Tuesday 17 May 2016

Mandatory Update

 A LOT has gone down since my last post. As a direct continuation of it, it turns out that Paradox released Stellaris as a glitchy mess. One of the many glitches was that the Prethoryn Scourge - A swarm of aliens that originates from outside the galaxy coming to consume all biological life in the galaxy, which can infect planets and use them as outposts to generate more of themselves - don't lose their grasp on a planet even after it is bombed to 0 planetary fortifications. This rendered my first game basically unplayable and I had to start a new game which I'm enjoying quite well - This time the late-game catastrophe that popped up wasn't the Scourge, but the Unbidden, which are extradimensional aliens that pop out of another dimension if you use an advanced FTL engine. This time the AI was simply mentally challenged, not bugged to invincibility, so I switch from playing my nation to them from time to time to carry them by the hand in their quest for total galactic genocide.

 Three of my four finals are done - Romanian, Latin and English. I've done pretty well at Romanian but it hasn't been graded as of yet, I got a 9/10 at Latin - Less because I knew the grammar and more due to dumb luck and learning my history and mythology - and a 9/10 at English, the last which I took today. The story behind my English grade is actually pretty dumb - I woke up with some ugly cramps today, and there was no time to go to the toilet because I had to go to school. The final took place in the first hour of the day so I couldn't go to the toilet before it either. When the time to take it actually came I rushed through it through some horrible bowel movements, and instead of checking for mistakes I asked the teacher to let me go to the bathroom where I successfully got rid of the pain for the rest of the day.*

  Exactly one week ago I had an appointment with my psychologist, in which due to lack of subject matter to discuss, I ended up telling her the truth about my parents while only breaking down in tears for a good 20 minutes.  Sob story short, mother isn't too mentally healthy and all the division in my family has been caused mostly by her in some form or the other. From how I described things to her, she seemed to think maybe me and my father should get to know each other better seeing that we both suffer from mom's behavior. I got my hopes up that maybe my family isn't so wrecked, but that exact same day, when I got home - my computer curfew was still in place - my dad caught me sneaking on the computer to do some of my usual retarded internet things and said something among the lines of accusing me and everybody else in the family of thinking him an idiot.

Feels bad, man
 I know I promised a post detailing what's going on in my family, but for now I have to write this huge post to make sure the blog's up to date with what's going on.

 Probably the worst of all is that today I finally gave in to an insisting classmate and watched my first anime episode**. This day marks my downfall intro true neckbeardyness.

 When I think about what I've just written, all I can really think of is:

"How did it come to this?"


 * - I didn't go to the bathroom before I handed in my final because if I had, people could suspect me of going there to check some answers I might have hidden in my pocket or some other similar scenario - I'll take a rushed 9/10 and clean pants over a dubious 10 any day.
 ** - It wasn't even the one he kept pestering me about. Instead I went for "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", an old-timey animu that's universally praised around the internet which is a feat in itself.


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