Wednesday 26 October 2016

Dumb briefposting

 This post will be brief mainly because I want to share a meme I made about my priorities which fit in with what just happened today. I had two take two tests, one for Chemistry and one for Physics, which are arguably the subjects I'm worst at. But the Chemistry teacher was clement and I managed to squeeze a 5/10 by placing the right amounts of hydrogen atoms next to carbon atoms in a chain of them and accurately classifying the atoms as "Primary, Secondary, Tertiary or Quaternary" depending on the amount of links they had adjoining them ot their neighbours. It was one of the few things I kept in mind from all those classes.

 I was pessimistic about my (impromptu) Physics test, but with enough asspulling and guesswork about what calculus to perform I think I've secured myself a 7/10 where I thought I'd get a failing grade.
    There's also some more good news around the corner:

 I'm not going to get nuked but will instead enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live concomittently with the first meme president of the US.

 ... But this is early voting. Trump supporters are more elated and this proves it, but that doesn't mean they are more numerous. Hope holds.

 * - "Studying philosophy" is a stretch because the last time I touched my philosophy encyclopedia with the intent of reading it was two days ago (I did make myself heavylift it yesterday for a 20 minutes if going by a generous estimate). I'm probably not going to touch it with that intent today either, but I do need to exercise my flimsy upper arms**.
 ** - For all the convenient words English has I'm surprised there isn't one for that part of the limb. You failed me anglos.

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