Saturday 12 November 2016

It just snowed today

 In November. Donald, you better flip your stance on climate change faster than Bernie scampered away with his supporter's donations.
200 % CoMFy

 I was thinking that maybe it's best to take a break with the political posts. I'm not an economist, I'm not a scientist, and last time I opened that philosophy encyclopedia was maybe a week ago*. I'm a neglected teenager suffering from mood swings looking for some belonging and who finds it in dank alt-right memes. Donald is president. That'll do for a while.

 Anyhow, now that it snows it means I can't go on the jaunts throughout the city without slipping on the ice built up on some lopsided pavement and becoming a vegetable by crushing every single disc in my spinal cord. So that's nice, I'll have to shut myself in. And play some relaxing, homely games and snuggle up. Games I can play at my own pace.

 It seems like the perfect time to pick up Runescape again. Just tediously leveling up my character as I listen to something. Civilization VI's on the list too, if Firaxis finally opens the Steam Workshop for the game so I can conveniently fix the game owing to other people's work instead of waiting them to patch it. Playing nonstop, all day erry day with the in-game time set to evening permanently.

 I really wish I could recolor the color of the district's roofs, so that instead of it corresponding with the resource they produce they match the nation's color palette. In theory it shouldn't be that hard, rip the models and recolor them in a 3D modelling program and code those back into the game (I hope this is legal), then maybe upload it to the SW so others can enjoy delicious, autistic chromatic consistency as well. But I'm technologically illiterate and I'll feel awkward asking for what to do with my files every second step of the process.

 Cities: Skylines or Factorio could also conclude my list of games I'd like to get, but I'm not sure I want to bankroll Paradox "Buy this DLC or your mother will die in her sleep tonight" Entertainment✡︎.

 Despite thinking about what's on my birthday and Christmas wishlist I've still allocated attention to my uncommon amount of schoolwork for the weeken, and I've finished one paper a day as I've set out to do. The last one to write is scheduled for today. It's an accomplishment, for me in the least. Maybe I'm unconsciously realizing that the first three places in the National English Olympiad really are unattainable, so I'm not getting admission to an university without putting in some effort.

 After that I'll finally live out my dream life of being a solitary, dead-end translator that spends all his leisure cash on video games.


 * - But I did finally finish the entry on Aristotle. It was interesting to see that his politics were just a shred of his lifetime's work and how the intelligentsia of his time tried to quanitfy the world they lived in with pre-industrial technology and reconcile it with a fundamentally spiritual worldview (Even "atheists" such as Epicurus still believed in some sort of divinity.)
 ✡︎ - It's only a joke ADL I'm not a nazi please don't dispatch the authorities on me.

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