Wednesday 25 May 2016

Life update

 Nothing much's happened since my last memepost but for some more grades which I don't think are relevant enough for me to dedicate another paragraph to.

 The weather's been really stormy, especially yesterday when it literally hailed with hailstones/pellets larger than the thumb's nail. This caused a few minor interferences with my daily routine, but I as they happened all I could think of was this song:

 Alternatively, just today I found this very monotone version of the song which is more appropiate to my monotone life situation:

 To update, I've made some negligible progress on my writing - Instead of wasting my school making half-finished doodles I'm going to blacken anyway because I don't want anybody seeing them I decided to start actually writing in English. Nothing specific, but just write something I might finish one day.

 In this case, it's a(nother) fantasy story about a warrior-knight that is part of a scouting expedition sent by the ruler of the human nation (Not even sure if I should make it a republic or kingdom. The names are heavily inspired by French and I'm afraid I'll fall into the same pitfall of historical plagiarism I fell into with my first setting by making it a republic. But then again, a kingdom isn't that good of an alternative either) into the Darklands - Which are, basically, lands corrupted by the presence of multiple portals to hell which corrupt the land, causing it look and act Mordor-y. You may notice that I used this trope in my first setting and think I'm another intellectually bankrupt wannabe writer, but that's actually the point; The two worlds exist in the same universe and this fact will play an important part later down in their story, provided I actually write the damn things.

 Back to the original narrative, the contingent of knights is ambushed by gargoyles, and the protagonist knight is abducted by them. He will eventually end up near one of the gates of hell where he will be dragged in by another demon to be subjected to horrible pains.

 He's tortured for two-three decades on end until at last he's left to starve and have the flesh rot off him once his physical body "dies" - But without actually dying*. He becomes a traumatized skeleton that wanders for another handful of decades through the dimension of hell and sees all its horrors, when at last he gives up for apparently the final time and lays down in some pit for more years in a trance-like state. He is eventually "awoken" by the noises made by warriors from another fantasy trying to counterattack hell, and when he gets up he realizes he's been very close to an exit out of the dimension for the entirety of his trance - Resulting in a nice little commentary encouraging people to keep going on because their goals might just be within reach.

 He stumbles out and wanders the Darklands for another indefinite period of time until he meets a dwarf runer which adopts the skeleton out of both pity and scientific inquisitiveness. The dwarf then brings the skeleton to his (intentionally) grossly overpowered paladin that's known for his short temper, quickness to respond - especially rudely - and utter hate for any form of demon. I might introduce some new characters in this part - This story is a newer and more sensible take on the original, which was more of a self-insert crossover power fantasy fanfiction where I was the skeleton tormented by demons - which were supposed to represent my school teachers***. The point of the skeleton character, "you might have taken everything that makes me human away from me, but that doesn't mean that I will give up or not drag you into my grave", still remains. The only difference is that now I no longer see a reflection of my attitude in that phrase.

 Back then I hadn't given up yet.


 * - This got really dark, really fast
 ** - (A "scientist" of this world. I'm playing with the magic = tech trope with these stories, but the different worlds will rely on different types of magic to get their jobs done. In this world's case runes are used for simple mechanisms such as opening doors or powering carts that transport goods from settlement to settlement.)
 *** - This sounds pretty whiny, but I did have some especially bad teachers in that period.

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