Sunday 23 October 2016


 It appears that mention of an individual affiliated with the Correct The Record superPAC's name yields the poster a 14-day ban on 4chan. (I'm sure not testing this because I need my dank meme fix.)

 Some are suspicious that the website has landed in the lap of this CTR. Though frankly I doubt it because even somebody as out-of-touch as the democrat grannies that run CTR would realize there is no winning to be had by dissoluting the internet hate machine, because the hate would just spill elsewhere. Or so I hope.

 ... if not, and something really happens to 4chan (But I doubt this could have consequences worse than some controversial decisions made in 2014), it would be the symbolic fall of the... old? internet.

 This adjoins with a new topic I wanted to adress this post. The "old" internet, which I define to be the internet as it was in the dozen years from 2000 to 2012. I was sadly too young to experience it to its fullest, but I still engaged with it in some ways. Watching youtube poops was a past time of mine and flash games were my smack.

 What I'm trying to get to saying is that it was better. The internet was rife with trolling - in all its forms on this green earth. One'd be walking his way in a FPS with poor textures and happen upon an image of a man flagrantly spreading an orifice of his. It was more sparsely populated and functioned at a slower pace. There weren't the social tensions there are now. The memes were in their infancy.

 Nowadays the internet is vyed for by corporate interests, any site worth visiting is really just a social network by any other name, and better be careful to add a "BUT THAT'S JUST MY OWN OPINION XDDDDDDDD" any time you try to criticize something acclaimed or you will face the retribution of a thousand indignant users.

 There wasn't the SJW dilemma. If one knows where to tread, they can still be avoided, as they seem to congregate around fandoms or interests that also happen to attract people on the far-right of the political spectrum (As can be seen in the case of grand strategy games). I guess that's really a consequence of repressed racial and class animosity in the US which created a climate very favorable for this new phase of progressivism.

 ... It was crappier. A "that old worn down farmhouse I used to live in with my parents before we moved in the city" brand of crappy. Crappy one melancholizes about. I really, really wish I could've experienced those times beyond their very late stages and reading up on sites that are nothing but relics of the period*.

(Normally I try to avoid referencing vulgarity on this blog because the only thing cringier than a teen deliberately censoring himself is a teen swearing. But I want to feel some feels.)

 ... This was all pretty dumb. Nevermind.

 Dad finally brought the encyclopedia I requested home. I expected it to be of the contemporary kind, with colors and an illustration here and there. It was actually revealed to be an eight-volume beast with and estimated 2000 pages of small, black on white print. The introduction was pretty eloquent and if I make a habit of reading this it will have a better impact on my English than listening to a fat British men whose persona is an ancient Emperor or audiobooks I don't pay attention to as I play video games.

 I'm going to start with Aristotle and his teachings because he seems to be the philosopher I align most on the hypothetical - That is, how I believe society should be organized for the betterment of man, etc. . Personally, from the little I know about ancient philosophy I'm more of a classical cynic, wanting to live a reclused, frugal lifestyle without necessarily being ascetic.

 Then I'll probably read up on marxism, not necessarily because I concur with the philosophy (I'm more of a light state capitalism dude), but because it's the one I'm most knowledgable about, having listened to the entire communist manifesto and having preserved attention for the most part of the playing. This should be really telling of my current knowledge of philosophy.

 I think I could've taken advantage of the privilege that is my father's library maybe a year earlier, but never too late to start huh? I'm gonna be a real philosophy buff once I'm done with this. Albeit I probably won't take to reading the book head to cover anywhere in the close future.

tfw going to make sick brain gains


 * - A certain... encyclopedia would come to mind.

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