Wednesday 7 September 2016


 Instead of talking about family issues that happened about 8 days ago, I'll complain about something else I just found out happened.

 The second generation of Bionicle got cancelled.

 For the unversed, Bionicle was a line of toys produced by Lego which had two "generations". The first one started before I was even born and when I had a comprehension of English adequate enough to start enjoying the rich story of this franchise it was already cancelled. I had some toys from before this moment, but being a very spoiled piece of trash I dismantled all of them to the point I was both too lazy and unknowledgeable to put them back together. Their pieces are scattered now, probably never to be put back together. Genuinely a shame.

 However, I happen to have had a deeper connection with this franchise than what little interaction I've described would beget, and that is because the second 4Mao board I used to browse after /tg/ was /toy/, after a quick browse and finding out they had a Bionicle general. Turns out there was still a living community, which indirectly helped me immerse myself in the Bionicle world as I checked links to games or other media they would sometimes forward one another in the general.

 Then the second generation was announced. It was a reboot, so while the basic premise of the original series would remain, the lead writers would take story in a different and less convoluted direction. I bought myself a Kopaka (A character that's pretty much as mechanical as me tbh) figure, and my little brother demanded some other sets of the first line. Then Bionicle fell from my rader.

 Today I feel in the mood for some "nostalgia" and check the "Mad World" song I used to link a lot in the earlier days of this blog. I check the comments and one mentions Bionicle getting cancelled for a second time.

 I check out a few sources, and turns out that this is true. And the figures and aesthetics of this series seemed pretty cool.

 This is it. This is the darkest timeline. Brexit won't go through. Trump won't become president. Nationalistic parties will turn out to have been just a flash in the pan in the following European elections. Islam won't overturn European society, but instead it will assimilate and the descendants of current European muslims will shed their faith in favor of materialism.

 Worst of all, this means there will only be more people like me out there.

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