Monday 31 October 2016

Something is happening to me

 I've started... exercising.

 If you told my fat Runescape-playing fundament this during the summer I wouldn't have believed it. But I lost weight, and the slipper slope now has me doing this with heavy books*:

Art really was for me huh.

  To increase the breadth of my upper arm. I'm not sure if it's going to work (I've only been doing it one or two times for maybe five minutes for three days now, plan on increasing my time delegated to this), but my muscles hurt after trying my thew with it enough. Pain means something's ripped, and when a muscle is ripped that means it's going to fill the gaps in a way that will let the muscle endure more stress the next time it is subjected to it, if it's supplied with protein.

 For short, that means "sick musl gainz"

That signature radiates authenticity... Don't sue me Bennie.
  I've also been doing some of these ab exercises after much deliberation:

p r o p o r t i o n n' p e r s p e c t i v e
 I'm not doing too much of it, but what I think is best about this new habit of mine is that I think it has affected my enthusiasm in a good way. I read another bit of that philosophy encyclopedia yesterday (Not that much, admittedly) and today at school when I found a lack of things to do I actually grabbed a paper and wrote a small experiment in creative writing** on it instead of idling around. My English as always can use some honing but I was satisfied by what prose I concieved there. I think I'll upload it in a day or two if I can manage the bother.

 And it might have maybe, just maybe made me more confident. I feel it did so in more of a general feeling rather than is some specific area.

 I don't know what to add. I think I might be at a crossorads of brain chemistry. It'd be amazing dope if I snapped out of my depressive, reserved behavior and started to place what skills I have on the proving grounds. If I turn into a Chad and a future me reads this post because he wants to look back on the old times: EAT YOUR SHOE. DO IT. JUST DO IT. MAKE YOUR FORMER SELF'S DREAMS COME TRUE.

 Swapping topics, my blog hit this milestone recently:
I swear a third of these are mine.
 And interesting things are occuring in the US presidential elections. I noticed a pattern in the polling, and I extrapolated that this approximatively what polls will shape up to by the end of the election:

 This is how they progressed thereafter:

 Much more abrupt than my prognosis but all that trying one's hand at getting fit must have opened up my chakras to divination powers.

 Looks like I'm not going to die in nuclear fire. All the more reason to get /fit/, then.

 * - It's a heavy book ok
 ** - Well, it's supposed to be a full blown project but let's say that for all intents and purposes the small amount I wrote is an experiment.

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