Sunday 6 November 2016

 I realized that it's three days until I get know who gets into US office.

 The polls aren't heavily in Trump's favor, and if  Nate Hydrogen's predictions are valid he's reached his ceiling.

 It's possible people have had it with Trump's blunders. I can't fault them much. Even if I am to take a pragmatic look at the situation he's at best an expedient candidate who should prove auspicious for the rise of nationalism back here in Europe. Which, if every variable turns out just right, should be the onset of the fascist deathstate*.

 Not much has gone on in my life. I'm still firmly on my way of becoming insane and it feels as if I'm starting to forget what English I know for some reason. Maybe I'm just tired. From staying up until 2AM to watch memeball.

  It's also 3 days until I'll become 15. Something tells me I'll have a hell of a birthday. Not in a good way.

 * - This is a new meme I've concocted while away. The fascist deathstate is just a nondemocratic regime that is too choked by its bureaucracy or concerned with other matters to unpleasantly engage with me in ways a progressive nation/state would. I'd add a conceit that it's likely what internet marxists think economic liberals want.

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