Wednesday 9 November 2016

Drumpf did done it


 He did. He accomplished. He dreamed, we memed, we won. He fucking did it. President of the USA. I participated in summoning a slumbering forgotten God and used goddamn running gags to elect the leader of the free world.

 Progressivism, if sadly only temporarily, is smashed. Enough so that I can enjoy some rest until I'm in my forties by an optimisitc estimate. Shame on you Nate Mozzarella. Shame on you Hillary. Shame on you Obama (Not really, from the looks of it Obama did try his best as a president even if he did not concur with me). Shame on you Guac Bowle merchant (Not really I sympathize with you my fellow oddjob). Shame on Ted for making a joke out of himself this election. Shame on you Gavrilo Princip for introducing us to this mess in the first place. Shame on you proggies for that too.

 We did it. We did it. We did it. We did it. Five hundred days of memes, we did it.

 We did it.

 I'll never be able to stress this enough. We did it. We pulled a Brexit and vanquished the odds and polls pitted against us.

 Anti-Trumpers expected a Trump supporter meltdown once his expected defeat took place. Then somehow, the madman loses Nevada and Colorado, but wins Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, simultaneously which I though would have been possible only in the best scenario. Maniac. Maniac. Maniac. This is the best birthday possible.


 I'll post some screenshots I've made of some alleging that Trump wouldn't win in a back-then when it seemed like it, as well as some others regarding the meltdown taking place. This is Brexit x100.

I really like this one. Someone with the worldview of a kindergarten teacher having a paradigm shift*.
  I'll make an entirely new post celebrating the result itself. It will comprise of a preface and literally me dumping any picture in my D: drive that insinuates some sort positive emotion.


 * - It seems gratuitous to tear this already dismayed person apart, but this is part of what I mean when I say that progressivism bothers me. Whenever I want to voice some criticism somewhere on the internet outside of a certain Kantoese God-Invoking Assembly I am met with people that seem to take personal offense with their product being criticized or, more often, downvotes, because that is less demanding. It's like you can't even dare have a tiny little unsatisfied thought. Be postitive, waa waa. Hate won today. The good, consolidating type of hate that improves something through an averse and constructive reaction, inasmuch as somebody that has their work criticized tries to improve. Breaking the hugbox. 

 And now I can let all this repressed teenage negativity come out. Mmmmhhhhhhh.

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