Saturday 4 June 2016

The multi- and omni- verses, planes of existence and scientific proof of God - Stay tuned for the upcoming episode of the Alferger's Edgelands!

 This isn't the material I commonly post on my blog, but this is outstanding enough to deserve a post unto itself.

 Cosmic horror requires topical melodies, evidently.

 Much to my... surprise? Flabbergastedness? I did actually grasp all the dimension stuff in the videos I hinted at watching in my last post; While I can't say I regret watching them, I feel different.

The insanity hasn't begun to set in yet. Or maybe my sperginess has made me immune to the dangers of cosmic horror.
 This video sums up what the previous nine set out to present, and will not only save you some headache but also having to embarrass yourself by writing a blog post about something you barely comprehended.

 By using repeated logical steps the point-line-plane postulate the author attempts to deduce what the dimensions past the 3rd consist of under the assumption that every dimension is orthogonal to the previous. I'm unable to check or question any of the information presented so I will trust the author in good faith. Surprisingly the middle-school math I risked failing at for two years consecutively proved to actually be useful because I understood where the presenter was coming from with all the points, lines and planes right off the bat.

 That out of the way, I guess I just want to list what the creator thought the dimensions to be in case the reader of this post is interested in hearing in what I have to say or simply didn't get the meaning of the video.

 0th dimension - Aside from sounding like a realm from some run-of-the-mill 90s fantasy novel (Which I'd read tbbh), I didn't actually get much of this one. I assume the 0th dimension is like the 10th in the sense that they're both infinitesimal points in existence.
 1st dimension - Length. Nothing else. Just a long line. Literally that's it.
 2nd dimension - Width. A truly 2d object would be like a piece of paper that disappears if you look at it from the side.
 3rd dimension - Height. A human's being daily reality; (Though humans see in spacetime; This is further detailed in some of the videos in the series. To oversimplify - We see in spacetime because we can percieve two stars that seem adjacent, except that one may be 10 light-years away and the other 20 light-years away, and despite being 3d beings we still see the light of both astral objects despite the time difference - Thus we see in spacetime. I guess that's what the videos tried saying.)
 4th dimension - Spacetime. As 3d beings we can only move in one direction of spacetime - In our case "forward" - Just like a 2d being can only advance in a single 3d direction, which would be their "time" - but a 4d being can move forwards and backward in time. Like a time-traveler, perhaps. If it helps, this is the "first" temporal dimension and works much like the 1st physical dimension - A line.
 5th dimension - All the futures that can happen, by chance or choice. The Yellowstone volcano might erupt and destroy the USA tomorrow. It might not. Donald Trump may or may not become president, and then could and could not make America great again. These are all possibilities that a 5d being could travel between. This is the temporal analogue to the 2nd physical dimension, a plane.
 6th dimension - All the spacetimes that can't occur by chance or choice; Alternate history scenarios are a facet of this. A world where the dinosaurs never became extinct could be accessed by a 6d being from, let's say, a world where the Sun didn't form. This is the last temporal dimension and constitutes our entire temporal and spatial "universe".
 7th dimension - The 7th dimension takes the 6th dimension - Our entire universe - and makes it just another point in a line of varying intensity of a certain characteristics of an universe that can radically change how matter forms in it. (The speed of light or intensity of gravity, for example)
  8th dimension -  This dimension takes one of the lines one could draw to form the 7th and draws another - Maximum speed of light and intensity gravity - to create a plane of all possible universes.
 9th dimension - By now I'd have expected this to just be the third multiversal(?) dimension, but instead I'm presented with a "selection pattern which favors certain universes to exist" one of which was ours; The author equates this dimension with God (Not really, though. He equated the 7th dimension with God, and called the 9th dimension God 2.0) in the sense that this dimension enabled the universe to exist. Whether this dimension is sentient or not, let alone the Deus Vult-y entity I wish to believe in but simply can't bring myself to probably cannot be answered.
 The 10th dimension is the totality of the multiverse - Described as an "Omniverse" in the videos, which is a single point that isn't constituent of any line of its own, bringing us back to the 0th dimension. Spooky.

 I think that's all the world perception I can handle having shattered in a single day. I'm going to need some memes to recover from these revelations.

Just the stuff.

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