Today Daddy Donster is going to take on Hillary in the presidential debates. Sadly the time which they are broadcasted happens to be from 1 AM tomorrow onwards (That is, very early morning), so I'll have to watch a recording of it instead of a stream.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that Trump has spiked in most polls.
It was weighing around 54.5 in Trump's favor earlier. Eh, will still do.
I can only hope Trump doesn't commit any grave faux pas in the debates. Ultimately why I care most about this election despite not inhabiting the US is that any social trend that emerges in the West eventually ripples into this country's society. Which would be a ripple of nationalism if Trump wins, or a ripple of whatever progressivism is hot in large urban centers.
And I'd take the people surrounding me priding themselves over the nothing that there is proud to be about of Romanian heritage than have my head "acquainted with the pavement" for disagreeing with some anarchist thug within the next 10 years.
Do it Dohnald.
Moreover I've started working on another piece of amateurish pixel art, and it's still in the process of being finalized:
The character is meant to be facing away from a village, surrounded by woods, which I've postponed drawing as much as the shading. That, I hope, I'll do tomorrow. The character design is a stolen heavily inspired by the second East European model technology-wise in EU4. On the subject, here are pictures of my progress in the campaign as promised:
I integrated Andalusia, but not Pomerania, whose Personal Union with me ceased at some point in the timeline. I went to war with them, resulting in my only major cheat during this timespan except for switching tag to Bohemia, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, which brings all of its allies - Which is, what's left of sovereign Europe - into conflicts involving me and other member of the HRE so that they decline the call to war, when I switched tag to Pomerania during the war and made them accept a peace offer that I was lacking only a few points in warscore to accept conventionally. The death toll of the war exceeded the hundreds of thousands, they were already in their second wave of large peasant revolts, and I convinced myself that if this really was real life they'd have capitulated long ago as consolation for me cheating like this. But cheating sure is more fun than losing.
There's a point where I'll cease the blobbing, namely when I can deem the amount of the New World that is settled sufficient to function independently in Victoria 2. Then I'll finish my gnaw on France and try to take as much of the British Isles as possible to form the Roman Empire in the last few years. Then it's on to the aforementioned sequel where I'm going to just develop my infrastructure and maybe make a puppet or two out of emerging powers in the Old World.
Final word - I changed the name of this blog from "The Edgelands" to a marginally more inspired "Le Cringe, C'est Moi", because I thought some of my previous posts this blog through - And with usage of words like "dankster", and other stale memes, this title should be self explanatory. It's a preemptive move to cover up for whatever stupid posts I make next.
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