Tuesday 27 September 2016


 You were meant to smash the darkness, Dohnald.

I WANT to support you fam.
 Today was a pretty bad day to be honest. And it started pretty well, too.

 First highlight was (the) English class(es) (My class has two of them two days a week, same as last year). Today our classmates were meant to start presenting their PowerPoint presentations about langauges which I deliberately refrained from making. This will be important in a sentence or two - By either initial intent or a redress, the students that haven't yet finished, started or sent their projects still had time to finish their work until the next time we will have English class - Which will be Thursday.

 The first project presented was EXECRABLE. It was written in such a way that one though the stereotype of a foreigner that is barely capable of stitching together a phrase in English incarnated for about twelve minutes. I doubt it was even acceptable for 10th grade standards. It was so bad I actually feeling remorseful about not making my project after seeing what the rest of my class gave the impression of being capable of executing in comparison to what I could do. This was before I was informed the deadline hasn't passed.

 Other projects are presented, and they were miles apart from the first. One even reached levels approximable (though maybe a tiny bit worse - But let's not get complacent) expression to mine. Then I am notified that there is still time to start my project, and feeling extraordinarily energetic (It was a really, really out of place high. If you teleported me home to my computer that class I would have sat down and gotten working on my homework pronto) I pick up my original flirt with the idea of making my project about the Georgian language. After the class finishes I even eagerly announce my teacher of my entusiasm with a sentence similar to the following paraphrase "Blah blah blah I hate myself, but you've issued me a challenge, and I'm going to bust a massive monster project that will rock the socks of anybody that will be present in the class during my turn to present*"

  And I was really, genuinely, earnestly, sincerely, authentically**, pumped-up buzzed to make it. Until very late History class, when a huge blow was incurred on my high energy. Once the lesson was done some exchange between a nazi-sympathizing classmate*** and my history teacher results in my history teacher calling a far-right dictator that has led my country during the second world war a criminal.

 I was still in the "I am le epic bantster" sentiment due to my high energyI rhetorically ask my theacer "How was he a war criminal? Did he blow up ambulances full of babies?" Having faint recollection of what the Geneva convention forbade, damaging of ambulances being among one of the prohibitions.

 He gives me a face similar to this (.jpg compression included), but maybe a bit angrier (The dictator sent minorities to death camps after all):

Meme magic at work. Not in my favor.
 I manage to briskly clarify that all I know about his crimes is his participation in the holocaust, which I obviously find reprehensible, but I didn't consider that a war crime because it could have happened independently of the war. He told me that in that case participating in the Holocaust would've been considered a crime against humanity (And implicitly that because it happened during a war that makes it a war crime). If that's wrong - which it sounds like it could be - that's probably because he was pressed to answer other questions asked by other students.

 I've mitigated most damage but he probably still thinks I'm a nutter or at least partly mentally disabled.

 Fun fact about this teacher: he seemed to be close to a classical liberal when he revealed his powerlevel on time during an earlier class (He's one of the teachers that I called "truth-pilled" odd posts ago. I will clarify most things regarding this subject in an upcoming post about "powerlevels"). Might contribute to his perception about me from now on.

 This was a really embarrasing event, and I just felt ashamed all the way to home. Then I was apprehensive about how Trump did in the debates and was rectulant to open my computer and access the polls.

 And yes, he's dropped. Not by a huge margin of campaign-compromising size, but he still blundered his chance of safely securing presidency.

 The guy's not really the optimal Trump the memes and I would like him to be (He'd be an adequate president. A disastruous dictator - Which is more of the character I'd like in a leader but less of what is actually important in the democratic world order we live in) but the social reform he'd indirectly usher in would tilt the future away from a world where a lone 30-year-old me that works only to pay his internet connection and maybe purchase a game here and there is forced to go out and socialize by government-funded social rehabilitation programs.


 * - The last part is very nearly verbatim. Le cringe, c'et moi.
 ** - That's about how many synonyms for "legitimately" I know
 *** - He's not even one of those /pol/ nazi sympathizers that have some images compiling data from some more or less obscure sites to prove a point saved up somewhere for internet debates. I probably know more about nazi policy than him. He's probably in it just to be cool. But he's not a thuggish skinhead so it's not that I care, he'll probably grow out of it anywyas.

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