Thursday 30 June 2016

Quest for the Set: Days 3 and 4

 Were spent levelling agility with a lot of questing and grinding for other skills in-between. I'm making progress, but there's not much that there is to write about it here. I've got level 52 in agility and hope to get the damned 60 tomorrow.

 I wanted to add that I think an update of the stuff that's been going on in my life (or, more correctly, an update talking about some loose ends I've not clarified before school finished, such as what happened to me going to the school psychologist, our new kitten, etc.) is overdue. I suppose I'll get it written tomorrow (more correctly today, since it's past midnight when I'm writing this).

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Quest for the Set: Days 1 and 2

 As I finish planting my last willow tree in my favourite time sink "Skinner Box Simulator 2016: Fantasy Pack" also referred to as "RuneScape" I conclude that I have put sufficient effort in my endeavor to recover a valuable armor set that I lost out of blind faith in my imaginary character's ability to face green dragons in a wasteland.

 I spent two days doing many things -  But first I'll recapitulate my original objective: I intended to level my construction skill to level 34 in order to be able to start a quest which would enable me to build clockwork penguins in the player house's workshop - To be used for levelling my agility skill to level 60 so as to push a boulder that is blocking the player's way to a dungeon that houses enemies which have a chance to drop the armor pieces I'm missing. That, reader, is the magic of GrindScape.

 In the first day of this excellent adventure I successfully increased my construction level and began the quest. As it was getting late, however, I postponed beginning the quest for today (Technically yesterday, as I'm writing this past midnight, but the point gets across).

 After helping a notably paranoid scientist with an expedition towards the setting's equivalent of the arctic to help him uncover what he thought would be the nefarious plans of some penguins, I unlocked the ability to construct clockwork penguins that were intended for luring some penguins to progress in the quest. They've turned out more effective for grinding agility as you can get experience fairly quickly by continuously winding them up, releasing and then catching them, and I repeatedly did this pretty menial task with a small army of clockwork penguins until I got myself to level 43 in agility.

 Any respectable player of this game is probably going to suspect the claims in this story because there's no way a player could be this inefficient at grinding that he could only get to level 43 in agility by grinding clockwork penguins all day - and they'd be correct. I went a bit off-track and trained my thieving skill at the times when I grew bored of clicking virtual penguins for virtual experience.

And onward to level 60 agility, the quest continues.


 Damn I sounded pretentious in this post. I think this is what staying up late does to me. Definitely seems like something worth experimenting with.


Turns out I was wrong about this not becoming a Runescape blog

 As well as losing my zeal in grinding skills and money.

 I'm actually so infatuated with this game that I flushed 10 spare ameribux down the drain to get a cosmetic override for my character. Inasmuch as Jagex isn't doing as well as they used to* (and the Brexit is having a bad influence on their immediate economic performance) I can at least sleep peacefully knowing I've done my part in keeping somebody employed.

  And you know what? I really am having fun, even after losing that precious armor set (Which I'm on my way to retrieving anyways).

Pictured above is an Aviantese committing a hate crime against a leprechaun.


 * - This doesn't mean that they're not well off, however. Runescape used to be massive a few years ago. I feel like I shouldn't, but I like the twilight atmosphere of the game now. The liveliest days of the community are behind it but there's still a long way to go and the game is still improving and building upon a years-old foundation.

Sunday 26 June 2016

One day...

Just lost half of my Warpriest of Armadyl set in Runescape.

 Long story short, I died in the Wilderness (Which is a ravaged landscape whose mechanics are merciless to dying players) and lost half of the potentially powerful armor set that Daddy Eagle bestowed upon me. I could get it back, but now I need to grind Construction XP to finish a quest that would allow me to grind Agility XP more efficiently so that I can access the God Wars Dungeons (In which the armor can be found post-event* - Fortunately at an increased rate for those that had obtained it in said event). Also ended up busting half of my measly 5 million gold coins on a dragon armor set that is partly worse than the predecessor.

 This was a really good thing to happen to me shortly before going to bed. And I was planning to write an insightful (term used very loosely) post reflecting on things about my school I didn't talk before it ended. Now I guess I'll have to dwell on how exactly to slit wrists.

 I was promised fun with this membership, damn it.


 * - To those that have no idea what I'm talking about - Basically at some point in the game there was a special event where two gods, Armadyl the bird-god of Justice and Bandos the orc-thing-god of War. Armadyl won and players that participated in it could use points earned in participating to purchase various equipment, abilities, titles and such related to their gods; Including an armor set which I'm now whining about losing. You probably still don't have a clue what I'm talking about, which is undestandable. Just run with it.

Friday 24 June 2016

Brexit result reaction autismpost

"It's not gonna happen."


 And now we're marching on to a Trump presidency. The world is starting to shape up to something I'd like to live in.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Brexit Update

 Turns out the pessimism in my last post was unnecessary because leave so far is doing pretty good in the vote countings. Sadly I've been up for hours into the night and as much as I'd like to watch the entire thing go down I think I'll finally have to accept that I'm going to have to sleep through this and wake up to the good or bad news.

 Regardless of me going to sleep, please don't disappoint, biscuits.

(I knew staying up late would have me done for eventually)

 Let's just say that the pro-leaving camp in the Brexit referendum isn't doing too great.

Quite plainly, might I add.
  I swear, if Britain stays I'm going to snap and become a nihilist. No more authoritarianism, no more collectivism, no more of anything that sets out to ensure long-term human satisfaction at the cost of immediate indulgence - I'm just going to ride the ride out until it ends and have a laugh at everything that's going to take place along the way.

 Let Britain stay. Let Hillary win. Let the EU ratify its constitution so that no more states can leave the union. Establish the TPP, hate speech laws and excessive anti-piracy laws all over the developed world. Let the hooligans breed.


 EDIT: Spain can keep Gibraltar btw.


School's end and BREXIT PANIC

 Turns out that my masterplan to be absent from school until failed miserably - While I did stroll through the city for more than an hour (Ended up buying myself some ice tea because it was pretty hot and I was getting dehydrated). After a very long walk (approx. one hour and twenty minutes) I planned on staying in a little park I stumbled upon until what I assumed would be half the school day passing and proceed to head back to school so as to get there in time to recover my student's booklet.

 All went smoothly until form teacher called me on my phone to make sure I didn't leave the school and all I could do was tell her I was in fact there and ended the conversation - In which she also informed me that she actually got me the gift she informed me of a few days ago. Having no choice, I got up and went back to school, just in time for the "festivity" - which took place in the school's courtyard - to start.

 It was precisely the principal reading the noteworthy achievements of all students from every grade starting with the 12th. Deciding that I wasn't going to stay upright for an hour listening to what grades and diplomas people that I'm concerned about their achievements as much as they are by mine, I instead reciprocated the interest by going on another, much shorter walk (of about 30 mins).

 I returned, and while the festivities weren't over I observed that the principal got very close to declaring the achievements of the students in my class and I waited a bit. Then came my class and I was congratulated for my place in the English Olympiad's rankings.

 I was supposed to go in the middle of the courtyard where the principal was, but it was a really hot day and I just drank almost two liters of sweet tea* - Which, predictably, resulted in me being pretty sweat and back then I wasn't sure how presentable I looked; And given that I'm not attention's no.1 fan I took the course only a kid like me could - Leave the courtyard before the principal saw me and invited me to approach me and go on another, briefer walk.

 I returned to a courtyard with fewer people in it, and the few classmates that remained in it told me that the class is in the classroom and waiting for the form teacher to come. I returned to the classroom and proceeded to do as my classmates did until form teacher finally came and started handing out our booklets. I was second, she called me over, and I assume she would have liked to tell the class a few words of how she's glad that she has an olympiad-participating kid in the class, but I cut the flattery, tried to pull the booklet from her hand but she grasped it firmly, so it appeared I had no choice but to take the olympiad-participation diploma and her gift as well - The latter being four detective novels.

 I mean, they were in English and she could have given me some much tasteless picks, but it's still going to take longer for me to read them than the sun to go supernova.

  Overall it was an insipid last day of school compared to what I had in mind, but it's still the last day of school. Beggars can't be choosers.

 And now let's move on to Brexit. This isn't the post in which I'm going to share my thoughts on the EU, but I just wanted to say that I checked a polling website that seems reliable and it looks like it's time to PANIC. The results as of writing this are 47% in favor of remaining and 45% in favor of leaving.

 Don't do it Britain. Europe only gave you Normans, Frenchies and Pyrrhic victories.

 This is your chance to make amends for 1918. Don't disappoint.**

 EDIT: Wanted to add that it's likely I'm going to subscribe RS first membership today or tomorrow. Another thing to get hyped about, I guess.

 * - No judging pls
 ** - Reminder to not take a totalitarian 14-year-old's political perspectives seriously.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


Make haste for the happening bunker, lads.

 Just remembered that the Brexit vote is tomorrow and since I've already made a very dank post about Donald Trump clinching the Republican nomination I might as well dive headfirst into the drama of politics.

  2bh as a perceivably troubled 14-year-old with totalitarian tendencies I don't really think that I can add anything to the debate that has already been said or that should be given any credence. I just hope the UK leaves the EU and subsequently causes an implosion of the Union as more dissatisfied states follow their example.

 If anybody that reads this blog has been paying attention, that person would notice that I am not a fan of democracy or its beneficiaries. Then, logically I should be in favor of the EU as it's a technocracy that lends virtually no authority to the common uneducated man - And that assumption is wrong. The EU is not democratic, but is nevertheless an inefficient technocracy that is just as bad, if not worse in certain aspects. The opportunity to subvert democracy on such a large scale as the EU will have to be waited for - If Brits (hopefully) leave. If not we're screwed.

 Addendum: Normally I would have much more to add on the EU, but as previously mentioned I'm a pubescent lunatic and it's getting too late here for me to go further into weaving cheap platitudes. I guess I'll just describe my feelings on the EU when the Brexit result is in.

SUMMER VACATION - Has been postponed.

 By one day. Turns out I'll have to go to school tomorrow, not because the festivities are mandatory, but because we had to give up our "Student booklet" (A booklet that is used to record the grades a child has received over the school years, and also serves as an identificatory document for kids that are too young to get an ID card.) so that form teacher could write down the grades we got in our finals and sign them (A measure introduced to prevent fraud).

 However, the booklet-giving will happen only after two hours of mass and the festivity which is guaranteed to take up at least one hour.

 Because you know I'm spoiled edgy white trash I ain't going to participate in this - Instead I'm going to exploit the situation and spend the three hours taking a walk around the city. No, seriously, the city is pretty large and has plenty of locations that I'm keen on visiting occasionally. I guess I just have a penchant for walks and would partake in them more often if there wasn't Runescape experience to grind and memes to post.

 After this foreplanned stroll I'm going to return to school once I know for sure when the festivity is over to receive my booklet and then go home.

 Teacher will probably be rabid because of this - Which is perfectly understandable. But damn if this isn't going to be a hell of a way to start the summer.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

End-of-year tensions and more

 Well, my Planck-length-short attention span got me in trouble again, because until I walked in the class and realized why my classmates were handling manuals for subjects we didn't have today, I was completely oblivious to the fact that I was supposed to return my school those books today - so that they could be transported back into the school's library for future use of upcoming classes. Thankfully I can bring them tomorrow just as well, which I'll do.

 As with any other good day in my life, this started off wonderfully and kept the pace - Our form teacher decided to let us watch a movie in the second hour of what was supposed to be English class, the first being used for talking with certain classmates about their absences and what they were going to do with them.

 My weeaboo acquaintance volunteered for putting a film, which he mistakenly presumed the class would enjoy, titled "A History of the World", by Mel Brooks. It was a decent 80s comedy, and the parts we managed to see relied on a lot of slapstick to get the joke across - Not in a bad way.

  But of course there has to be a catch; Elsewise I wouldn't have mentioned this movie here. Remember subhuman #01? I've not mentioned him a lot on this blog, but to recapitulate, he's summed up pretty well by the first definition of the word on this page. Not only is he a dumb, uneducated, unempathetic and ugly* excuse for a human being, he has some serious illusions of grandeur having anything meaningful to say**. Anyhow, he wanders towards the form teacher's seat (She was not in the classroom then because I assume she had some administrative dealings to complete) and sits there.

 I should have explained this earlier, but I'll do this here. We can watch movies in our class because we have a projector attached to the ceiling that can wirelessly connect to a laptop. Said projector then can project what is shown on a pullable film screen that also is in our class.

 This is important because he's basically sitting in front of the laptop, for no immediately apparent reason (I assume he picked the seat because it was a chair full of plush - or whatever material - which would be more comfortable than the wooden chairs the pupils sit on). He then pulls out his phone and keeps using it (To browse facebook, I would guess. That's what normie teenagers do in this country), occasionally glancing at the screen. Even though he never continuously paid attention to the movie for more than five seconds, he deduced that it, to quote "was ****" and decided to change it to some tasteless, pointless and personality-lacking wrestling movie that seemed to be more of a collage of poorly-staged battles with something that I could force myself to call a story that is only there to connect the fighting scenes together. If two kids paid attention to Mel Brook's cinematography, literally nobody watched the second because even subhuman #01 was too busy resuming his phone use.

 During his switching but before changing things to that particular movie, however, I make a sarcastic remark that he's going to put on some car movie named <Insert cheesy, run-off-the-mill-car-movie-name here> (Judging by his facebook and some statements I've seen him express in person, he appears to be obsessed by cars. His facebook is entirely posts relating to cars.). Chimpanzee no likey this and he responded with some crude jab back, which devolved in a hardcore playground insult match. """Luckily""" I had an """""epic""""" roast tucked in the back of my mind in case a situation like this would emerge for a while and told him he's going to end up being the kind of person to beat up his wife because he bet all his money away***.

 No memes, no exaggeration, no bragging, no fantasy, no nothing, crystal clear, frank as Frankenstein, blunt as an atom bomb, he told me "At least I'll have someone to beat"****.

 No comment tbh. If Hitler knew who to use the Zyklon-B on we'd have more innocent jews, gypsies and gays around and fewer people genetically predisposed to do things among which wife-beating.

 I've drifted off into going on about my deranged fantasies of a stratified totalitarian society where the bullies work in gulags and the bullied nerds rule the world like the illuminati, haven't I?

 Uh, let's shift focus to brighter things.

 One day until summer vacation's here.


 * - He looks very similar to how the nazis drew soviet soldiers as asian-gorrila-things to demonize them. Like this:

This meme is the most faithful to his real face I can find.
 Don't get me wrong, I don't think Russians are subhuman or even believe the nazis were right in how they classified and disposed of subhumans. I believe that all races and ethnicities have their genetic detritus that should be dealt with (nonlethally if preferable - Why shoot a violent sociopathic and dumb gopnik and waste a bullet when you can put him in a factory and use his life to manufacture a few hundred thousand?), and whether some races have more detritus to deal with than others (Which can not be determined with current science and is nevertheless irrelevant) should not compromise the chances of a talented member of a race to succeed in a career or other endeavors.

 ** - He is living reason for elitism being underrated.

 *** - I've overheard him complain that he betted all his Counterstrike skins on some website and lost them, hence the "you'll become a chronic better" allegation. The wife-beater part is a plausible predictive deduction due to his "personality".

 **** - My entire description so far reads like a damn caricature. I can't blame one for believing this, and since I have no proof of subhuman #01 being real I cannot hold someone's skepticism of this description against them. You will have to take my word on it - listen and believe.

Monday 20 June 2016

The Realizationing 3: Memetic Bogaloo

 It just came to me that I effectively only have two days of school left starting tomorrow - Past that there will be a summer of grinding XP in Runescape - and, if good luck would have it, writing. (I'll be skipping the Wednesday festivity)

 My body is ready.

Saturday 18 June 2016


 Decided that an update was in order just so that if someone stumbles upon this blog after an unfortunate click of the "Next Blog" button doesn't become worried that I runescape'd myself into the grave.

 Not much really happened. There's only one more week left until the summer vacation and I wasn't up to much - Other than the usual stuff I'm regularly up to.

 I """""""""""""""""""""""roasted""""""""""""""""""""""" my form teacher when she was trying to discuss with the class about the end-of-year festivities that are going to take place. I've told her I'm not going once before this occasion, but just to be sure I told her this again. Turns out that confirmation was called for because she didn't react like a person that took my first announcement seriously - She told me that she wanted to buy me a reward for my """""performance""""" at the English Olympiad earlier this year; I told her to keep her money because I'm not going to the event, and she replied that she would feel pretty offended by my absence. I responded by saying that it's her choice to get offended over me not going and I'm not going to assume responsibility for her feeling bad because of this.

Spoken like a true nonconformist intellectual 2bh
 Though I give her a lot of flak for ... simply existing, in retrospect, she's had the good idea to invite over a dentist to talk to us about dental care during dirigency class. I asked the proffesional a few questions, and found out that not only do black people have naturally whiter teeth than filthy crackers, on average, but that I'll have to get a tooth radiography because a lot of teeth that should have fallen at my age haven't and I'm probably going to suffer through getting my teeth pulled out with some anachronistic mix of modern and pre-industrial dentistry tools; Because that's the best doctors here can afford*.


 * - Not entirely serious with the last two sentences but not fully sarcastic either.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

RuneCrack addiction and my impending overdose

 I've been playing GrindScape for less than a week and still have to get accustomed to all the grinding I'm going to do once I become a member and escape the restricted demo Memex likes to call "Free-to-play Runescape". I've got both mining and smithing up to level 70, which is all I'll be bothered to achieve in f2p (About had it with mining and smithing continuously 2bh). I'm going to get my combat skills to level 60 (Which has proven to be a more daunting task than I previously estimated) and dungeoneering (Doing dungeons in a designated dungeon area) to an acceptable level before giving in to the coercion and paying for membership (I changed my plan from just buying a bond and sparing myself the expense. They've got a sale on membership for the summer too so I might as well take advantage of that). After that, I'm going to look into levelling the "Slayer" skill (Basically, getting assigned to kill x amount of monsters and getting rewards for it) because it's apparently one of the best money-producing methods in the game as of yet.

 I couldn't be more grateful I only resumed playing this late in the school year because I've procrastinated on this game instead of doing an assignment at least one time so far. Two more weeks (This included) and I'm going to be able to grind free from the risk of getting in another tricky situation. Nonetheless I'm worried that I'm spending all my energy/persistence in these first few days of playing and will wear out within the month - Hopefully, this won't be the case.

 Sorry for not having updated in a while - I'll try to balance my playtime with other, more """productive""" activities I used to do before I resumed RS. Don't expect this blog to become completely RS-centric.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Just made my first million cash in RS.

Feels good man.

Dark confessions

 Screw it, there's no time to beat around the bush here.

 For short: I just started doing drugs.

 I know, I know, very surprising coming from a "good kid" like me. Not only that, but I've had some unwitting exposure to this drug throughout my childhood (a fact I only found out yesterday - this was a worse neighbourhood than I though) and the dose I took last day is sure to get me addicted. I'm already feeling the withdrawal symptoms.

 Google gives me no cure for the thing and I should be dead within the year due to how potent it is but I'll post a picture of it here anyways:

You didn't actually think I would voluntarily start doing drugs, would you? That's for normies.

 Runescape is classified as an "MMO" by its developers, although it could more accurately be defined as a "Experience grinding simulator". Quests and moneymaking are only secondary to the absurd amounts of time a player will invest in grinding his skills.

 I used to play this very intermittently when I was a kid (My younger self having such a tenuous grasp on computers and English that I had to quit the game for one year because I didn't understand the tutorial). But I did procure myself an Armadyl (Goody two shoes deity of benevolence and etc.) armor from an event, which is (one of) the strongest armor free-to-play users can ever home to get their dirty peasant hands on.

 It sounds exciting, but unless you're on the autism spectrum you won't be frequenting this game for too long. Fortunately for me, I am!

 Last night only I spent half an hour mining iron and depositing it in my bank account to sell it, when I searched up methods to make fast f2p mining XP in the game just to make sure that iron mining was still the best. I found out that there are these "urn" items that get filled gradually as you get XP in their assigned skill and granting you a bonus when filled, but you can only buy inactive urns from the Grand Exchange (A huge market where you can buy from other players). To activate the urn I got I had to mine, water, mold and fire clay to make bowls and make armors out of cow hide to get to the crafting level necessary to use a rune to activate the urn so I could go back to mining and get some bonus experience. It sounds complicated, but it's really easy once you get the hang of it.

 It sounds painful to play a grinding simulator like this, but I do listen to stuff in the background as I'm doing this, so it's not that bad.

My character in his natural habitat. The game looks old, but that's more or less the point.

Friday 10 June 2016

GET <}~-=]HYP[=-~{>

 Very recently a new indie short-story magazine has come to my attention when the editors decided to not-so-subtly advertise on a board of a particular anonymous imageboard I'm fond of. All the details are on the website and succinctly put. The essentials are that I can send these guys a story, have it published and get paid in case this happens.

 This is really exciting, partly because this will be the decisive judge in whether I'm good at writing and should further pursue this ... occupation?

 Acknowledging that I will have to take this seriously I will commence reading my word box like a prayerbook periodically in hopes of memorizing all the words piled in there by the time I should start writing that story. The good news there's still a few months until the first issue gets published which should suffice for fulfilling this objective.

 As good luck would have it just before discovering this I finished reading a PDF of Phillip K. Dick's Ubik - a story which starts off slowly but soon picks up the pace to a wild rollercoaster ride before stopping abruptly and killing you from the internal damage caused by inertia. I don't regret reading it at all - It's inflated my wordbox quite a bit, whether that's good or not is up for debate.

 And that was all I had to say for now. Don't mind me, I'm off to get hyp for the possible milestone in my literary attempts*.


 * - I'm sensing some Dunning-Kruger effect around here

Thursday 9 June 2016

On trips, summaries, summer and """"""productivity"""""""

 Good news is that for some reason my form teacher called my mom (to talk about whether I'm going on the trip or not), and mom, for all her flaws, told teacher I'm really not going and that she and father are completely fine with this, so I no longer need to pull some stupid plan on her and the class to not go. The problem is that my weeaboo friend still thinks I'm going on the trip and I haven't been able to break it to him that I've given up - He's even actually paid to get me a pair of headphones. I thought about watching some animes he's recommended to make up for this but it's 18:00 here when writing this

More good news is that today classes were shorter; I took advantage of this - and 50 slavbucks' worth of pocket money - by visiting two libraries from the same firm that are situated in the vicinity of my school to get myself some (two) books. Turns out that neither stores had anything that would've been of interest to me (They didn't have the first increment's of Sanderson's series, but they had the second volumes if that's of any help) and I had to awkwardly leave the store after intently examining what English fantasy books were in stock. I wouldn't have been so embarrassed if I wouldn't have done this multiple times in the past, and in a country where shoplifting is a big issue I'm paranoid that the shopkeepers will think me a thief when I'm just a weird shut-in with crippling social anxiety.

[Muffled internal screaming]

  Oh, yes, summer is looming and I haven't made a post about it. With some luck the meme aficionado that I am will know how to manage his time as to read, write stuff and watch animus in sufficient amounts. I've not given up on being productive (Though my definition of productivity is very tenuous at best) and dedicated some of my time to making a pixel animation.

 ... Aaand it's garbage. Experimental garbage, but still garbage. If you can't quite put your finger on what's off - let me point it out for you - The dwarf's body is moving too quickly compared to  the pace the moving terrain makes he seem he's traveling at. Don't even get me started on the lack of detail in the background and on the character itself. I'll push my fortune with something else tomorrow and hope it turns out better.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Politics + Other quizzes megapost

I've not announced this megapost at any point in the past of my blog, but it's not alltogether fortuitous (Although conversely* it did come to me in a recent flash of inspiration). I planned on making a post like this for a while, but I'm not good at dealing with the subject of politics using any touch of tactfullness; Be cautious in proceeding with this.

 Disclaimer out of the way, I'm going to start with the classic political compass.

  As can be seen, according to this version of the test I lean very slightly to the conservative (Presented as "authoritarian" on this chart; More straightforward is the labelling of liberalism as libertarianism) left. Notwithstanding** the test is blatantly biased in favor of the libertarian left (With loaded questions that put right-wingers or authoritarians in a bad light being telltale signs of the developers' political convictions).

 Being a man of the objective bend*** , I looked for other, more promising versions of this test I've seen posted around on specific anonymous imageboards, and found one that seemed blunt enough for me.

 Aaand it painted me as even more of a centrist. Socially because even though I'm completely okay with a dictatorship*****, I'm stauncly in favor of equality of opportunity and freedom of speech******. Economically I acknowledge the ups and downs of both ends of the spectrum, and while I'd like an utopian socialist state where people don't go hungry but at the same time can become millionares out of hard work as much as the next guy, I am fully aware of the reprecussions that come with excessive curfews on businessesses. To avoid appearing as a puerile socialist that has no knowledge of economics or a hypocritical (I'm lazy okay) neckbeard libertarian I have as of yet not adopted a stance on the spicier economic issues.

 Time to take this from the perspective of politics as a plane (Those educational videos have me talking in dimensions) to more nuanced stuff.

  This may prove a shift in tone, but the questions posed by this quiz very much appeared to be Google Translate'd from German to English which had some befuddling results. I'll promptly talk about each dicothomy as they come along.

 First we're greeted by the "Cosmopolitan - Nationalistic" axis - Which is complicated to me on the personal level. Being more versed in English than my first language should stand testimony to me being a cosmopolitan, and one can't say I'm a nationalist. But I'm not one not for lack of admiration for the concept of patriotism, but for lack of something to be patriotic about. This country is a mess, through and through. The culture is bad, the people - Which are at times so bad one could make a point they are genetically inferior to their neighbouring peoples - have only proven to be consistent in incompetence at exploiting the vast mineral wealth of the area, but I'd love being nationalistic for a "better" country, for lack of a better term. Though so far I've not shown to be capable of any national appreciation more dedicated than posting a few memes. I'm definetly not the "die for something" guy; But I salute those who are. A final point on this - To not be hypocritical I completely accept the idea of considering an immigrant that fully integrates in the autochtonous culture of the nation he is resident in a "ture nationalist".

 Up next comes secularism-fundamentalism. I'm a pretty secular person, but my beliefs are also more colorful on this subject.

 And buckle up lads because this is going to be edgy.

 While I've had trouble reconciling with my faith for a good while now, I believe that religion is essential to maintaining social order, cohesion, and thus society itself, in the form of a "noble lie" (For want of a proper term - I do not believe that religion is a lie or anything of the sort and respect people that manage to keep faith when confronted with the nihilism that the current social climate appears to stimulate.) Basically, stupid people should be kept almost completely religious. The effects of presenting atheism (or any contrarianism for the matter) to them are clearly reflected in current society - Everybody is repeating the same platitudes and sophistry (Muh dark ages! Muh crusades!) and pretending they are innovating anything at all in the grand scale of debating the subject. People that are shown to be smart could be presented the idea of agnosticism or atheism because they have proven that they can responsibly handle these ideas.

 "But how does one know which persons are unintelligent?" one might ask. Remember me mentioning equality of opportunity? In this theoretical society, if one advances from one layer of society to another through his own merit he could reach a point where he can accurately be classified as intelligent or unintelligent. I'm going to make a post about this fictional/ideal/edgy society in a future post. (It looks like I've taken some inspiration from Plato, but tbh I've never even opened his "Republic" and only know vague simplifications of the book's premises. Certainly want to read it though.)

 When it comes to visionary-reactionary I guess they're right when I'm labelled a reactionary - My attention span is a disaster. But we're talking in socio-political terms here - I'm equally long-term as I am short-term, I guess it depends on the situation.

 I think the test got me completely off on the anarchistic-authoritarian scale, my previous paragraphs being proof enough of that.

 No comment on communistic-capitalistic. I already said I'm not well-versed in economy and would rather not pick a side.

 I was classified as a pacifist because I answered to military questions in a whay that suggested I didn't want nations to act like a world police.

 Last but not least is the strikingly out-of-place anthropocentrist bar that juts out away from the other short four. This is not because I'm some caricature of a lunatic oil company CEO, because I am fully in support of businesses being put under ecological restrictions - But only because I believe that we should help nature as long as it is of service to humanity - And pumping out smog and puncturing the ozone layer like it's bubble wrap and we're hyperactive toddlers isn't of that much help to humanity is it? In this way I'm a total anthropocentrist - And even though I've shown disdain for many human beings in the past and will go on doing so, I still prize their life as human beings more than I would the life of, let's say, an elephant, endangered species as it is. My apparent collectivism still has the individual at mind - The responsibilities and discipline of the individual help consolidate society which in turn enables the individual to have rights and has so far proven to be the most reliable source of human contentment (Regardless of what that foxkin, green mohawk-wearing anarchist that frequents the starbucks down the road is going to tell you).

 I've prated on enough about serious stuff. Let's dabble into the memes.

 Stupefyingly, I have an affinity for both meme anti-establishment candidates. The results aren't very accurate because this particular test posed an amount of questions I though it wouldn't be healthy to answer even for a kid as weird as me. I'm with Donald on most economic, immigration, electoral, meme and education-related stuff, as the picture says, and with Bernie on education, foreign policy, science (Funding space travel) and criminal issues. My lack of satisfying answers becomes apparent when I get those high agreement percentages with candidates I've not heard of in my entire life.

I did do another test from the same site ( as a bonus, and the result was much less indecisive.

Lub u Nigey

 I don't herald Farage as much as I do Trump; But I wish him godspeed in dealing with the Brexit in the only way acceptable.

 Definitely wish he got as much meme coverage as the emperor tbh.

 The last two test results don't even have anything to do with politics, just my personality, to offer a better image on what kind of depraved fascist sociopath would hold the beliefs that I do.

I'm a very well-spoken chap, you see.
 This is the more serious one:

 I'd go on in detail about what this all means, but I'll have to be terse for this last segment of my post. This personality type basically means that I'm the textbook eccentric or the mad scientist cartoon character. Here's the test if you are interested in it.

 I don't even know what direction I wanted to be heading towards with this. Megaposts were supposed to be cohesive references on who I am as a person but the debut of them has been a total mess. Maybe I'll do better with future ones, but so far things don't look promising.


 * - Searched this up in a thesaurus, I confess. 
 ** - Thesaurus'd this one too. Bls no bully.
 *** - Okay, okay, I plea guilty; The posh words I don't look up in a thesaurus are taken from a bloated, unorganized wordbox of mine that's been collecting etymological**** dust for the past few weeks and counting.
 **** - Googled this because I couldn't recall the word as of typing this. Sorry.
 ***** - Or a democracy where voting isn't a contrived right merely given away to the most incompetent and dangerous scum of society - or even worse, compulsory - but instead something that has to be earned. Nothing too extreme - and something that everybody with a morsel of responsibility could achieve, being employed for a few months or suchlike. I'm aware a sistem like this can be abused depending on the criteria that enables a citizen to vote, which I might adress at a later point in time.
 ****** - Look, I know it seems I support this just to be able to post fascist pepes without getting sent to prison for hate speech but believe me that there's more to it than that. Much, much more to it than that. *Sweats profusely*

Tuesday 7 June 2016

The Lord of Lies is meticulously planning another ruse

 This is yet another update on the administrative quagmire that is the school trip. I originally had to have my parents sign a contract and give it back to my form teacher, but found out that I had lost it. Notwithstanding, I managed to tell teacher about this and she made another copy for me which my parents signed and I'll bring back to school tomorrow, with hopefully no further impediments.

 After that she tried to get me to promise that I'll participate. Of course I told her yes, etc. etc., but I've made stand pretty clear that I'm not going anywhere the school the day we're supposed to leave. I'm pushing my luck, but I hope I've not made her so volatile to snap at me pulling this stunt. Nevertheless I'm finding a way to make amends for this in the near future.

 In other news, I've made a more articulate impression in these last two paragraphs than I normally would on this blog. I may or may not have used a thesaurus for three words*, but at this point I'm desperate enough to deign to using one (Didn't use a thesaurus for the word "deign" btw**).

 * -
 ** - I think this is my most major issue. I know a lot of esoteric words but completely struggle with the colluquial stuff. My writing is a Frankenstein's monster of formal and informal English. I know what the word "eke" means, for crying out loud.

 Sometimes I tell myself that "I'm 14; And really good at a foreign language for my age, too. You have all the chance of being one of the future's big names in literature." but then the thought that I'll say this when I turn 15, 16, 17, 18, up until the single 30-year old I'm doomed to be becomes a reality overcomes any previous positive ones.

 I've turned these footnotes in just another half of my paragraphs by now, might as well take it all the way through and finish this post here. I assume I just wanted to open up to my insecurities, Again.

 Need myself more memes.

Saturday 4 June 2016

The multi- and omni- verses, planes of existence and scientific proof of God - Stay tuned for the upcoming episode of the Alferger's Edgelands!

 This isn't the material I commonly post on my blog, but this is outstanding enough to deserve a post unto itself.

 Cosmic horror requires topical melodies, evidently.

 Much to my... surprise? Flabbergastedness? I did actually grasp all the dimension stuff in the videos I hinted at watching in my last post; While I can't say I regret watching them, I feel different.

The insanity hasn't begun to set in yet. Or maybe my sperginess has made me immune to the dangers of cosmic horror.
 This video sums up what the previous nine set out to present, and will not only save you some headache but also having to embarrass yourself by writing a blog post about something you barely comprehended.

 By using repeated logical steps the point-line-plane postulate the author attempts to deduce what the dimensions past the 3rd consist of under the assumption that every dimension is orthogonal to the previous. I'm unable to check or question any of the information presented so I will trust the author in good faith. Surprisingly the middle-school math I risked failing at for two years consecutively proved to actually be useful because I understood where the presenter was coming from with all the points, lines and planes right off the bat.

 That out of the way, I guess I just want to list what the creator thought the dimensions to be in case the reader of this post is interested in hearing in what I have to say or simply didn't get the meaning of the video.

 0th dimension - Aside from sounding like a realm from some run-of-the-mill 90s fantasy novel (Which I'd read tbbh), I didn't actually get much of this one. I assume the 0th dimension is like the 10th in the sense that they're both infinitesimal points in existence.
 1st dimension - Length. Nothing else. Just a long line. Literally that's it.
 2nd dimension - Width. A truly 2d object would be like a piece of paper that disappears if you look at it from the side.
 3rd dimension - Height. A human's being daily reality; (Though humans see in spacetime; This is further detailed in some of the videos in the series. To oversimplify - We see in spacetime because we can percieve two stars that seem adjacent, except that one may be 10 light-years away and the other 20 light-years away, and despite being 3d beings we still see the light of both astral objects despite the time difference - Thus we see in spacetime. I guess that's what the videos tried saying.)
 4th dimension - Spacetime. As 3d beings we can only move in one direction of spacetime - In our case "forward" - Just like a 2d being can only advance in a single 3d direction, which would be their "time" - but a 4d being can move forwards and backward in time. Like a time-traveler, perhaps. If it helps, this is the "first" temporal dimension and works much like the 1st physical dimension - A line.
 5th dimension - All the futures that can happen, by chance or choice. The Yellowstone volcano might erupt and destroy the USA tomorrow. It might not. Donald Trump may or may not become president, and then could and could not make America great again. These are all possibilities that a 5d being could travel between. This is the temporal analogue to the 2nd physical dimension, a plane.
 6th dimension - All the spacetimes that can't occur by chance or choice; Alternate history scenarios are a facet of this. A world where the dinosaurs never became extinct could be accessed by a 6d being from, let's say, a world where the Sun didn't form. This is the last temporal dimension and constitutes our entire temporal and spatial "universe".
 7th dimension - The 7th dimension takes the 6th dimension - Our entire universe - and makes it just another point in a line of varying intensity of a certain characteristics of an universe that can radically change how matter forms in it. (The speed of light or intensity of gravity, for example)
  8th dimension -  This dimension takes one of the lines one could draw to form the 7th and draws another - Maximum speed of light and intensity gravity - to create a plane of all possible universes.
 9th dimension - By now I'd have expected this to just be the third multiversal(?) dimension, but instead I'm presented with a "selection pattern which favors certain universes to exist" one of which was ours; The author equates this dimension with God (Not really, though. He equated the 7th dimension with God, and called the 9th dimension God 2.0) in the sense that this dimension enabled the universe to exist. Whether this dimension is sentient or not, let alone the Deus Vult-y entity I wish to believe in but simply can't bring myself to probably cannot be answered.
 The 10th dimension is the totality of the multiverse - Described as an "Omniverse" in the videos, which is a single point that isn't constituent of any line of its own, bringing us back to the 0th dimension. Spooky.

 I think that's all the world perception I can handle having shattered in a single day. I'm going to need some memes to recover from these revelations.

Just the stuff.

Short update.

 Little of note happened today. I've fulfilled what I deem my acceptable daily quota for reading, and started watching videos about the 4th dimension and up.

 The cosmic horror just grows more with each video and I'm starting to lose track of stuff at the 7th (but will persist); If there's one thing I understand now it's the 2nd to 6th dimensions and what is the real life equivalent to what Lovecraft tried picturing in his works.

 Here's the creator's channel.

Friday 3 June 2016

On reading and writing

 Today I've made the radical decision that I should really cut my consumption of internet content that enables procrastination, which came in various forms and was pretty pervasive in my virtual lifestyle. All the time burned on listening to podcasts in the background as I am playing a video game could have been better spent on me reading more - And especially finishing ASOIAF (Which I don't even enjoy that much. But hey, it's helped my vocabulary; one can't say I'm wasting my time with it.)

 Tbh when I began writing this post I was actually feeling motivated and thought that I might even give writing another shot, but I've lost all that motivation now.

 I'm ending this post with the note that while I'm not actively writing, I'm still intermittently coming up with ideas - The stories I would or would not write are supposed to take place in multiple fantasy worlds that exist in the same universe, and they were supposed to be pretty shallow in terms of lore; But then I found out Brandon Sanderson is doing pretty much the same thing with his books (Which earned him a read, bastard) and I pondered over this myself. In the end it turns out that when I'm in for a penny I'm in for a pound and will come up with some fleshed out lore for all my worlds eventually - But until then there's reading, marginally less procrastination plus maybe a little modicum of determination to do something with my life.

t. xXxUltimateTrickster72xXx

I did it again.
  The only noteworthy thing that happened today was what a farce I pulled in form class.

 She talked about the festivity that's going to happen at the end of the year where some awards (in the forms of some documents/diplomas) go out to the kids that have the highest GPAs in every class - I asked her if it's mandatory I participate in this and she told me something similar to "You can, but you should be there to make the classmates you spent almost an entire year with make them feel better about themselves and in turn encourage you.". I told her that my colleagues probably don't care that much about me to warrant a visit to the event (In honesty, they don't. I don't even know the names of everybody in the class) and she just went silent before sending another classmate to print some papers for the trip, I told her that I was serious when I said I am going to pay but not actually go on the trip (I've told her this a few days ago) and she didn't really believe me at first, but I told her that my parents know and are completely okay with this. She responded jokingly that she's going to have the class go over at my house and tell me to come if I don't go - And while she probably won't go along with this there's this small flicker of belief that the absolute madwoman is going to actually do it. Thankfully I've come up with a plan I'm going to describe at the end of my post. She told me that I'm free to not partake in any other future trip if I'm not satisfied with this one, provided that I go, so there's that.

 She moved on to other administrative topics until the class was dismissed, and she called me over to her desk. Her face and tone indicated that she was going to tell me that I'm going on the trip whether I like it or not, but I left the class and speedwalked out of school (The form class was the last we were supposed to have). She was telling me to return as I was leaving, but all that was going through my head was this. She probably hates me even more now.

 As for the plan: I'm just going to message her on facebook and tell her that I'm on my way to the place we're to meet at to go to the bus station but that there's a lot of traffic and it might take a while. I'll keep dragging this on until there's maybe 10 minutes until they have to depart when I'll reveal that this was all a ruse and tell them to enjoy the trip.

 And there will be an entire new layer of lulz to this if the trip turns out to really be a disaster.

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Rolling for motivation. Nat 1.

 So I talked over me going to the trip with my parents and they said they're completely fine with paying for my share of it even if I do not go on it. It would mean I don't waste my time on what is ultimately me getting bullied by the normies in my class for two days straight and if teacher is in her right mind she is not going to sign me up for any future trips once she sees the lengths I'm willing to go to as to not participate in social activities (And frankly, this is a much more mature solution than just going full cringelord and making her have a bad time in hopes of her not signing me up to future trips out of dudgeon), but on the flip side I'm wasting 280 slavbucks on nothing.

 I could rain on the entire class' parade, not pay my share, and have their trip either cancelled or have teacher learn to deal with her mistakes like an adult and pay the money she unreasonably expects me to pay when I never said I'm sure about going on the trip. While at it, she could look for a new company that does not make contracts so rigid they can't add or take a customer off them. If I do this I'm royally screwed either way because teacher will either brood over what I did if she has to cancel it, or she'll brood over it if she has to pay my expenses for the trip (Acknowledging the fact that teachers are paid miserable salaries in this country, I couldn't blame for that) - And she's probably going to take this brooding anger out on me in some form or another.

 And the way she could do that sincerely frightens me has been alluded to by her today - Teacher says that she won't tolerate swearing in the class anymore, (Which I admit, is a pretty reasonable concern) and that from now on she is going to look at the security footage of our classroom during classes and use a word/audio search for swears; If she finds someone swearing, she claims that there apparently is a law that can fine anybody for 1000 slavbucks* for using profanity in public in this country, and she will call the policewoman assigned to the local area and actually fine the kid's parents for 1000 lei. She added that the fine doubles if not paid in 24 hours. I'm especially worried by this because my mind is a disorganised, inattentive mess and when I talk I'm paying attention to what I'm going to say (If not something else entirely) instead of what I'm saying and sometimes a swear slips by. Or sometimes when I stub my toe, drop something or find myself in some sudden uncomfortable situation I curse.

 I'm fully aware that what I just claimed my teacher said sounds absolutely preposterous, and I would give you that if this country's government isn't asinine - They're a corrupt bunch of rats that are not below other things worse than curtailing freedom of speech. But that's a topic for another day.

 Googling anything that should have brought up the law didn't get me anything even remotely similar, so maybe she's just making empty threats in hoping we behave better, which could be what her plan was all along.

 * - That is more than the monthly salary - taxes not included - for many respectable jobs.