Friday 7 October 2016

No title tbh

 Incidents occured whilst I was inactive.

 Two days ago two classmates decided that they would have some-light hearted physical fun and one ended up (purportedly without the intention) pushing the other head-first into the window hard enough to crack a glass door located closer to the end of the class. We have two doors because the area of our classroom used to accomodate two but the adjoining wall was torn down and it was refurbished for its current use. This happened Wednesday.

 Thursday our teacher had everybody in the class write a declaration each, and since I was on the other end of the class when the accident took place I very embellishedly wrote that I had no clue what happened beyond what seemed to have had. Coincidentally we had our dirigency class today, which was spent with the most informed witnesses trying to attest to what happened and discussion of other administrative concerns.

 I ended up getting myself in a situation where I acted even more audaciously than ususal (if one was skeptical of the possibility), when the topic of consulting the camera feed emerged. I ask teacher if I was captured doing anything incriminating by the camera which happens to be in my vicinity. Not being in the most tolerant of dispositions she tells me she'd have notified me of bad behavior if I was guilty of one and that the universe doesn't revolve around me (I've had the tendency to do some attention-demanding things so far in high school, hence her telling me this). I send a rejoinder her way about how relieving that was in a condescending tone, and this among some other insolent behavior which stemmed from another conversation later in the class which I can't recall* in detail made her rather frustrated with me.

 Which goes contrary to my d e v i l l i s h plan to scare her with signalling (partially) insincere depressive and suicidial tendencies. (In large part) (jokingly) hinting that I want to hurl myself from an elevated attitude won't have as large of an impact if I just bothered her a day or two prior.

 But that was about it for school. I'd like to take the discussion to another topic.

Is it getting better? Or do you feel the same? Would it make it easier on you if you'd got someone to blame? You said, Make America, Great Again, When it's all turning out, to be in vain. One campaign, we got to share it. It left us, Donnie, though you've cared for it. You cared for us, Donnie.

 I support Trump even though he is a pretty shady person, not for who he is but for what he could bring (or could've brought) about in Western society. Is it sad that this is who gets to represent the new right against the new left in these times of a shrinking neutral ground? Maybe.

 But there is something more opportune about why I'd like Trump to win. He's on good terms on Russia, while Hillary might just get NATO in a war with them. And believe me folks, I'd rather die alone of heart failure at 70 in a cramped apartment after a sedentary lifestyle and having exhausted all possibilities of the future's medicine than at 21 after getting carpet bombed by some outdated Slav fighter plane because I happened to be born at what will be the front of an anti-Russian war.

 I even took an text for old times' sake and seeing how much I align with the other candidates ideologically. I thought I might be more #Ill4Hill than I thought but I unbeknownst to me I was still a Trumpster despite all the swaying uncovered corruption has incurred on me.

 Like the little narcissist I am I'm a sucker for being placed on a spectrum**, as would be the case with the results of many political and psychological quizzes. So again for old times' sake I'm going to post screencaps of how the website weighed me on certain dicothomies.

Over six varangandillion hours in MSPaint went into compiling this single picture.
 It's overall pretty accurate I'd say, but I'd like to clarify some things:

 I'm ranked so far off into the "Environmentalist" side because I'm very concerned about global warming and focusing on retroactively mitigating as much damage of it as possible. It's perhaps one of my most fervent disagreements with Trump and enough to make me not completely rue a Clinton presidency provided I don't get killed in Russian crossfire.

 But I'm only an environmentalist insofar as Humanity's welfare is concerned. If we could upload our brains in chips and store them in a space station or deep in the ground we could nuke the Earth into a permanently inhospitable tomb world for all I care. Sapient life is what matters.

 Another glaring section is the Isolationism vs Imperialism scale, which is a 0 despite being "more important" to me. I think it's because I said the US could make Cuba its 51st state along with being in favor of intervention against ISIS (Don't want to get beheaded 2bh) but would otherwise have the US eschew from conflict.

 "Populism" is also an odd one out. But I don't know the criteria they use for scoring it so me answering some economically left to some inquiries might have painted me as a people's person. I'm actually pretty authoritarian as far as the norm goes and I appear a centrist because it appears my extremes cancel out.

 Really makes you think huh.

 I've not started work on my pixel outline again because I've felt rather low-energy today so I suppose I will have no choice but to spend my day on memes and browsing the internet because I've been unussually apprehensive about drawing the fully flexed leg on the Griffin.

 I WILL do it, just not today. I'll have to rebuild my composure for now.

 But I really WILL finish this. And it will be TREMENDOUS. YUUUUUGE.


 * - It's not fun and games anymore.
 ** - *Hint* *hint* Rly maeks u think eh...

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