Monday 30 May 2016

Today was a good day

 As the title says, I've had a pretty okay day at school and home. I started getting better health-wise, did decently at a math test that I not only neglected learning for, but didn't even pay attention to most of the classes that would've helped me with it. I also got myself out of the nasty situation I was at Logics class by acing a homework that made us give two arguments in favor and two against for three different statements, instead of the usual "analyze these sentences' structure and see what category they fall into" exercises.

 Even better, it's highly likely that teacher did not, in fact, realize I've left the Friday tour earlier, which crosses out one of the gaffes mentioned in my previous posts.

 I've also made some dank OC instead of idling today, so one could say I was more productive than usual. No progress on writing, though (Yet I did pick up reading again, comparable to the rhythm I read before becoming really apathetic about things. I even began getting interested in classic literature as I started browsing 4chin's /lit/ board).

 Here they are:

 Given, it's nothing but a variation of an existing meme, but I'm still happy with these.

 Maybe I'll do more tomorrow. For now, there's a storm outside and I really hope I don't get struck by lightning. That would give my theme song a whole new meaning.

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