Monday 24 October 2016

 I tried to read up on Aristotle as resoluted in my last post. Emphasis on tried.

Aristotleanism and Aristotles both amounted to only 12 pages, a number which was initially a surprise but given that the encyclopedia I'm reading seeks to encompass most philosophy that existed up until the time it was published (Somewhere in the late 60s) it shouldn't have come as one. Still, I only managed to read maybe 4 pages.

 I know some new things about Aristotle - That he was more of a career scholar than just a professional philosopher and his other works tread on matters other than just logics. His biography was self-standing, but the former part, "Aristotelianism", had its coverage of how interpretations of Aristotle's works given the circumstances of them not having been intact throughout history presented in a way tht behooved some anterior knowledge from the reader. Which might prove an impediment on further reading of the book.

 Then I just lost interest, I think. Looks like I'm not that ready for all these sick brain gains yet. I'll have to keep on trying.

 ... And holy moly guacabowle my writing was pretentious this time around. Maybe all this reading and obsessive definition scavanging is actually showing results.

tfw to smart for colloquial English*
 My Romanian is garbage and my English is too verbose. From the frying pan into the fire.


 * - There's a noose in the picture but it becomes visible only if the viewer is smart enough tbh

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