck and learning my history and mythology - and a 9/10 at English, the last which I took today. The story behind my English grade is actually pretty dumb - I woke up with some ugly cramps today, and there was no time to go to the toilet because I had to go to school. The final took place in the first hour of the day so I couldn't go to the toilet before it either. When the time to take it actually came I rushed through it through some horrible bowel movements, and instead of checking for mistakes I asked the teacher to let me go to the bathroom where I successfully got rid of the pain for the rest of the day.*

  Exactly one week ago I had an appointment with my psychologist, in which due to lack of subject matter to discuss, I ended up telling her the truth about my parents while only breaking down in tears for a good 20 minutes.  Sob story short, mother isn't too mentally healthy and all the division in my family has been caused mostly by her in some form or the other. From how I described things to her, she seemed to think maybe me and my father should get to know each other better seeing that we both suffer from mom's behavior. I got my hopes up that maybe my family isn't so wrecked, but that exact same day, when I got home - my computer curfew was still in place - my dad caught me sneaking on the computer to do some of my usual retarded internet things and said something among the lines of accusing me and everybody else in the family of thinking him an idiot.

Feels bad, man
 I know I promised a post detailing what's going on in my family, but for now I have to write this huge post to make sure the blog's up to date with what's going on.

 Probably the worst of all is that today I finally gave in to an insisting classmate and watched my first anime episode**. This day marks my downfall intro true neckbeardyness.

 When I think about what I've just written, all I can really think of is:

"How did it come to this?"


 * - I didn't go to the bathroom before I handed in my final because if I had, people could suspect me of going there to check some answers I might have hidden in my pocket or some other similar scenario - I'll take a rushed 9/10 and clean pants over a dubious 10 any day.
 ** - It wasn't even the one he kept pestering me about. Instead I went for "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", an old-timey animu that's universally praised around the internet which is a feat in itself.


Monday 9 May 2016

It's been a really fun session.

 So instead of starting with the "Irsaid Hegemony" I've mentioned a few posts earlier (And created an in-game version that's pretty altered compared to the first "prototype".), I've decided to play my first game as an empire of space dwarves in the smallest galaxy available to see how well I can hold an empire together in these small-scale conditions, and then move on to the largest galaxy and fulfill my original plans.

 The funny thing is that even though my dwarves are xenophobes, I've spawned in a galaxy full of xenophiles (Truth be told, there are only two other empires out there.). Even the Fallen Empire - The super scary decadent guys that you're supposed to leave alone unless you're super strong are of the xenophile variety and thus the most docile.

 I've colonized my third planet so far (Keeping up with one neighbour). I'm planning to colonize some more planets and conquer one of the two empires sandwiching me, hope I don't get absolutely destroyed by the Fallen Empire for being a bully, conquer the second, colonize the rest of the galaxy and take on the fallen empire in a super-epic battle of ultimate destiny which will result in a glorious dwarven galaxy which will perpetually prosper in the grim autism of the 21st century.

 I'm getting off track here. I'm finishing this session because I'll have to go to sleep. Because I'm still a real human being and not actually living in my imaginary world as much as I'd like to.






 In other news - My first day at school was pretty okay. I've had a final postponed by a day which means I have more time to learn for it (and to play games).

 My parents want me off the PC in hopes that it will improve my performance in the finals (it probably won't) so I'll have to stealth-play Stellaris.

 This is all. I might or might not start an entire new blog dedicated the story surrounding the empire I'll try to build once the game is out.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Not Dead End-of-Break Update

 Well, it looks like Spring Break's over. I accomplished less than 10% of the stuff I proposed myself to write in this time period and ended up just wasting my day on browsing a particular anonymous image board and playing EU4.

 It was total garbage as far as breaks go but it let me escape reality for two weeks so I'm not complaining.

  Don't get into the nostalgic mood just yet because
 we have some more cosmic horror coming up

A lot has gone down since my last post, and I might have forgotten some stuff, but the basics are:

 I - My father decided to take the confession thing to the next level and actually made me take part in the Eucharist at his mass*

 I felt just as bad about this, but there didn't seem to be any way to avoid taking part in the ceremony. There are no brakes on the sacrilege train,

 II - For as ill I made my mother seem in my last few posts, she's still a functioning human being most of the time. This out of the way, she actually rescued a kitten she found in the neighbourhood and we've been raising him for the last four or five days.

 This sounds heartwarming, but the little thing is really aggressive and spends the time he isn't sleeping biting or scratching our legs. He's not that big, so his scratches feel more like tickles, but I'm afraid he'll carry this on once he gets bigger.

 He doesn't suffer from rabies (and is pretty healthy) and isn't a wildcat either. We'll see what happens.

 III - From tomorrow on I'm going to have my finals.

 Normally I guess I'd me more concerned about learning for them, but our form teacher still hasn't given any hint of raising our conduct grade**. If she doesn't my whole future (and the class') is ruined and getting a meh grade on a final will be the least of our concerns.

 At least I can sleep peacefully knowing that even if I become some factory worker there will always be memes and videogames to keep my mind off the crushing reality that I had my life crushed by the ill-will of apathetic teachers.

 IV - Stellaris releases tomorrow. It's a really ****ty timing because Monday I'll have my History final,  Tuesday I'll have my Romanian final and Wednesday I'll have my Latin final.

 I also have an English final next week but I'm confident that English is the only thing I'm good at so I won't even bother to do anything that can be considered learning about it.

 That's kind of it really simplified. School beings tomorrow...

 School begins tomorrow.


 * - He's a Greek-Catholic priest - So he can get married and have kids, etc. I'll get into more details in the megapost about my family which I'm going to write soon(-ish)(-erino)(ever).

 ** - Lowered on pretty stupid grounds. I've talked about this in more detail in previous posts.