Thursday 20 October 2016

Author's Note (Written the same day as the post was published): Please nevermind the last part of this post, concering the article. I've completely missed the point of it and my reading comprehension is still garbage.

 The point about me being genetically deficient stands.


Today was an... intresting day.

 My history teacher unintentionally sloth-shamed me today. For some reason my weaboo acquaintance* wanted me to accompany him to the nearest students were typically allowed to approach the teacher's lounge so he could deliver some paperwork, I think. He never explicitly told me his intents, or I've forgotten them.

 Once there we happen to be in the proximity of the history teacher, who approaches me after he finishes some conversation of his, and starts a conversation by asking what I'm currently reading (history-related, implicitly), reason being I'm very active and inquisitive in the class, pretty eager to ask questions about some historical periods which I happen to be interested in at the time given, which should (rightfully) make the teacher think I'm actively trying to learn history out of passion.

  I try to admit to him that I'm not currently reading up anything and that I instead just listen to audibooks and podcasts as I play video games, and he immediately retorts that that is a bad idea. I say what books I'm currently in the process of listening to at the moment upon further inquiry: The Art of War, the Prince (My second listening, in hopes that I would glean what I wasn't paying attention to in the latter half of the three hours. Ended up tuning out even more often after I came back home) and a podcast about the History of Rome.

 I actually highly recommend it, the commentary isn't overwrought and it's swollen my wordbox a bit.

 This prompted me to ask my father for any books of classical historic accounts or philosophical pieces he has he might have in his apartment in the city centre or in the library he works at, English obligatory.

 I'm surprisingly looking forward to reading after a period of pause, as yesterday when the class was doing their Phys Ed. I took out my first volume of the Lord of The Rings and read through the first chapter in the free hour I had at hand, since I'm exempt and couldn't leave school early because we have Physics class after PE. I've atonishingly been able to pay full attention to what I was reading and had a clear image of the first chapter's sequence of events after finishing it**. As opposed to my previous experiences with reading where I hazed out often and only had very poor context of what was happening in a book when I regained focus. This should be good.

 Our final three classes were supposed to be spent with out form/English teacher, but as she was ill her substitute took us to a library near the school, said library being focused on "American studies". Little of note happened in the visit, save for me asking an employee trying to give the class something short of a guide what are the job prospects for studying this particular subject in University. She gave me a response about how it offers various employment in the US, etc. , and I can't remember the subtleties of the tone to recognize if I struck a nerve***.

 But we got off early, can't complain.

 I get home, and in high spirits I expected Trump to make a killing out of today/yesterday's debate (They air in the middle of the night here, so I can only see them after school/), because surely if the first debate was poorly performed and the second was adequately, Trump could perform well the third time?

 From the reactions to the debate I've noticed on the internet there certainly was a killing, just not of the right people. I've not marshalled the guts to watch the debate itself.

Hmmm............ Really goads your lobes huh?
 Trump's unproffesional, but at least he won't start a nuclear war and he will give some elan to nationalist movements in the West.

 Now why would I be preoccupied about the fare of these movements and the breakdown of globalism?

 This news I found out today is maybe a reason:

Now, I'm aware this organization does not really have an authority on what and what doesn't go around in nations, and that the source reporting this has a blatant right-wing bias, but better make sure this organization stays as powerless.

 What a wonderful way of encouraging dysgenics, isn't it? I know my place in the genetic hierarchy, and due to it I don't intend on having children unless the situation changes drastically****.

 And here these people from the World Health Organization are, encouraging the populace to find sexual partners. The people that will take to this advice are the hooligans and pathologically dumb and violent, which are overall as bad as me but suffering deficiencies in different aspects. And after becoming comfortable with their (equally deficient) partners eventually they'll reproduce. The nerve. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

 Or this might be a red herring and I'm getting worked up over nothing. I'd wish.


 * - I already forgot the Japanese nickname I gave him a few posts back and I'm too lazy to scour for it.
 ** - I'm a pretty slow reader. I experience a different delays of varying length in activities I partake in leading me to believe that I might be literally retarded.
 *** - I wouldn't say striking a nerve was my objective, but I can't deny acknoweledge the possibility of doing it before asking the question.
 **** - Nor am I that set on finding a spouse, for the matter, though I might have somewhat warmed up to the concept if by luck a person I'm compatible with happens to share a class or workplace with me. But I won't spend the energy actively looking out for "the one" if we don't coincide spatially.

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