Monday 28 November 2016


 (This post contains virulent amounts of autism, even in comparison to this blog. Beware.)

 Drumpf... did it. He opened the floodgates of fun that have been shut as the fun drought cracked the earth.

 Anime is great again and I finally feel an impulse to watch some old shows along with the new ones being released. I feel like trying out RuneScape again. An encounter with my weaboo friedn convinced me to at least want to get Pokemon Sun and Moon. The Steam Autumn sale has begun and I managed to quckly get some advice from anons about what games from my wishlist I should get because I don't have the money to buy them all*. I think I'll settle for Distant Worlds: Universe, which is 27 euros and some cents... which is 127 of the local currency. Pokemon would cost 200 slavbux. I don't think I would have the money left to also get Runesacape membership, which is a priority.

 Really gets the noggin jogging. I've already made notable progress on my Grindscape account and I think the following days off would be a perfect opportunity to grind more as I watch anime or listen to something. Which leaves me the choice between DWU or SnM. I have a 2DS (The house had two before my little brother broke one of them**), so requiring to buy myself a new console isn't an argument against the game. DWU is what Stellaris was meant to but will never be, with much more room for roleplaying and customization.



 I've made my decision tbh. The furries got to my brain before the good influences did. The pokebank is dirt cheap too so I can transfer some level 100 mons from Black and White 2 to my new save.

  Returning to that encounter with my weaboo friend, he told me that one day he should take me to a mall in the city so he could recommend me some smartphones that are on sale (I still have a cellular). Since I, as per my daily routine, had nothing better to do, I obliged and we went to the mall today. He goes to a game retailer which he had asked about their stock of Sun and Moon before our travel, and the cashier said they haven't recieved it yet. We surveyed some phones in different electronics stores but I was too polite to tell him that the phones didn't really serve a function which I needed that my phone can't. In the same mall we went to a book retailer which, as my friend had shown me, had a manga section I wasn't aware of. He tries to show me some and edifies me about them a bit, indicates that I watch Attack on Titan of all animes I have yet to see, and then we leave the store to go to a sort of integrated supermarket.

But he gets a call from his father whom tells him he can meet him at the mall, and he comes shortly after, making us have to leave the supermarket. Not that we had much to do there. He offered to buy me and him a meal, and since I didn't want to be that much of a financial demand I just ordered the first thing that came to my mind when McD's was the closest restaurant to me when we took a seat in the food court (A big mac). They ordered some courses for themselves and after finishing, me and my friend frequented the retailer waiting for the game to come in at the new time frame the cashier gave us. As we waited for it I start to get interested about the new game (I've had some (at points unpleasant) experience with the series with Black and White 2), and it sounded interesting enough. A change from the games I played at least. After finding out how affordable Pokemon transfer is I decide the game is worth a shot and that I might try getting it as well.

 The time when the game was supposed to be delivered finally came, but the employee that delivered the shipment of games didn't bring Sun and Moon to the botique. My friend already had something in his schelude which prevented him from waiting further so we exchanged goodbyes and dispersed.

 Then I returned home. Pretty late. But I'd have wasted this day on the internet otherwise and now I'm interested in a game that could serve as a social experience (I didn't forget about my Crashing Comrade tho).

 Also tomorrow I have my Latin final for the semester.

 M E T U S


 * - Notice a pattern? These are all autistic games. Either too juvenile or convoluted, repetitive, or involve numbers or sliders of sorts. The fact that I am privileged enough to be able to purchase even half of this wishlist with my birthday money is pretty distressing.
 ** - It hurts to type.

Sunday 27 November 2016

JIBUN WOOOOOOOO + Cursed by memes

 I held my promise to myself and went on that stroll. I walked a distance of somewhere between ten and twelve kilometres, stopped by a mall at the end of it, bought myself a small carton of chocolate milk and a chocolate bar* and consumed them after seating myself on a bench on the outside and admired the scenery beyond me. It was a pleasant use of my time.

 Still yesterday, I tried getting myself to write. I started off by replacing the chair I sat on with an armchair, and, surprisingly, I actually felt motivated now that my bumbum wasn't pressing against as hard a surface anymore. I can also look at my monitor without leaning my head which is going to avert some unfortunate side-effects in adulthood.

 Then I get to the writing. Another thing took me aback here. I had no clue how to write the first paragraph. I partook in the written equivalent of autistic stammering and decided that maybe I was tired, since it was late at the time of the attempt, so I went to sleep much earlier than I would've on a saturday.

 I wake up, my brain is as foggy and I am as confident in my capabilities. It still holds that I forget two words for each one I learn, huh.

 I should be more dejected because writing is my only ambition. I'm fine with living in a cramped apartment, working as a freelance translator at a wage which covers the expense of my fees bills plus a few game-related purchases a month. But I want to occasionally publish some fiction from that same apartment too, damn it.

 I thought this wouldn't do, so I got my hands on that philosophy encyclopedia of mine and resolved that since I've already put the horse before the cart by reading Aristotles I'd do things proper for once and read about Socrates, and then Plato. I read about a quarter about Socrates before taking a break and returning to my computer to procrastinate. I thought I'd spend a few minutes to gather my sprinkled wits and long story short that didn't happen because I met this:

 Some memey anime was getting a new season after a hiatus, and since I didn't want to be left out of some collective meme celebration (I have nothing to do with my life) so I lurked the thread and watched five episodes of said anime**. Since after five episodes I was still left with nothing better to do, I finished One Punch Man, which I can't recall when I started (Less than a week ago).

 It was pretty entertaining in the beginning, but as the story progressed and the power creep compounded the battles kept stretching on and the last two really felt like filler when they took up the space of multiple episodes. There's only so much you can build upon the premise of somebody that can defeat any enemy with one (1) (unos) smack.

 In that same thread I ironically comment that I liked OPM unironically and the sole, most precious (you) I recieved wished that I fell off a cliff. He got dubs. And while it should be disgraceful that I'm getting unsettled over this, Brexit happened. Then Trump happened. The first was won simply - The majority voted Leave, despite what preconceptions about the British would've hinted at. Then Trump won (And hopefully that recount proves pointless), losing the popular vote by two million but winning the electoral college agains the odds (There goes the mandate of the people). Then /pol/ gets their 100 millionth post, which was some stupid quote from some Polish soldier about killing gommie soldiers and the post itself contained just the text "Fuck leftists". Tomorrow, on Black Friday and Pinochet's birthday, Castro dies aged 90.

 All would have been reasonable occurences that could've happened independently. But I've gone off the rockers anyways and I'm going to infer that meme magic is real and some anon unintentionally cursed me to fall off a bluff. I think I should avoid elevated terrain for an interval.

Please don't whack me Kek.
 Closing paragraph: Next week I will have a prolonged weekend with three days off the normal weekday. It sounds like a good time to renew my GrindScape membership for sweet, sweet, comfy winter grinding as I listen to podcasts***.


 * - No regrets.
 ** - Five episodes a day should get me through the first season in five days.
 *** - Contrary to what I'd believed they don't help me with my English as much as I peddled them to myself - If my last encounter with writing was anything to go by. But at this point I've exposed myself to so much audio content as I play that I can't just listen to anything as I'm playing a game, music doesn't cut it, especially in the case of something passive as Runescape.

 tfw afflicted myself with ADD

Saturday 26 November 2016

t. bloblord

 Firstly, I've not had my computer taken away. My parents found out about my Pyschology grades, but they've left me scot free. I have no clue why. It's best to surrender in trying to predict what their actions are going to be at this point*.

 Secondly, I've been spending all my time on this autistic Warhammer mod this week (Admittedly more recently I've switched to letting it run in the background as I procrastinate on other websites waiting for claims to fabricate and opportunities where I can help expand an order-aligned nation other than my empire.).

 Since I've found out that the Underworld cannot be invaded by outsiders, I've decided I'm going to expand in an evasive northern de jure empire which took a bit to be found on the map. It appeared as if it was just anothere part of the surrounding Norscan Empire. Whatever, newcomers to these games won't have a vague idea of what I'm talking about.

 Since Albion (The small green island slightly above the map center) has converted to the Nurglite faith and their de jure territory is not recognized as part of any de Jure empire I thought it would be an interesting venture to try and conquer them, convert them to my religion, release them as an independent kingdom led by a dwarf and wait for the island culture to slowly convert to dwarfish.

 I've been waiting for the claim on the last province I don't have one on to fabricate for years (In-game) (Moreover, in real life aswell).

 But I'm getting really bored as I type this and am running the game in my background. It doesn't seem like I'll be up to anything this weekend (again). So it comes to me that I may as well go outside for a long walk through the city. It would help recollect my fuzzy mind after doing nothing but sitting after getting home from school.

 I've neglected playing Castle Crashers with my friend too. Last time I spoke to him he was level 47 and beat the game on that same character. To think I had more levels than him last time we played.

 Grand strategy is a hard drug.


 * - I honestly wish they'd given up on me but that's not the case. tfw no neglectful parents

Sunday 20 November 2016

Mom hasn't caught up on my antics yet

 So I managed to waste all my weekend on reconquering the World's Edge Mountains of the Old World under the providence of Kazak-a-Karak.

My character's face looks strange because she is intended to be disfigured after a run-in with an orc. Building a superpower from scratch takes one through a lot.
 It's already late enough so I cannot detail what is going on in the picture. I didn't even do any of the assignments I'm sure I've had for tomorrow. One thing I want to point out is that I don't pay attention for 10 minutes to the world map because I'm trying to seize a few provinces to be able to establish my Empire and I see that Uluthuan (The crescent isle, normally led by the High Elves) has been acquired by Naggaroth (Dark Elves).


Friday 18 November 2016


 It looks like the school-issued online access to my grades has finally been provided to my parents. They got the code for unlocking it on the computer and some of my grades in an SMS (Gleaning from what mom said not all of them registered in the message).

 Looks like no more memes for me in a while.

Thursday 17 November 2016


Over 4.1 Tetrahedraheptallion hours went into the concotion of this picture
  I should be less lazy with updating my blog. I've finally been granted half of my due funds for my birthday and put them to good use. That use requires some backstory.

  I have a Facebook account, because using the website is essential with keeping in touch in this country, and helps me with soliciting certain bits of information regarding the deadlines for various projects from my classmates. I also use it to post the most bizarre, esoteric memes I find on the internet for no motivation beyond me liking it. As I am trying to post some of the soaked memes I meant to, I am intrerrupted by a student in the school I used to study alongside for the last year's English olympiad. We make some small talk, and since I didn't see a better use of my time, I don't try to shut down the conversation as I normally would.

It occupied a good slice of time, and at some point we reach the subject of our daily transport to school. He lives at somewhat of a distance from the school and has to take the bus there daily, while I admitted that my family uses the taxi to go to the city centre. Which, for this city, isn't something outrageously costly, but it's not something the below-average person can afford. I felt very guilty about mentioning this to a less-than-privileged person. To make amends, my neurons really fired up and decided that since I had the spare money, felt the lack of somebody to play games with, and I had to redeem myself, I offer to buy him a game we two can play together, on condition that two copies of it don't exceed 30 euros*.

 He was absolutely ecstatic about this, tells me he didn't take offence, and that he has classmates that talk aboast their wealth instead of passively mentioning it. Shows how low the standard for this country is.

 I start seeing what game I could buy for the two of us by browsing the Steam store, and eventualyl come upon Castle Crashers. I suggest him I buy it, he agrees, and a few days later when I manage to get the paysafecard for it I buy it for the both of us.

 We managed to play it today, and were off to a bumpy start as I leveled my character to 12 and he achieved just 7 before playing cooperatively, but we coordinated ourselves just enough to shrink the gap between us by the end of the session. I gave him some tips and tricks on how to balance his gameplay from the little experience I've had and going by his input on the discord server we've made to chat on he's had a blast as much as I have. And it doesn't seem like I have reason to believe otherwise.

 It's a platitude, but it really doesn't feel like they make games with a personality like this anymore. It has all the low-brow humor and memes of the late 2000s internet era**, an amazing selection of synthetizer/newgrounds audio portal songs and a disparate lack of no discernible or actual social commentary. Just fun.

  This should conclude my solitary one-year-plus streak of not having friends. I've gifted this person a game and talk with him regularly now, it's not as if I can prevaricate about our friendship like I did with my weaboo "acquaintance".


 * - I could've afforded 50 and above too but I'm a rapacious bougie brat.
 ** - We have Trump, Pepe and Wojak now so it's not absolutely bleak I suppose

Saturday 12 November 2016

It just snowed today

 In November. Donald, you better flip your stance on climate change faster than Bernie scampered away with his supporter's donations.
200 % CoMFy

 I was thinking that maybe it's best to take a break with the political posts. I'm not an economist, I'm not a scientist, and last time I opened that philosophy encyclopedia was maybe a week ago*. I'm a neglected teenager suffering from mood swings looking for some belonging and who finds it in dank alt-right memes. Donald is president. That'll do for a while.

 Anyhow, now that it snows it means I can't go on the jaunts throughout the city without slipping on the ice built up on some lopsided pavement and becoming a vegetable by crushing every single disc in my spinal cord. So that's nice, I'll have to shut myself in. And play some relaxing, homely games and snuggle up. Games I can play at my own pace.

 It seems like the perfect time to pick up Runescape again. Just tediously leveling up my character as I listen to something. Civilization VI's on the list too, if Firaxis finally opens the Steam Workshop for the game so I can conveniently fix the game owing to other people's work instead of waiting them to patch it. Playing nonstop, all day erry day with the in-game time set to evening permanently.

 I really wish I could recolor the color of the district's roofs, so that instead of it corresponding with the resource they produce they match the nation's color palette. In theory it shouldn't be that hard, rip the models and recolor them in a 3D modelling program and code those back into the game (I hope this is legal), then maybe upload it to the SW so others can enjoy delicious, autistic chromatic consistency as well. But I'm technologically illiterate and I'll feel awkward asking for what to do with my files every second step of the process.

 Cities: Skylines or Factorio could also conclude my list of games I'd like to get, but I'm not sure I want to bankroll Paradox "Buy this DLC or your mother will die in her sleep tonight" Entertainment✡︎.

 Despite thinking about what's on my birthday and Christmas wishlist I've still allocated attention to my uncommon amount of schoolwork for the weeken, and I've finished one paper a day as I've set out to do. The last one to write is scheduled for today. It's an accomplishment, for me in the least. Maybe I'm unconsciously realizing that the first three places in the National English Olympiad really are unattainable, so I'm not getting admission to an university without putting in some effort.

 After that I'll finally live out my dream life of being a solitary, dead-end translator that spends all his leisure cash on video games.


 * - But I did finally finish the entry on Aristotle. It was interesting to see that his politics were just a shred of his lifetime's work and how the intelligentsia of his time tried to quanitfy the world they lived in with pre-industrial technology and reconcile it with a fundamentally spiritual worldview (Even "atheists" such as Epicurus still believed in some sort of divinity.)
 ✡︎ - It's only a joke ADL I'm not a nazi please don't dispatch the authorities on me.

I am fond of memes

 I tried to partition my pictures into a large folder designated for memes and put the others in more appropiate ones instead of me having to wade through, as the picture above suggests, a D: drive full of 2200 pictures, some of them not even really relevant to the activity of funposting, to attach a related image to a post I want to make.

 Now that I finished this first stage of segregating my memes I now have to arrange them in folders in regards to what the memes are about. So I put the pepe and wojak memes in the pepe - wojak folder, trump memes in the trump meme folder, etc. etc.

 It'll take a while. It's it's best to start bottom up and sort my pepes, wojaks and trumps.

Friday 11 November 2016

 Looks like my sweet tooth for memes has caught up with me. Today I had a psychology test handed to me with a 3/10 grade on it, and honestly I won't contest the grade. I never rehearse lessons at home and psychology also happens to be one of the classes where I don't pay attention to the lectures either beyond absent-mindedly writing down what the teacher dictates. And I'd gotten used to the low standards of other teachers when it came to tests. It doesn't complement my other 4/10 well either. I need to get a 7/10 to get myself out of this failing state or I might even end up in retention if worst comes to worst. Not fun.

 I was also notified only yesterday that today, for Romanian class, we were supposed to hand in an essay on the story we've been having lectures on thus far and a book report on the text we were meant to move on to after being done with this. In anticipation I lied to my teacher that my papers are written but forgotten at home as the students that haven't finished their work announce themselves. I think the worst I'll suffer from this is one point detracted from my grade if she requests I read my work aloud in class.

 On the house we were assigned ANOTHER essay for the weekend, which put me at 3 essays due for three days. This should be normal for somebody in University, but for me, someone that doesn't really get much homework from school (Correction: I only do the homework I can't get away with skipping. Which is a little.). It seemed really daunting, but I knew that if I didn't start working on them today because the task was too daunting of a prospect I wouldn't when I had to write three compositions in two days. So I wrote one. Which is a performance. Hooray me?

 We were supposed to write on the means of character development concerning the growth of the main character. I ended up writing a whole large paragraph about class conflict, which in retrospect I can claim to have written as a very sophisticated joke. This is a feature of mine - Do something stupid and say you were only doing it as a joke. I call it "ulterior irony".

 I also broke it to my mother about the "If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight" incident. She wasn't angry about it for the moment, but I'm sure she'll keep it stored somewhere in her head and act all outraged about it when it's convenient*. Teacher didn't even seem to have planned on calling her, it's almost 18:00 and no sign of her attempting contact. Shoot myself in the foot.


 * - tfw no mentally healthy parents who won't use me as psychological stress relief.

Thursday 10 November 2016

If you don't respond to this post your teacher will ruin your life

 Memes got me into trouble today.

 It was English class, and my class was having a course on verbs. I was bored, and remembering a smoldering, searing, scathing hot meme that has become popular on websites I browse - "If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight" (Which is in league with "Really makes you think" and "Wtf I hate X now") - I decide that I'm going to make this meme a reality.

 I write a square of "If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight" in the corner of a torn textbook page and fold it many times over and I was too impatient to pass it on to my weaboo benchmate before my form teacher stopped paying attention to me after asking a question or adding something to what she said - I can't recall exactly. The handing was pretty overt and she intercepted it. She unfolds the paper and it seemed like she read all of its contents without too much of an outraged response. I start laughing hysterically, calm down, and then she takes the paper again and categorically reads the contents in their entirety this time around. She tells me she is going to phone my mother, and after some facetious insisting for her to not do it, she tells me she will postpone the phone call until tomorrow.

 I tried to explain that it was a joke on a site I browse, and my weaboo classmate, having a vendetta because I announced our Romanian teacher that my classmate brought some poetry of his as per his suggestion and the teacher's reception of said proposal, even though he was rectulant to offer them. He names the website 4chan and tries describing it in as much detail as he can, which was just a little. I really hope she doesn't end up searching it up, because then I'm really toast.

 Later today we had some sort of party/gathering/assembly in our classroom where words were exchanged, some takeout was eaten and it was concluded by a small event where each student, if present, and one of his parents, if present talked about their selves and children respectively. Apprehensive, I made sure my mother didn't come with me, and have succesfully blended in with the collective despite the stark contrast of mentality/personality I'd say there is between me and it.

 Also one of the moms remarked that I lost weight and said that this frame suits me much better.

Smug levels: Overdrive
 I try to query teacher on whether she still wants to call my mother tomorrow, maybe hoping that this was just a threat supposed to make me behave. She seemed set on it. I ask if my joke was really that incendiary, and she told me that while it might be normal for me she'll see what my mother thinks.

 In reprisal, I go on the computer that was in the classroom, which might have been the teacher's personal belonging, not the school's (This would make what follows even better). I briskly make a notepad document entitled "pepe was here" and in it I type "If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight". The shortcut to it was placed so that it was really easy to spot. Wonder what she'll think and if I only aggravated my situation.

Wednesday 9 November 2016


 Why am I not happy?

 EDIT: I realized that the reason I'm not happy is because I had eaten more than usual in a while and didn't exercise as much as I resolved to and it took me a bit to realize this. But I'll catch up quickly with the right attitude.

 And it appears Trump's loss of the popular vote has not caused half the stir it should have so I shouldn't be afraid of brooding monster commies coming out of the woodwork in 2020 - IF, and only if, Trump doesn't blunder this mandate. His stance on global warming already stretches what he can relinquish. He could just win over some of his detractor if he just tries to be more presidential. Let's hope he does.

 But damn, I go on reddit to see the reaction of "normal" people and I see people using the phrase "President Trump". President Trump indeed. Many memes were memed for this. Let's not disregard them just because of a few peeves.

 President Trump...

 Today was a good day.

Strings attached

 Something I omitted in my last post: Apparently Trump lost the popular vote by roughly 150.000. Democracy was a mistake. Maybe the votes still counted make up for the gap (I guess they won't).

 This will backfire. Bigly.

 This is so prospective of an outraged left coming out even more energetic next election that I can't even force myself compile all those dumb memes until I know that Trump's win cannot be contested. Otherwise things won't be looking up too well.

 Not like this. Not like this.

 EDIT: This just in:

 I should really be ecstatic about this but Trump losing the popular vote means this will be just Bush's situation over again - He might win his second mandate if tragedy strikes but then a meaner, uglier, more violent left with renewed zeal will come in and take his place.

 ...It shouldn't be too late. Nobody's going to "acquaint my head with the pavement" for some fascist leanings I had 8 years ago, are they?

Drumpf did done it


 He did. He accomplished. He dreamed, we memed, we won. He fucking did it. President of the USA. I participated in summoning a slumbering forgotten God and used goddamn running gags to elect the leader of the free world.

 Progressivism, if sadly only temporarily, is smashed. Enough so that I can enjoy some rest until I'm in my forties by an optimisitc estimate. Shame on you Nate Mozzarella. Shame on you Hillary. Shame on you Obama (Not really, from the looks of it Obama did try his best as a president even if he did not concur with me). Shame on you Guac Bowle merchant (Not really I sympathize with you my fellow oddjob). Shame on Ted for making a joke out of himself this election. Shame on you Gavrilo Princip for introducing us to this mess in the first place. Shame on you proggies for that too.

 We did it. We did it. We did it. We did it. Five hundred days of memes, we did it.

 We did it.

 I'll never be able to stress this enough. We did it. We pulled a Brexit and vanquished the odds and polls pitted against us.

 Anti-Trumpers expected a Trump supporter meltdown once his expected defeat took place. Then somehow, the madman loses Nevada and Colorado, but wins Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, simultaneously which I though would have been possible only in the best scenario. Maniac. Maniac. Maniac. This is the best birthday possible.


 I'll post some screenshots I've made of some alleging that Trump wouldn't win in a back-then when it seemed like it, as well as some others regarding the meltdown taking place. This is Brexit x100.

I really like this one. Someone with the worldview of a kindergarten teacher having a paradigm shift*.
  I'll make an entirely new post celebrating the result itself. It will comprise of a preface and literally me dumping any picture in my D: drive that insinuates some sort positive emotion.


 * - It seems gratuitous to tear this already dismayed person apart, but this is part of what I mean when I say that progressivism bothers me. Whenever I want to voice some criticism somewhere on the internet outside of a certain Kantoese God-Invoking Assembly I am met with people that seem to take personal offense with their product being criticized or, more often, downvotes, because that is less demanding. It's like you can't even dare have a tiny little unsatisfied thought. Be postitive, waa waa. Hate won today. The good, consolidating type of hate that improves something through an averse and constructive reaction, inasmuch as somebody that has their work criticized tries to improve. Breaking the hugbox. 

 And now I can let all this repressed teenage negativity come out. Mmmmhhhhhhh.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Memed a president

I woke up early today, maybe because of some preternatural obligation to Donald's effots.

He's actually doing it the madman.

 I'll be posting my Trump victory autismpost when I get home from school and bathe in some more glorious memes.

 Thank you for a great birthday Donnie.

Now that I think about it

 My post didn't really emphasize my current feelings just right.





 Something I'd felt like pointing out as a preface: A bunch of pop culture nobody figures came out as anti-Trumpers this election.

tfw to smart for popculture

 Memeing aside, some commentary is due since we're getting extremely close to the end of this ordeal and I'll be sleeping when the results are announced.

 It's been a ride I'll fondly look back on if Trump wins tbh. As I've repeated over and over in this blog to make some damage control, not because he's the best candidate, but what he stands for should reverberate around the world and a bunch of progressives will have their fundaments obliterated over the US electing such a fashiss bigot.

 But I can't say Trump can stop progressivism. The ensuing socia climate only has long odds at this. The only probable two outcomes of the human trajectory is that progressive western civilization collapses and is replaced by the growing new ex-colonial nations or that we contrive the technology to make western society sustainable before it bites the dust and it persists forever in a state of perpetual degeneracy. Neither are ideal but there's still space for a solitary life memes and video games that in the latter*.

 And for putting the horse before the cart, Trump doesn't have the best odds at victory either. It seems that demographically the US will continue to move leftwards and keep voting for the democrats. I keep hearing people say that the Republican party has to "reform" if it wants to stay in the spotlight, but it's never clarified on what that reform should be. By the looks of it half the US' population are generally people categorically comfortable with all of the Dem policies, be it people on the dole (whether they do really depend on it or not) or minorities convinced that the Republican party is the racist party because it was in favor of racist policy in the past, as the "intellectual class"** would have them believe. Or both. The affirmation is reductionist, but not as off the mark as it should reasonably be.

 I'm not going to condemn Hillary voters because I know most are just regular american people with their own issue who might find more solace under a government that emphasizes a welfare state. Or people who are repulsed by Trump for various (frequently tenable) reasons. There's just a few of progressive string-pullers whose agenda would be advanced by a Hillary presidency which I can't think can be permitted. Trump is more of a feeble lash against this inevitable than anything, but eh. I wouldn't even have animosity Hillary if there didn't seem to be so much death about her, she knows very well to pretend like an innocent responsible grandma even if she might not be one.

  My patronized websites are just memeing and being anxious. I don't feel like doing much today besides wallowing in the sentiment as well. I played a game of Dota2 and me and my equally incompetent (but determined) teammates made a legendary comeback after being beaten into a pulp by the much more coordinated opponents. I'd take it as prophetic but that's dilating the autism gauge even for me.

 I'm not getting anywhere with this post. I'll just post some maps of what I think are both candidates' plausible ceilings, extreme ceilings and most viable ways of winning are.

 Hillary's extreme ceiling (The scenario in which Trump flayed his face to reveal Hitler's countenance and eliminated the thousands of participants to his rally, on live TV, a week ago):

 This is Hillary's plausible ceiling (Which is, the best performance she can realistically accomplish):

Utah goes third party.
 This is a regular Hillary win:

 This would be Trump's fairest chance of winning:

 Trump's realistic ceiling (AKA Trump's fair chance of winning if he didn't articulate his points worse than a detached, sullen, mentally ill, middle-upper class, foreign 15-year-old):

 This is what the map would look like if Trump was consecrated as the Chosen of God by the Archangel Michael and Gabriel Themselves, aliens landed in front of the white house demanding he be promulgated autocrat of the free world and the vote was held in the 50s:

You have to credit party loyalty where it's due.
 I think this is it. I'm too loopy to remember if I wanted to say anything else.

 My birthday is tomorrow... so, hooray me?

 * - The UN really hates fun so I might still have to learn getting on the deep web to cash in on contraband of memes that are too spicy for "negative speech" laws or whatever is next on the enacting bloc. They're not taking my memes away.

 ** - When people are willing to contort the headline "Trump wants to send 30 thousand US soldiers to fight ISIS" with "Trump wants to invade Syria with 30 thousand soldiers" I am not going to object to the respectives being put up against a wall and having the firing squads unfettered on them***.
 *** - I'll really regret writing this footnote tomorrow (I already regret it).

Sunday 6 November 2016

 I realized that it's three days until I get know who gets into US office.

 The polls aren't heavily in Trump's favor, and if  Nate Hydrogen's predictions are valid he's reached his ceiling.

 It's possible people have had it with Trump's blunders. I can't fault them much. Even if I am to take a pragmatic look at the situation he's at best an expedient candidate who should prove auspicious for the rise of nationalism back here in Europe. Which, if every variable turns out just right, should be the onset of the fascist deathstate*.

 Not much has gone on in my life. I'm still firmly on my way of becoming insane and it feels as if I'm starting to forget what English I know for some reason. Maybe I'm just tired. From staying up until 2AM to watch memeball.

  It's also 3 days until I'll become 15. Something tells me I'll have a hell of a birthday. Not in a good way.

 * - This is a new meme I've concocted while away. The fascist deathstate is just a nondemocratic regime that is too choked by its bureaucracy or concerned with other matters to unpleasantly engage with me in ways a progressive nation/state would. I'd add a conceit that it's likely what internet marxists think economic liberals want.