Sunday 8 May 2016

Not Dead End-of-Break Update

 Well, it looks like Spring Break's over. I accomplished less than 10% of the stuff I proposed myself to write in this time period and ended up just wasting my day on browsing a particular anonymous image board and playing EU4.

 It was total garbage as far as breaks go but it let me escape reality for two weeks so I'm not complaining.

  Don't get into the nostalgic mood just yet because
 we have some more cosmic horror coming up

A lot has gone down since my last post, and I might have forgotten some stuff, but the basics are:

 I - My father decided to take the confession thing to the next level and actually made me take part in the Eucharist at his mass*

 I felt just as bad about this, but there didn't seem to be any way to avoid taking part in the ceremony. There are no brakes on the sacrilege train,

 II - For as ill I made my mother seem in my last few posts, she's still a functioning human being most of the time. This out of the way, she actually rescued a kitten she found in the neighbourhood and we've been raising him for the last four or five days.

 This sounds heartwarming, but the little thing is really aggressive and spends the time he isn't sleeping biting or scratching our legs. He's not that big, so his scratches feel more like tickles, but I'm afraid he'll carry this on once he gets bigger.

 He doesn't suffer from rabies (and is pretty healthy) and isn't a wildcat either. We'll see what happens.

 III - From tomorrow on I'm going to have my finals.

 Normally I guess I'd me more concerned about learning for them, but our form teacher still hasn't given any hint of raising our conduct grade**. If she doesn't my whole future (and the class') is ruined and getting a meh grade on a final will be the least of our concerns.

 At least I can sleep peacefully knowing that even if I become some factory worker there will always be memes and videogames to keep my mind off the crushing reality that I had my life crushed by the ill-will of apathetic teachers.

 IV - Stellaris releases tomorrow. It's a really ****ty timing because Monday I'll have my History final,  Tuesday I'll have my Romanian final and Wednesday I'll have my Latin final.

 I also have an English final next week but I'm confident that English is the only thing I'm good at so I won't even bother to do anything that can be considered learning about it.

 That's kind of it really simplified. School beings tomorrow...

 School begins tomorrow.


 * - He's a Greek-Catholic priest - So he can get married and have kids, etc. I'll get into more details in the megapost about my family which I'm going to write soon(-ish)(-erino)(ever).

 ** - Lowered on pretty stupid grounds. I've talked about this in more detail in previous posts.


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