Tuesday 21 June 2016

End-of-year tensions and more

 Well, my Planck-length-short attention span got me in trouble again, because until I walked in the class and realized why my classmates were handling manuals for subjects we didn't have today, I was completely oblivious to the fact that I was supposed to return my school those books today - so that they could be transported back into the school's library for future use of upcoming classes. Thankfully I can bring them tomorrow just as well, which I'll do.

 As with any other good day in my life, this started off wonderfully and kept the pace - Our form teacher decided to let us watch a movie in the second hour of what was supposed to be English class, the first being used for talking with certain classmates about their absences and what they were going to do with them.

 My weeaboo acquaintance volunteered for putting a film, which he mistakenly presumed the class would enjoy, titled "A History of the World", by Mel Brooks. It was a decent 80s comedy, and the parts we managed to see relied on a lot of slapstick to get the joke across - Not in a bad way.

  But of course there has to be a catch; Elsewise I wouldn't have mentioned this movie here. Remember subhuman #01? I've not mentioned him a lot on this blog, but to recapitulate, he's summed up pretty well by the first definition of the word on this page. Not only is he a dumb, uneducated, unempathetic and ugly* excuse for a human being, he has some serious illusions of grandeur having anything meaningful to say**. Anyhow, he wanders towards the form teacher's seat (She was not in the classroom then because I assume she had some administrative dealings to complete) and sits there.

 I should have explained this earlier, but I'll do this here. We can watch movies in our class because we have a projector attached to the ceiling that can wirelessly connect to a laptop. Said projector then can project what is shown on a pullable film screen that also is in our class.

 This is important because he's basically sitting in front of the laptop, for no immediately apparent reason (I assume he picked the seat because it was a chair full of plush - or whatever material - which would be more comfortable than the wooden chairs the pupils sit on). He then pulls out his phone and keeps using it (To browse facebook, I would guess. That's what normie teenagers do in this country), occasionally glancing at the screen. Even though he never continuously paid attention to the movie for more than five seconds, he deduced that it, to quote "was ****" and decided to change it to some tasteless, pointless and personality-lacking wrestling movie that seemed to be more of a collage of poorly-staged battles with something that I could force myself to call a story that is only there to connect the fighting scenes together. If two kids paid attention to Mel Brook's cinematography, literally nobody watched the second because even subhuman #01 was too busy resuming his phone use.

 During his switching but before changing things to that particular movie, however, I make a sarcastic remark that he's going to put on some car movie named <Insert cheesy, run-off-the-mill-car-movie-name here> (Judging by his facebook and some statements I've seen him express in person, he appears to be obsessed by cars. His facebook is entirely posts relating to cars.). Chimpanzee no likey this and he responded with some crude jab back, which devolved in a hardcore playground insult match. """Luckily""" I had an """""epic""""" roast tucked in the back of my mind in case a situation like this would emerge for a while and told him he's going to end up being the kind of person to beat up his wife because he bet all his money away***.

 No memes, no exaggeration, no bragging, no fantasy, no nothing, crystal clear, frank as Frankenstein, blunt as an atom bomb, he told me "At least I'll have someone to beat"****.

 No comment tbh. If Hitler knew who to use the Zyklon-B on we'd have more innocent jews, gypsies and gays around and fewer people genetically predisposed to do things among which wife-beating.

 I've drifted off into going on about my deranged fantasies of a stratified totalitarian society where the bullies work in gulags and the bullied nerds rule the world like the illuminati, haven't I?

 Uh, let's shift focus to brighter things.

 One day until summer vacation's here.


 * - He looks very similar to how the nazis drew soviet soldiers as asian-gorrila-things to demonize them. Like this:

This meme is the most faithful to his real face I can find.
 Don't get me wrong, I don't think Russians are subhuman or even believe the nazis were right in how they classified and disposed of subhumans. I believe that all races and ethnicities have their genetic detritus that should be dealt with (nonlethally if preferable - Why shoot a violent sociopathic and dumb gopnik and waste a bullet when you can put him in a factory and use his life to manufacture a few hundred thousand?), and whether some races have more detritus to deal with than others (Which can not be determined with current science and is nevertheless irrelevant) should not compromise the chances of a talented member of a race to succeed in a career or other endeavors.

 ** - He is living reason for elitism being underrated.

 *** - I've overheard him complain that he betted all his Counterstrike skins on some website and lost them, hence the "you'll become a chronic better" allegation. The wife-beater part is a plausible predictive deduction due to his "personality".

 **** - My entire description so far reads like a damn caricature. I can't blame one for believing this, and since I have no proof of subhuman #01 being real I cannot hold someone's skepticism of this description against them. You will have to take my word on it - listen and believe.

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