Thursday 23 June 2016

School's end and BREXIT PANIC

 Turns out that my masterplan to be absent from school until failed miserably - While I did stroll through the city for more than an hour (Ended up buying myself some ice tea because it was pretty hot and I was getting dehydrated). After a very long walk (approx. one hour and twenty minutes) I planned on staying in a little park I stumbled upon until what I assumed would be half the school day passing and proceed to head back to school so as to get there in time to recover my student's booklet.

 All went smoothly until form teacher called me on my phone to make sure I didn't leave the school and all I could do was tell her I was in fact there and ended the conversation - In which she also informed me that she actually got me the gift she informed me of a few days ago. Having no choice, I got up and went back to school, just in time for the "festivity" - which took place in the school's courtyard - to start.

 It was precisely the principal reading the noteworthy achievements of all students from every grade starting with the 12th. Deciding that I wasn't going to stay upright for an hour listening to what grades and diplomas people that I'm concerned about their achievements as much as they are by mine, I instead reciprocated the interest by going on another, much shorter walk (of about 30 mins).

 I returned, and while the festivities weren't over I observed that the principal got very close to declaring the achievements of the students in my class and I waited a bit. Then came my class and I was congratulated for my place in the English Olympiad's rankings.

 I was supposed to go in the middle of the courtyard where the principal was, but it was a really hot day and I just drank almost two liters of sweet tea* - Which, predictably, resulted in me being pretty sweat and back then I wasn't sure how presentable I looked; And given that I'm not attention's no.1 fan I took the course only a kid like me could - Leave the courtyard before the principal saw me and invited me to approach me and go on another, briefer walk.

 I returned to a courtyard with fewer people in it, and the few classmates that remained in it told me that the class is in the classroom and waiting for the form teacher to come. I returned to the classroom and proceeded to do as my classmates did until form teacher finally came and started handing out our booklets. I was second, she called me over, and I assume she would have liked to tell the class a few words of how she's glad that she has an olympiad-participating kid in the class, but I cut the flattery, tried to pull the booklet from her hand but she grasped it firmly, so it appeared I had no choice but to take the olympiad-participation diploma and her gift as well - The latter being four detective novels.

 I mean, they were in English and she could have given me some much tasteless picks, but it's still going to take longer for me to read them than the sun to go supernova.

  Overall it was an insipid last day of school compared to what I had in mind, but it's still the last day of school. Beggars can't be choosers.

 And now let's move on to Brexit. This isn't the post in which I'm going to share my thoughts on the EU, but I just wanted to say that I checked a polling website that seems reliable and it looks like it's time to PANIC. The results as of writing this are 47% in favor of remaining and 45% in favor of leaving.

 Don't do it Britain. Europe only gave you Normans, Frenchies and Pyrrhic victories.

 This is your chance to make amends for 1918. Don't disappoint.**

 EDIT: Wanted to add that it's likely I'm going to subscribe RS first membership today or tomorrow. Another thing to get hyped about, I guess.

 * - No judging pls
 ** - Reminder to not take a totalitarian 14-year-old's political perspectives seriously.

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