Monday 12 September 2016

School's beginning

 Wasn't that bad.

 I had to attend a speech held by the principal, and then me and the classmates I managed to find in the crowd in the courtyard headed for our classroom, where our form teacher explained us the drill about the paperwork we were meant to fill.

 She also told me she's noticed I lost weight.

 At this point I also find out that not only my weaboo friend has left the school - Which I anticipated, but also that the girl sexually assaulted by subhuman #01* went for another school. Perfectly understandable. Girls in this country are more often than not treated like items**. And anybody with half a brain knows there can be no victory against the subhumans. You can only run, shelter yourself and hope they go and be subhuman somewhere else***

 Anyhow, after the brief explanation the class was supposed to go to the Church situated near the school. The procession was short, and then the form teacher offered to take us for some (non-alcoholic, evidently) drinks. Though by the time she managed to regroup the class only a few other classmates proved to be enticed by the proposal and we went to a nearby restaurant/cafe/thingy where I ordered a cocktail and almost forgot to pay after the group dissipated and I had to return to the waitresses cleaning up our glasses, apologize intensively and give them their money. I could've gotten away with not paying because they haven't yet counted the money they recieved but if I don't even at least try to maintain a pretense of civic awareness I'm no better than the thugs plaguing the nation.

 I didn't even get to tell teacher about how crazy this summer was when accounting for Brexit and all the political memery that's happened. I'll seize the chance when the first English class comes about, no doubt.

 Completely unrelated topic:

 CNN called Pepe a white nationalist symbol.


 * - Recurring character in the anime that is my life. 
 ** - This isn't even your western feminist babble. This country has a serious problem with authentic misoginy. There is chivlary, and then there is ghetto gopnik culture.
 *** - As a refreshener, in case you're a newcomer to this sordid corner of the internet (mercy be on you), I define a subhuman as a person that shows less empathy and/or intelligence than that expected of a normal human being. The aggressive ones are the only ones that are cause for concern. I'm not a white supremacist or anything - I'm just ahead of my time :^).

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