Wednesday 1 June 2016


Rolling for motivation. Nat 1.

 So I talked over me going to the trip with my parents and they said they're completely fine with paying for my share of it even if I do not go on it. It would mean I don't waste my time on what is ultimately me getting bullied by the normies in my class for two days straight and if teacher is in her right mind she is not going to sign me up for any future trips once she sees the lengths I'm willing to go to as to not participate in social activities (And frankly, this is a much more mature solution than just going full cringelord and making her have a bad time in hopes of her not signing me up to future trips out of dudgeon), but on the flip side I'm wasting 280 slavbucks on nothing.

 I could rain on the entire class' parade, not pay my share, and have their trip either cancelled or have teacher learn to deal with her mistakes like an adult and pay the money she unreasonably expects me to pay when I never said I'm sure about going on the trip. While at it, she could look for a new company that does not make contracts so rigid they can't add or take a customer off them. If I do this I'm royally screwed either way because teacher will either brood over what I did if she has to cancel it, or she'll brood over it if she has to pay my expenses for the trip (Acknowledging the fact that teachers are paid miserable salaries in this country, I couldn't blame for that) - And she's probably going to take this brooding anger out on me in some form or another.

 And the way she could do that sincerely frightens me has been alluded to by her today - Teacher says that she won't tolerate swearing in the class anymore, (Which I admit, is a pretty reasonable concern) and that from now on she is going to look at the security footage of our classroom during classes and use a word/audio search for swears; If she finds someone swearing, she claims that there apparently is a law that can fine anybody for 1000 slavbucks* for using profanity in public in this country, and she will call the policewoman assigned to the local area and actually fine the kid's parents for 1000 lei. She added that the fine doubles if not paid in 24 hours. I'm especially worried by this because my mind is a disorganised, inattentive mess and when I talk I'm paying attention to what I'm going to say (If not something else entirely) instead of what I'm saying and sometimes a swear slips by. Or sometimes when I stub my toe, drop something or find myself in some sudden uncomfortable situation I curse.

 I'm fully aware that what I just claimed my teacher said sounds absolutely preposterous, and I would give you that if this country's government isn't asinine - They're a corrupt bunch of rats that are not below other things worse than curtailing freedom of speech. But that's a topic for another day.

 Googling anything that should have brought up the law didn't get me anything even remotely similar, so maybe she's just making empty threats in hoping we behave better, which could be what her plan was all along.

 * - That is more than the monthly salary - taxes not included - for many respectable jobs.

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