Saturday 18 June 2016


 Decided that an update was in order just so that if someone stumbles upon this blog after an unfortunate click of the "Next Blog" button doesn't become worried that I runescape'd myself into the grave.

 Not much really happened. There's only one more week left until the summer vacation and I wasn't up to much - Other than the usual stuff I'm regularly up to.

 I """""""""""""""""""""""roasted""""""""""""""""""""""" my form teacher when she was trying to discuss with the class about the end-of-year festivities that are going to take place. I've told her I'm not going once before this occasion, but just to be sure I told her this again. Turns out that confirmation was called for because she didn't react like a person that took my first announcement seriously - She told me that she wanted to buy me a reward for my """""performance""""" at the English Olympiad earlier this year; I told her to keep her money because I'm not going to the event, and she replied that she would feel pretty offended by my absence. I responded by saying that it's her choice to get offended over me not going and I'm not going to assume responsibility for her feeling bad because of this.

Spoken like a true nonconformist intellectual 2bh
 Though I give her a lot of flak for ... simply existing, in retrospect, she's had the good idea to invite over a dentist to talk to us about dental care during dirigency class. I asked the proffesional a few questions, and found out that not only do black people have naturally whiter teeth than filthy crackers, on average, but that I'll have to get a tooth radiography because a lot of teeth that should have fallen at my age haven't and I'm probably going to suffer through getting my teeth pulled out with some anachronistic mix of modern and pre-industrial dentistry tools; Because that's the best doctors here can afford*.


 * - Not entirely serious with the last two sentences but not fully sarcastic either.

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