Tuesday 8 November 2016


 Something I'd felt like pointing out as a preface: A bunch of pop culture nobody figures came out as anti-Trumpers this election.

tfw to smart for popculture

 Memeing aside, some commentary is due since we're getting extremely close to the end of this ordeal and I'll be sleeping when the results are announced.

 It's been a ride I'll fondly look back on if Trump wins tbh. As I've repeated over and over in this blog to make some damage control, not because he's the best candidate, but what he stands for should reverberate around the world and a bunch of progressives will have their fundaments obliterated over the US electing such a fashiss bigot.

 But I can't say Trump can stop progressivism. The ensuing socia climate only has long odds at this. The only probable two outcomes of the human trajectory is that progressive western civilization collapses and is replaced by the growing new ex-colonial nations or that we contrive the technology to make western society sustainable before it bites the dust and it persists forever in a state of perpetual degeneracy. Neither are ideal but there's still space for a solitary life memes and video games that in the latter*.

 And for putting the horse before the cart, Trump doesn't have the best odds at victory either. It seems that demographically the US will continue to move leftwards and keep voting for the democrats. I keep hearing people say that the Republican party has to "reform" if it wants to stay in the spotlight, but it's never clarified on what that reform should be. By the looks of it half the US' population are generally people categorically comfortable with all of the Dem policies, be it people on the dole (whether they do really depend on it or not) or minorities convinced that the Republican party is the racist party because it was in favor of racist policy in the past, as the "intellectual class"** would have them believe. Or both. The affirmation is reductionist, but not as off the mark as it should reasonably be.

 I'm not going to condemn Hillary voters because I know most are just regular american people with their own issue who might find more solace under a government that emphasizes a welfare state. Or people who are repulsed by Trump for various (frequently tenable) reasons. There's just a few of progressive string-pullers whose agenda would be advanced by a Hillary presidency which I can't think can be permitted. Trump is more of a feeble lash against this inevitable than anything, but eh. I wouldn't even have animosity Hillary if there didn't seem to be so much death about her, she knows very well to pretend like an innocent responsible grandma even if she might not be one.

  My patronized websites are just memeing and being anxious. I don't feel like doing much today besides wallowing in the sentiment as well. I played a game of Dota2 and me and my equally incompetent (but determined) teammates made a legendary comeback after being beaten into a pulp by the much more coordinated opponents. I'd take it as prophetic but that's dilating the autism gauge even for me.

 I'm not getting anywhere with this post. I'll just post some maps of what I think are both candidates' plausible ceilings, extreme ceilings and most viable ways of winning are.

 Hillary's extreme ceiling (The scenario in which Trump flayed his face to reveal Hitler's countenance and eliminated the thousands of participants to his rally, on live TV, a week ago):

 This is Hillary's plausible ceiling (Which is, the best performance she can realistically accomplish):

Utah goes third party.
 This is a regular Hillary win:

 This would be Trump's fairest chance of winning:

 Trump's realistic ceiling (AKA Trump's fair chance of winning if he didn't articulate his points worse than a detached, sullen, mentally ill, middle-upper class, foreign 15-year-old):

 This is what the map would look like if Trump was consecrated as the Chosen of God by the Archangel Michael and Gabriel Themselves, aliens landed in front of the white house demanding he be promulgated autocrat of the free world and the vote was held in the 50s:

You have to credit party loyalty where it's due.
 I think this is it. I'm too loopy to remember if I wanted to say anything else.

 My birthday is tomorrow... so, hooray me?

 * - The UN really hates fun so I might still have to learn getting on the deep web to cash in on contraband of memes that are too spicy for "negative speech" laws or whatever is next on the enacting bloc. They're not taking my memes away.

 ** - When people are willing to contort the headline "Trump wants to send 30 thousand US soldiers to fight ISIS" with "Trump wants to invade Syria with 30 thousand soldiers" I am not going to object to the respectives being put up against a wall and having the firing squads unfettered on them***.
 *** - I'll really regret writing this footnote tomorrow (I already regret it).

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