Saturday 1 October 2016

Today wasn't that bad tbqh

We're currently nearer to winter than to summer. Really makes ya think huh
  Tried making another pixel drawing. Though I only got to the coloring stage it's still reassuring to know I am still functional enough to make myself do something though partially.

  As it stands it's an aberrantly abysmal rendition of an anthropomorphic frog (the same character that featured in a previous drawing*) wearing a hoodie and resting on a beanie couch. It's also based on a real-life object/location only the most hardened esotericists will be able to recognize. Are you bad enough of a dude to take your hunch?

 ... As I look at the thing perhaps I should distinguish between the pants and anorak. Not that it's a difficult change to make. You'll likely see this done by tomorrow.

 Cherry on top, Hillary called Bernie supporters basement-dwellers just as some digging was done on some shady activity committed by Donald***. That's not shooting yourself in the leg, that's trying to stomp on a frog that's facing your toes and triggering an epileptic fit when your shoe hits the bare asphalt.

 * - There is a harrowing story behind it I haven't yet disclosed on this blog, and it ties in with me promising a post detaling my deliberation joining an alternative community to the alt-right** - A community with much more palpable boundaries to it.
 ** - I've dropped the alt-right thing because it's asinine to claim entry within a nebulous movement with no formalized hierarchy. A neon-haired commie would call me a reactionary, I use memes, and I sometimes perform some guerrilla trolling on liberal-left redditors. That should make me alt-righter.
 *** - Dammit Donnie.

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