Sunday 29 May 2016


 In many previous posts I've alluded to the fact that my form (and English) teacher is pretty unhappy with me. If those feelings were baseless before, they sure aren't now, because, to put it bluntly, I went full sperg last Friday.

 The first gaffe was when, during one of my classmates' presentation about Minecraft* mods came up and I felt that the girl presenting was talking about them from an "inside" perspective, and by that I mean in such a way that I'd guess a person my teacher's age won't understand. I tell her to try and maybe define what a mod is for the teacher, saying that, to paraphrase, she is not a "computer pro". She was pretty indignant after that snarky comment and kicked me out of class. Thankfully she let me in the next class**.

In that respective class we also happened to be given formularies that our parents had to sign for the upcoming trip. I was pretty indecisive before that specific class came up so teacher wasn't mistaken in giving me that paper, but eventually decided that I'm really not going to get anything out of this trip - None of my classmates are good friend material and it's pointless to pursue anything further than some amicability with them. I tell teacher that I've made up my mind, but she wanted none of that and told me that I'm going to bring the paper signed by Monday, otherwise "she doesn't know what she will do to me***",**** to which I replied something along the lines of "You can think up of something during the weekend." to add fuel to the fire, I guess. This isn't as much of a gaffe as the first one because it's still in progress - So to speak, because I'll have to wait until Monday to let teacher know I'm not going.

 The third faux pas was when instead of our ordinary "form class" - if I can call it that (It's a class where form teachers are supposed to talk with their class about whatever administrative stuff is going on in the school or keep up with events in the kid's collective) - We visited a school for visually challenged children, where we were supposed to spend (at least) one hour standing up  and listening to two of the staff members tells us about braille - Which I was aware of - and the fact that there actually are braille typewriters out there - Which I wasn't aware of. I learned something and would've learned more, if I didn't feel that the presentation was needlessly stretched. So instead of waiting for the event to end I sneaked out of the building 45 minutes into the thing and ran like my life was depending on it. There's a chance she didn't find out I left, but I also ironically asked her if she would mark us as absent if we were to "disappear mysteriously" and she's clever enough to piece together what really happened.

 On the bright side I'm going to save about 270 slavbucks from option out of the trip, so maybe I can buy myself some more pulp-tier, commercially-purposed fantasy literature. 

 In other news I've also started feeling sick, which I needed as much as a bullet lodged in my skull*****.


 * - We were assigned to do a presentation on anything that we're "passionate" about. Because I'm literally not passionate about anything I didn't do it and earned myself a nice little 4/10 next to my five 10/10s.
 ** - My class' program is organized in such a way that we have two consecutive English classes in two different days. Just to clear things up.
 *** - Common idiom/ erbal cliche here in slavistan. It means that I'll be in trouble.
 **** - This sounds like extortion (we have to pay for the trip), but I can see where teacher's coming from. If I don't go prices will be marginally larger for the rest of the class, but then again, they're going to be marginally larger. There's still time until the trip takes place and I doubt any of my classmates won't be able to get their hands on another 10 slavbucks by then.
 ***** - This sentence is supposed to signify that I didn't need the sickness, but my dependency on the bullet in the head is arguable.

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