Friday 9 September 2016


 This is possibly over ten days due at this point. I don't even know. I've lost my grasp on time long ago when my sanity was shedding itself. My mind is just turbid fog at this point.

 So, maybe ten days ago, I decided I was in the mood for going on a trolling spree on a forum I remember having a poor trolling experience on when I was younger - Back when I was only starting to initiate myself into the madness of memery. I decided that maybe now is the time for a second round that would yield better results.

 Now that I had a VPN, I decided I should use it. Not because I was planning on doing anything illicit, but if I risk getting on someone's nerves a bit too much I'd rather take the precautions of hiding my IP. So I try to boot up my VPN, and remember that my account on it has the email I use for this blog - Which would make me vulnerable to some easy tracking if the trolled were vehement in exacting vengeance upon me. I push on nevertheless, nervous, and in trying to start up the VPN my internet connection goes crazy as it sometimes does thanks to the cheap WiFi adapter I have which has the tendency to disconnect whenever it feels like it. During this fiasco my mother shouts at me to come get my lunch - She acted angry for some reason that was no fault of mine. She tends to do that.

 I leave my computer's convulsing attempts to reconnect to my internet to get the damn steaks she's cooked, and I arrive to see that they were genuinely unappealing. This isn't even being finicky. Still planning to lose weight I only take the most aesthetic one, put it on a plate and go upstairs back to my room.

 She yells at me to get some steak, I tell her I've already taken one piece, show her the plate, and due to many stressful factors (The enmity that hadn't settled since the incident where I called her out on her schizotypal behavior, my adversity towards the food, my attempts to lose weight with an overbearing and nutritionally incompetent parent, and also the fact that my computer venture was going badly) I call her an idiot. Or a word synonymous with that.

 She gets angry and ordains me to stay off the computer for the rest of the day, warning that she will take my monitor and make father place it somewhere in the apartment my family owns in the city centre*.

 My father gets home and once he finds out what I did he shows me a chapter of Deuteronomy which, to paraphrase, said something along the lines of the Kingdom of Heaven is reserved only to those that respect their parents. Little does that know is that I'm going to hell for worse whether I'd had called my mom an idiot or not.

 Afterwards, he comes with an offer of having to choose between recieving a belting of twenty hits or not getting pardoned for sport participation the next year. Because I wasn't really in the mood for an anime showdown with my father I opt for participating in physical education for school. It could've helped me lose even more weight, who knows, but my mother talked my father out of doing either to me. I would have a far harder time with my parents if they did not hinder one another as much as they do to me.

  That same day my father took me and my little brother to the hairdresser in the neighborhood.

 This was another unfortunate event, as I got the horrible haircut I've been having since then. It was customary for me to cut my hair extremely short once it grew too long, to the point it gave the aspect of having been recently shaved, but in the timeframe between my penultimate "ritual" cutting and this last one I realized that very short hair looks very bad on me, especially when wearing glasses, and I'd rather keep my natural shaggy because it fits with my ill-minded personality more. Keeping my hair as it was wasn't an option given that my mother was angry with me and I would be better off outside the house for an hour and a half, I go to the establishment and grossly underestimated the length I should have ordered my hair to be reduced to.

 It was virtually the same as the ones I had before, and my hair's not been hasty to grow itself back.

 After this altercation everything settled down to normal and my family is acting like this had never occurred at all. But I do tbh, and now father's alleigeance is clear to me.

 It never had to be like this.

 But hey, at least I have memes. Without them I'd have pulled an old fork-into-outlet long ago.

 A few days later we went on the trip to a city different from the last one visited, and it was alright. We visited a museum and a few landmarks. I could say that it had the potential to be a very enjoyable experience if I didn't have to be on the lookout constantly so that mother didn't make a scene. Being terse as usual because I don't want to puncture my tire, so to say, if I decide to be a virtual cowboy that does mischief from one oasis to another.

 And today I will have to visit an orthopedist with my mother to be excused from sport for another year. Reason being is that I broke my arm pretty badly some years ago and it's still faintly bent, which indicates a risk that it could break again if I decide to get too competitive in a phys ed. Dota's just as good of a sport anyways :^).

 On a very final note, I picked up Runescape again. And my subconscious celebrated this by me attempting to pick up pixel art, starting off with trying recreate my character's head in GIMP.

 You're lying if you think this is good.


 * - I don't know if I've previously stated this, but my family does have property outside our own house; Consisting of two apartments, one which is rented to somebody and one that is vacant and used by my father occasionally. But I wouldn't say we're upper class. If my mother wasn't absolutely inept and my father wasn't completely apathetic, we probably could be, but momentarily management of what we have is very poor. Even so, it's all redundant wealth at the end of the day. I just want a good computer to play and surf the internet on.

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