Friday 3 June 2016

On reading and writing

 Today I've made the radical decision that I should really cut my consumption of internet content that enables procrastination, which came in various forms and was pretty pervasive in my virtual lifestyle. All the time burned on listening to podcasts in the background as I am playing a video game could have been better spent on me reading more - And especially finishing ASOIAF (Which I don't even enjoy that much. But hey, it's helped my vocabulary; one can't say I'm wasting my time with it.)

 Tbh when I began writing this post I was actually feeling motivated and thought that I might even give writing another shot, but I've lost all that motivation now.

 I'm ending this post with the note that while I'm not actively writing, I'm still intermittently coming up with ideas - The stories I would or would not write are supposed to take place in multiple fantasy worlds that exist in the same universe, and they were supposed to be pretty shallow in terms of lore; But then I found out Brandon Sanderson is doing pretty much the same thing with his books (Which earned him a read, bastard) and I pondered over this myself. In the end it turns out that when I'm in for a penny I'm in for a pound and will come up with some fleshed out lore for all my worlds eventually - But until then there's reading, marginally less procrastination plus maybe a little modicum of determination to do something with my life.

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