Friday 3 June 2016

t. xXxUltimateTrickster72xXx

I did it again.
  The only noteworthy thing that happened today was what a farce I pulled in form class.

 She talked about the festivity that's going to happen at the end of the year where some awards (in the forms of some documents/diplomas) go out to the kids that have the highest GPAs in every class - I asked her if it's mandatory I participate in this and she told me something similar to "You can, but you should be there to make the classmates you spent almost an entire year with make them feel better about themselves and in turn encourage you.". I told her that my colleagues probably don't care that much about me to warrant a visit to the event (In honesty, they don't. I don't even know the names of everybody in the class) and she just went silent before sending another classmate to print some papers for the trip, I told her that I was serious when I said I am going to pay but not actually go on the trip (I've told her this a few days ago) and she didn't really believe me at first, but I told her that my parents know and are completely okay with this. She responded jokingly that she's going to have the class go over at my house and tell me to come if I don't go - And while she probably won't go along with this there's this small flicker of belief that the absolute madwoman is going to actually do it. Thankfully I've come up with a plan I'm going to describe at the end of my post. She told me that I'm free to not partake in any other future trip if I'm not satisfied with this one, provided that I go, so there's that.

 She moved on to other administrative topics until the class was dismissed, and she called me over to her desk. Her face and tone indicated that she was going to tell me that I'm going on the trip whether I like it or not, but I left the class and speedwalked out of school (The form class was the last we were supposed to have). She was telling me to return as I was leaving, but all that was going through my head was this. She probably hates me even more now.

 As for the plan: I'm just going to message her on facebook and tell her that I'm on my way to the place we're to meet at to go to the bus station but that there's a lot of traffic and it might take a while. I'll keep dragging this on until there's maybe 10 minutes until they have to depart when I'll reveal that this was all a ruse and tell them to enjoy the trip.

 And there will be an entire new layer of lulz to this if the trip turns out to really be a disaster.

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