Tuesday 31 May 2016

Bad news

 Turns out that whether I like it or not I will have to participate in the school trip, as teacher says she included me in the contract with the company that's going to take us around the few locations we're headed for and she said it can't be changed - Whether because it can't or teacher just isn't the mood for that is far from me to say.

 I can understand that I have to do this because she either can't change the contract or would look stupid if she did. The fact that my weaboo acquaintance-friend promised me that he's going to bring his laptop and a big battery to force me to watch anime slightly betters the situation; There's no way his tastes could be that bad and I'd rather watch moving mongolian cave paintings than just stare at decrepit Romanian countryside for hours on end. Maybe I might pick up Legend of the Galactic Heroes before the trip begins to get into the mood for hours of chinese cartoons.

 But teacher said that I'm also going on all future class trips. Fortunately, if there's one thing I'm as good at doing as procrastination and memeing, it's passive-aggressiveness and I'm already devising a master plan to make here adamant about never taking me with her anywhere outside of school grounds.

 I'm crashing this trip with no survivors*.

Now is not the time for fear... That comes later.

 We're going to visit some castles among other things, which sounds kind of exciting at first, until you realize that this is something Romanian we're talking about. (I'm pretty sure we're going to the second castle I'm going to post, not the first, but I'm posting the first too for comparison.)

 Here they are:

Look like a respectable medieval building, doesn't it? Too bad this thing was completed in 1914.

This thing, on the other hand, was however built in the more acceptable period of the 14th century. By decree of a foreign king of a state that has occupied the region for well over a few centuries**.

 Understand where I'm trying to geet to? There's nothing that interesting to see in these places. I'd much rather just look at some pictures of Versailles or Charles V's fabulous armor instead of the negligible achievements of a people too stupid to exploit the abundant resources of their area.

That feel when your empire is threatened by protestants, kebab and frenchies on all sides

 * - I'm not actually going to do something that would completely ruin my other collagues' fun. I'm just going to do mildly annoying things at a constant pace until I throw the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes teacher snap, never bringing me on a trip again. Again, nothing too crude, maybe playing this (warning: I mean it when I say really loud) really loud tunak tunak tun video on my friend's laptop video on my friend's laptop or dish out some clever contrarian line from time to time when she's speaking.
 ** - The nation I live in has been split in three different principalities - of which Transilvania was under Hungarian occupation - and some other regions that had sovereignty occasionally and has only been fully unified in 1918. Which was a mistake tbh.

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