Thursday 9 June 2016

On trips, summaries, summer and """"""productivity"""""""

 Good news is that for some reason my form teacher called my mom (to talk about whether I'm going on the trip or not), and mom, for all her flaws, told teacher I'm really not going and that she and father are completely fine with this, so I no longer need to pull some stupid plan on her and the class to not go. The problem is that my weeaboo friend still thinks I'm going on the trip and I haven't been able to break it to him that I've given up - He's even actually paid to get me a pair of headphones. I thought about watching some animes he's recommended to make up for this but it's 18:00 here when writing this

More good news is that today classes were shorter; I took advantage of this - and 50 slavbucks' worth of pocket money - by visiting two libraries from the same firm that are situated in the vicinity of my school to get myself some (two) books. Turns out that neither stores had anything that would've been of interest to me (They didn't have the first increment's of Sanderson's series, but they had the second volumes if that's of any help) and I had to awkwardly leave the store after intently examining what English fantasy books were in stock. I wouldn't have been so embarrassed if I wouldn't have done this multiple times in the past, and in a country where shoplifting is a big issue I'm paranoid that the shopkeepers will think me a thief when I'm just a weird shut-in with crippling social anxiety.

[Muffled internal screaming]

  Oh, yes, summer is looming and I haven't made a post about it. With some luck the meme aficionado that I am will know how to manage his time as to read, write stuff and watch animus in sufficient amounts. I've not given up on being productive (Though my definition of productivity is very tenuous at best) and dedicated some of my time to making a pixel animation.

 ... Aaand it's garbage. Experimental garbage, but still garbage. If you can't quite put your finger on what's off - let me point it out for you - The dwarf's body is moving too quickly compared to  the pace the moving terrain makes he seem he's traveling at. Don't even get me started on the lack of detail in the background and on the character itself. I'll push my fortune with something else tomorrow and hope it turns out better.

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