Sunday 25 September 2016


 Guess this will be as impelled to write this post as I'm going to get today.

 One small thing I forgot to write about in my last post is that the first grade I got this class year is a bad one and I'm soon going to be struck by another.

 More precisely, the first time our psychology teacher did the classly oral quiz he picked me and, through a combination of having simply skipped learning for the class and my notes on the lesson being very incoherent I candidly tell him he can rest well giving me a 2/10 because I know nothing from the last class*. He insists that I at least answer a few questions about the penultimate (and first) psychology class from which I did actually keep a few bits of information memorized - Enough to be able to respond to all the teacher's questions correctly. This landed me a 4/10 and a comment from the teacher sincerely saying what a shame this was.

 The bad grade I'm going to get on the other hand is at English class, where teacher told us that either in teams or alone we were to make a project about an European language of choice on the occasion of some day celebrating language. I even forgot if it was made up either by the EU or by the UN**. She asks every child in the class in turn what other children he will collaborate with and I denied the offer when it was my turn. She goes on and noticing that all children are participating in this I come to the conclusion that this might actually be a graded project instead of a voluntary one and ask the teacher if we did get graded for it. She confirmed this and I stood silent as she continued to ask the last children about their projects. I probably should've said something more than the very short response which indicated that I wills tick to my "I can take bad grades at this class"*** attitude, something along the lines of "okay" - Or suchlike.

 On the flip side, we took our initial test for English this Thursday or Friday, I think. In contrast to other initial test, which are there just for a pure evaluation of how much knowledge we've retained since the previous school year, this one was graded, but I breezed through it as I often do with English tests, until the "writing"**** section of it came up.

 We were meant to advertise a product, fictional or physical, which we - at least theoretically - possesed, describe its function and give some (obviously fictious) contact information on how to purchase it.

 My thought process when it comes to these compositions (Outside a competition or important test like the Olympiads or a Cambridge examination) is:

 "Does the theme given concern something I'm interested in? If not, can I cleverly contort the given solicitation to write a snarky and passive-aggresive text?"

 I certainly didn't care about some contrived gadget. It also seemed difficult to write this passive-aggresively and not be excessively crude at the same time. I want to frustrate my teacher through some witty abstinence from conformity (Demeanor she's come to expect from me), and the "suicide-a-tron" isn't the way to do that.

 But I put my mind to it and stuck it through to a very naughty and spicy text that shouldn't also get me expelled.

 It was an advertisement for a product called the Medpen(tm),

A nod in acknowledgement of certain speculation

 a syringe designed to resemble a pen from a reasonable distance, which could be used during formal or informal meetings to administer drugs that would prevent the user from convulsing or unwillingly engaging in other noticeable actions stimulated by disease. As the text progresses the revelation is made that the text is being written from the perspective of Hillary Clinton. It ends with her disclosing the price of such an item, which I erroneously wrote down as "a measly ten thousand grand" but did not rectify because it was a mistake that only added to the joke.

 Whatever happens, I really hope she doesn't inform my parents of this.

 Another funny thing that happened at school was Friday, when during IT class I decided to fold the directory shared between all the classes with an empty folder named "Information that will lead to Hillary's indictment" - Which was simple - I just had to make the folder, copy it, and press ctrl+v without releasing for a few seconds. Bam, directory full of an entendre that Hillary has something to hide. A directory full of a double entendre that could be interpreted as there not being information that could lead to Hillary's imprisonment as the folders are empty. A triple entendre that could be interpreted as Hillary having already gotten to the folders to empty them. Devilishly witty layers of esoteric naughtiness. The IT teacher didn't get me that time, but I better cool it with the spice or she might another.

 These two occasions were the first, and possibly last times I'll bring up Hillary in a public context. And damn if it wasn't fun.

 Final note of this post, I really busted this weekend. It was the double XP weekend on Runescape and I barely did anything because I'm so sick of the grinding, and I planned on drawing at least some pixel art in the late-night time I could use to the fullest in weekends since I don't have to sleep early for school. I ended up only playing more EU4.

Map of my campaign in 1568, around the time I had a personal union with Andalusia (Green in Iberia) and Pomerania (Geen in the area of where Prussia would be and the Netherlands). Yes, I did cheat to get those PUs by switching to those nations and killing their monarchs with vacant succesions, But I still don't regret my act for one second. I'm sparing France and England for a little while more so that they can set up colonial civilizations that will make for a more engaging Victoria 2 export. I'm currently in the 1660s and will supply a new screenshot of my progress possibly soon.


 * - Path of least resistance. I'm a really, really, low-energy person. SAD!
 ** - When I say "turbid memory" I mean it.
 *** - I genuinely can. Test take up the brunt of the grades I get at English class, and I never get a grade below 8/10 on those. On my finals - very hastily written due to an urgent and ill-timed need to go to the toilet - I was graded a 9/10.
 **** - Both schools I was to attempt to imitate Cambridge tests and their stages in our assessments, exactly because we need Cambridge certificates to get in high school. Luck smiling on me I got a C2 when I was a more autistic and less schizoid version of myself at 13 years of age.

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