Sunday 27 November 2016

JIBUN WOOOOOOOO + Cursed by memes

 I held my promise to myself and went on that stroll. I walked a distance of somewhere between ten and twelve kilometres, stopped by a mall at the end of it, bought myself a small carton of chocolate milk and a chocolate bar* and consumed them after seating myself on a bench on the outside and admired the scenery beyond me. It was a pleasant use of my time.

 Still yesterday, I tried getting myself to write. I started off by replacing the chair I sat on with an armchair, and, surprisingly, I actually felt motivated now that my bumbum wasn't pressing against as hard a surface anymore. I can also look at my monitor without leaning my head which is going to avert some unfortunate side-effects in adulthood.

 Then I get to the writing. Another thing took me aback here. I had no clue how to write the first paragraph. I partook in the written equivalent of autistic stammering and decided that maybe I was tired, since it was late at the time of the attempt, so I went to sleep much earlier than I would've on a saturday.

 I wake up, my brain is as foggy and I am as confident in my capabilities. It still holds that I forget two words for each one I learn, huh.

 I should be more dejected because writing is my only ambition. I'm fine with living in a cramped apartment, working as a freelance translator at a wage which covers the expense of my fees bills plus a few game-related purchases a month. But I want to occasionally publish some fiction from that same apartment too, damn it.

 I thought this wouldn't do, so I got my hands on that philosophy encyclopedia of mine and resolved that since I've already put the horse before the cart by reading Aristotles I'd do things proper for once and read about Socrates, and then Plato. I read about a quarter about Socrates before taking a break and returning to my computer to procrastinate. I thought I'd spend a few minutes to gather my sprinkled wits and long story short that didn't happen because I met this:

 Some memey anime was getting a new season after a hiatus, and since I didn't want to be left out of some collective meme celebration (I have nothing to do with my life) so I lurked the thread and watched five episodes of said anime**. Since after five episodes I was still left with nothing better to do, I finished One Punch Man, which I can't recall when I started (Less than a week ago).

 It was pretty entertaining in the beginning, but as the story progressed and the power creep compounded the battles kept stretching on and the last two really felt like filler when they took up the space of multiple episodes. There's only so much you can build upon the premise of somebody that can defeat any enemy with one (1) (unos) smack.

 In that same thread I ironically comment that I liked OPM unironically and the sole, most precious (you) I recieved wished that I fell off a cliff. He got dubs. And while it should be disgraceful that I'm getting unsettled over this, Brexit happened. Then Trump happened. The first was won simply - The majority voted Leave, despite what preconceptions about the British would've hinted at. Then Trump won (And hopefully that recount proves pointless), losing the popular vote by two million but winning the electoral college agains the odds (There goes the mandate of the people). Then /pol/ gets their 100 millionth post, which was some stupid quote from some Polish soldier about killing gommie soldiers and the post itself contained just the text "Fuck leftists". Tomorrow, on Black Friday and Pinochet's birthday, Castro dies aged 90.

 All would have been reasonable occurences that could've happened independently. But I've gone off the rockers anyways and I'm going to infer that meme magic is real and some anon unintentionally cursed me to fall off a bluff. I think I should avoid elevated terrain for an interval.

Please don't whack me Kek.
 Closing paragraph: Next week I will have a prolonged weekend with three days off the normal weekday. It sounds like a good time to renew my GrindScape membership for sweet, sweet, comfy winter grinding as I listen to podcasts***.


 * - No regrets.
 ** - Five episodes a day should get me through the first season in five days.
 *** - Contrary to what I'd believed they don't help me with my English as much as I peddled them to myself - If my last encounter with writing was anything to go by. But at this point I've exposed myself to so much audio content as I play that I can't just listen to anything as I'm playing a game, music doesn't cut it, especially in the case of something passive as Runescape.

 tfw afflicted myself with ADD

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