Friday 9 September 2016

Earnest work paid back its worth. And other mishaps of chance.

 I came back from the orthopedic doctor, and got my exemption from phys ed. At the clinic I also got the chance of weighing myself.

 I weighed only 79.5 kilos, clothes on. I can approximate that this means I weigh 79 kilos.

From the 92 kilograms I weighed when I was 13, weight which afterwards likely peaked at about 100 before I decided to lose weight, this was some adequate progress. The doctor I visited advised against losing more weight, largely on the reasoning that I need nutrients for developing during what's left of my puberty. An idea I can get behind if I actually follow a healthy diet and not the animal fodder my mother will continue giving me - But I wouldn't mind shedding even more fat to reach 75 kilograms.

 According to this BMI calculator, and assuming I'm 1 meter and 85 centimeters tall (Could be taller - I didn't get the chance of measuring my height), I have a somewhat swollen BMI of 23.1 - Which could be a perfect 21.9 if I am 1 meter 90 centimeters tall. Regardless I've fallen - Or, dare I say it, floated up from - the overweight category.

 Mom blew a gasket because her definition of what constitutes a healthy weight is as real as the magic she believes witches paid by our grandparents cast to impede us. Still, I profited from this window opportunity that mom's panic to get a pepperoni pizza from a nearby pizzeria and I ate it all. I feel somewhat guilty, and suffice to say I'm not eating anything for dinner. I'll fake eating if I have to. A nourishing diet can wait until tomorrow.

 A somewhat strange - funny wouldn't be the word -  incident took place during the walk to the restaurant, though. Me and my father were meant to meet with mother there. So father and I take the bus, and I seat myself somewhat distantly from him. When we reach the stop nearest to the bus I'm still off into schizoland and it takes me a few second to realize I have to get off the bus. I do so, but by the time I do my father got up in the bus because he thought I had forgotten to. I beckon to him, and he fails to leave the bus before it shut its doors and left for the next station. He arrived to the pizza store a dozen plus minutes later very displeased.

 Let it never be said dad doesn't have a reason to hate me.

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